[clasp] 01/11: Merge tag 'upstream/3.3.0'

Thomas Krennwallner tkren-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun May 7 13:53:46 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tkren-guest pushed a commit to branch devel
in repository clasp.

commit 816771902c2df1c408227e681ad60b913b2fb8ce
Merge: 0cb473d e9ebe40
Author: Thomas Krennwallner <tkren at kr.tuwien.ac.at>
Date:   Sun May 7 09:41:16 2017 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/3.3.0'
    Upstream version 3.3.0

 .travis.yml                                        |   50 +
 CHANGES                                            |   34 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |  156 +-
 COPYING                                            |  339 --
 LICENSE                                            |   22 +
 README                                             |  160 -
 README.md                                          |  125 +
 app/CMakeLists.txt                                 |   29 +-
 app/clasp_app.cpp                                  |  224 +-
 app/clasp_app.h                                    |   61 +-
 app/lpconvert/lpconvert.cpp                        |  108 -
 app/main.cpp                                       |   28 +-
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/app/app.vcproj                 |  408 --
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/app/app.vcxproj                |  379 --
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/clasp.sln                      |  135 -
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/clasp.vcproj                   |  180 -
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/examples/examples.vcproj       |  211 -
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/examples/examples.vcxproj      |  183 -
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/lib/lib.vcproj                 |  563 --
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/lib/lib.vcxproj                |  362 --
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/liblp/liblp.vcproj             |  303 --
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/liblp/liblp.vcxproj            |  230 -
 .../clasp/libprogram_opts/libprogram_opts.vcxproj  |  214 -
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/test/test.vcproj               |  262 -
 build_vc/vc10/clasp/test/test.vcxproj              |  206 -
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/app/app.vcproj                 |  408 --
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/app/app.vcxproj                |  384 --
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/clasp.sln                      |  177 -
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/clasp.vcproj                   |  180 -
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/examples/examples.vcproj       |  211 -
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/examples/examples.vcxproj      |  198 -
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/lib/lib.vcproj                 |  563 --
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/lib/lib.vcxproj                |  371 --
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/liblplp/liblp.vcxproj          |  243 -
 .../clasp/libprogram_opts/libprogram_opts.vcxproj  |  220 -
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/lpconvert/lpconvert.vcxproj    |  113 -
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/test/test.vcproj               |  262 -
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/test/test.vcxproj              |  215 -
 build_vc/vc12/clasp/test_lp/test_lp.vcxproj        |  162 -
 build_vc/vc9/clasp/app/app.vcproj                  |  356 --
 build_vc/vc9/clasp/clasp.sln                       |  104 -
 build_vc/vc9/clasp/clasp.vcproj                    |  180 -
 build_vc/vc9/clasp/examples/examples.vcproj        |  215 -
 build_vc/vc9/clasp/lib/lib.vcproj                  |  579 --
 build_vc/vc9/clasp/liblp/liblp.vcproj              |  302 --
 .../clasp/libprogram_opts/libprogram_opts.vcproj   |  280 -
 build_vc/vc9/clasp/lpconvert/lpconvert.vcproj      |  271 -
 build_vc/vc9/clasp/test/test.vcproj                |  270 -
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/asp_preprocessor.h       |   28 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/cb_enumerator.h          |   28 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/clasp_facade.h           |  252 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/claspfwd.h               |   28 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/clause.h                 |   37 +-
 clasp/cli/clasp_cli_configs.inl                    |   95 +
 .../clasp => clasp}/cli/clasp_cli_options.inl      |  371 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/cli/clasp_options.h      |   54 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/cli/clasp_output.h       |   39 +-
 clasp/clingo.h                                     |  168 +
 clasp/config.h.in                                  |   86 +
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/constraint.h             |   28 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/dependency_graph.h       |   28 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/enumerator.h             |   56 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/heuristics.h             |   28 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/literal.h                |   30 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/logic_program.h          |   68 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/logic_program_types.h    |   38 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/lookahead.h              |   28 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/minimize_constraint.h    |  142 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/model_enumerators.h      |   48 +-
 clasp/mt/mutex.h                                   |   50 +
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp/mt}/parallel_solve.h      |   89 +-
 clasp/mt/thread.h                                  |   33 +
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/parser.h                 |   56 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/pod_vector.h             |   32 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/program_builder.h        |   35 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/satelite.h               |   28 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/shared_context.h         |   50 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/solve_algorithms.h       |   30 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/solver.h                 |   36 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/solver_strategies.h      |  122 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/solver_types.h           |   32 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/statistics.h             |   42 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/unfounded_check.h        |   32 +-
 clasp/util/hash.h                                  |   48 +
 .../clasp => clasp}/util/indexed_priority_queue.h  |   52 +-
 .../clasp => clasp}/util/left_right_sequence.h     |   56 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/util/misc_types.h        |   34 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/util/multi_queue.h       |   45 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/util/pod_vector.h        |  124 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/util/timer.h             |   36 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/util/type_manip.h        |   48 +-
 {libclasp/clasp => clasp}/weight_constraint.h      |   38 +-
 cmake/clasp-config-version.cmake.in                |   19 +
 cmake/clasp-config.cmake                           |    2 +
 configure.bat                                      |  274 -
 configure.sh                                       |  295 -
 doc/api/clasp.doxy                                 | 2363 ++++++++
 doc/api/clasp.txt                                  |   35 +
 doc/api/layout.css                                 |   74 +
 doc/api/layout.xml                                 |  194 +
 doc/api/potassco-logo.png                          |  Bin 0 -> 3319 bytes
 examples/CMakeLists.txt                            |   10 +
 examples/example.h                                 |   37 +
 {libclasp/example => examples}/example1.cpp        |   28 +-
 {libclasp/example => examples}/example2.cpp        |   28 +-
 examples/example3.cpp                              |   69 +
 examples/example4.cpp                              |   62 +
 {libclasp/example => examples}/main.cpp            |   32 +-
 libclasp/CMakeLists.txt                            |   25 -
 libclasp/Makefile                                  |   48 -
 libclasp/clasp/cli/clasp_cli_configs.inl           |   91 -
 libclasp/clasp/clingo.h                            |  144 -
 libclasp/clasp/util/atomic.h                       |  128 -
 libclasp/clasp/util/hash_map.h                     |   77 -
 libclasp/clasp/util/mutex.h                        |   88 -
 libclasp/clasp/util/platform.h                     |  216 -
 libclasp/clasp/util/thread.h                       |   44 -
 libclasp/doc/api/clasp                             | 1793 -------
 libclasp/doc/api/clasp.txt                         |   42 -
 libclasp/example/Makefile                          |   50 -
 libclasp/example/example.h                         |   34 -
 libclasp/example/example3.cpp                      |   60 -
 libclasp/example/example4.cpp                      |   61 -
 libclasp/tests/Makefile                            |   40 -
 libclasp/tests/clause_creator_test.cpp             |  607 ---
 libclasp/tests/clause_test.cpp                     | 1038 ----
 libclasp/tests/cli_test.cpp                        |  613 ---
 libclasp/tests/decision_heuristic_test.cpp         |  815 ---
 libclasp/tests/dependency_graph_test.cpp           |  383 --
 libclasp/tests/dlp_builder_test.cpp                |  340 --
 libclasp/tests/enumerator_test.cpp                 |  415 --
 libclasp/tests/facade_test.cpp                     | 1643 ------
 libclasp/tests/literal_test.cpp                    |  225 -
 libclasp/tests/minimize_test.cpp                   | 1248 -----
 libclasp/tests/parser_test.cpp                     | 1118 ----
 libclasp/tests/program_builder_test.cpp            | 2436 ---------
 libclasp/tests/satelite_test.cpp                   |  218 -
 libclasp/tests/shared_clause_test.cpp              |  280 -
 libclasp/tests/solver_test.cpp                     | 2046 -------
 libclasp/tests/test.h                              |   38 -
 libclasp/tests/test_main.cpp                       |  105 -
 libclasp/tests/unfounded_check_test.cpp            |  612 ---
 libclasp/tests/weight_constraint_test.cpp          |  820 ---
 liblp/CMakeLists.txt                               |   13 -
 liblp/Doxyfile                                     | 1792 -------
 liblp/potassco/aspif_text.h                        |   70 -
 liblp/src/aspif_text.cpp                           |  324 --
 liblp/src/clingo.cpp                               |   29 -
 liblp/src/rule_utils.cpp                           |  231 -
 liblp/tests/CMakeLists.txt                         |    5 -
 liblp/tests/main.cpp                               |    2 -
 liblp/tests/text.cpp                               |  153 -
 libpotassco/.travis.yml                            |   47 +
 libpotassco/CMakeLists.txt                         |   66 +
 libpotassco/LICENSE                                |   22 +
 libpotassco/README.md                              |   64 +
 libpotassco/app/CMakeLists.txt                     |    5 +
 libpotassco/app/lpconvert.cpp                      |  123 +
 libpotassco/cmake/potassco-config-version.cmake.in |   19 +
 libpotassco/cmake/potassco-config.cmake            |    2 +
 libpotassco/doc/Doxyfile                           | 2406 +++++++++
 libpotassco/doc/layout.css                         |   74 +
 libpotassco/doc/layout.xml                         |  194 +
 libpotassco/doc/potassco-logo.png                  |  Bin 0 -> 3319 bytes
 .../potassco}/application.h                        |   60 +-
 {liblp => libpotassco}/potassco/aspif.h            |   63 +-
 libpotassco/potassco/aspif_text.h                  |  139 +
 {liblp => libpotassco}/potassco/basic_types.h      |  150 +-
 {liblp => libpotassco}/potassco/clingo.h           |   66 +-
 {liblp => libpotassco}/potassco/convert.h          |   51 +-
 .../potassco/match_basic_types.h                   |  130 +-
 libpotassco/potassco/platform.h                    |  174 +
 .../potassco}/program_opts/detail/notifier.h       |   33 +-
 .../potassco/program_opts/detail/refcountable.h    |   82 +
 .../potassco}/program_opts/detail/value_store.h    |   31 +-
 .../potassco}/program_opts/errors.h                |   47 +-
 .../potassco}/program_opts/mapped_value.h          |   39 +-
 .../potassco}/program_opts/program_options.h       |   85 +-
 .../potassco}/program_opts/typed_value.h           |   66 +-
 .../potassco}/program_opts/value.h                 |   90 +-
 .../potassco}/program_opts/value_store.h           |   35 +-
 {liblp => libpotassco}/potassco/rule_utils.h       |  106 +-
 {liblp => libpotassco}/potassco/smodels.h          |   57 +-
 .../potassco}/string_convert.h                     |  148 +-
 {liblp => libpotassco}/potassco/theory_data.h      |  129 +-
 libpotassco/src/CMakeLists.txt                     |   69 +
 .../src/application.cpp                            |  120 +-
 {liblp => libpotassco}/src/aspif.cpp               |  174 +-
 libpotassco/src/aspif_text.cpp                     |  640 +++
 libpotassco/src/clingo.cpp                         |   35 +
 {liblp => libpotassco}/src/convert.cpp             |   86 +-
 {liblp => libpotassco}/src/match_basic_types.cpp   |  187 +-
 .../src/program_options.cpp                        |  302 +-
 libpotassco/src/rule_utils.cpp                     |  245 +
 {liblp => libpotassco}/src/smodels.cpp             |  160 +-
 libpotassco/src/string_convert.cpp                 |  523 ++
 {liblp => libpotassco}/src/theory_data.cpp         |  227 +-
 libpotassco/src/value_store.cpp                    |   86 +
 libpotassco/tests/CMakeLists.txt                   |   35 +
 {liblp => libpotassco}/tests/catch.hpp             | 5477 +++++++++++++------
 libpotassco/tests/main.cpp                         |   19 +
 libpotassco/tests/test_application.cpp             |  108 +
 .../aspif.cpp => libpotassco/tests/test_aspif.cpp  |  194 +-
 .../common.h => libpotassco/tests/test_common.h    |   45 +-
 libpotassco/tests/test_options.cpp                 |  372 ++
 .../tests/test_smodels.cpp                         |   43 +-
 libpotassco/tests/test_string_convert.cpp          |  442 ++
 libpotassco/tests/test_text.cpp                    |  458 ++
 libpotassco/tests/test_value.cpp                   |  240 +
 libprogram_opts/CMakeLists.txt                     |    4 -
 libprogram_opts/Makefile                           |   48 -
 libprogram_opts/program_opts/detail/alarm.h        |   76 -
 libprogram_opts/program_opts/detail/refcountable.h |   72 -
 libprogram_opts/src/alarm.cpp                      |  161 -
 libprogram_opts/src/string_convert.cpp             |  258 -
 libprogram_opts/src/value_store.cpp                |   81 -
 src/CMakeLists.txt                                 |  152 +
 {libclasp/src => src}/asp_preprocessor.cpp         |   28 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/cb_enumerator.cpp            |   37 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/clasp_facade.cpp             |  682 ++-
 {libclasp/src => src}/clasp_options.cpp            |  425 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/clasp_output.cpp             |  110 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/clause.cpp                   |   34 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/clingo.cpp                   |  121 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/constraint.cpp               |   32 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/dependency_graph.cpp         |   66 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/enumerator.cpp               |   90 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/heuristics.cpp               |  128 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/logic_program.cpp            |  157 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/logic_program_types.cpp      |   48 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/lookahead.cpp                |   28 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/minimize_constraint.cpp      |  684 ++-
 {libclasp/src => src}/model_enumerators.cpp        |  188 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/parallel_solve.cpp           |  143 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/parser.cpp                   |  115 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/program_builder.cpp          |   77 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/satelite.cpp                 |   28 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/shared_context.cpp           |  118 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/solve_algorithms.cpp         |   44 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/solver.cpp                   |   88 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/solver_strategies.cpp        |   46 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/solver_types.cpp             |   38 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/statistics.cpp               |   58 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/timer.cpp                    |   53 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/unfounded_check.cpp          |   28 +-
 {libclasp/src => src}/weight_constraint.cpp        |   51 +-
 sync-prg-opts.sh                                   |   11 -
 tests/CMakeLists.txt                               |    7 +
 {liblp/tests => tests}/catch.hpp                   | 5662 +++++++++++++-------
 tests/clause_creator_test.cpp                      |  535 ++
 tests/clause_test.cpp                              | 1029 ++++
 tests/cli_test.cpp                                 |  625 +++
 tests/decision_heuristic_test.cpp                  |  677 +++
 tests/dependency_graph_test.cpp                    |  351 ++
 tests/dlp_builder_test.cpp                         |  314 ++
 tests/enumerator_test.cpp                          |  541 ++
 tests/facade_test.cpp                              | 1572 ++++++
 tests/literal_test.cpp                             |  205 +
 {libclasp/tests => tests}/lpcompare.h              |   42 +-
 tests/minimize_test.cpp                            | 1117 ++++
 tests/parser_test.cpp                              |  970 ++++
 tests/program_builder_test.cpp                     | 2300 ++++++++
 {libclasp/tests => tests}/rule_test.cpp            |  378 +-
 tests/satelite_test.cpp                            |  185 +
 tests/solver_test.cpp                              | 1926 +++++++
 tests/test_main.cpp                                |   46 +
 tests/unfounded_check_test.cpp                     |  579 ++
 tests/weight_constraint_test.cpp                   |  717 +++
 tools/Base.in                                      |   36 -
 tools/BaseRule.in                                  |   14 -
 tools/FindTBB.cmake                                |  283 -
 tools/LibRule.in                                   |   37 -
 tools/ProjRule.in                                  |   42 -
 tools/clasp-option-config-discrete.txt             |  215 -
 tools/clasp-option-config.txt                      |  218 -
 tools/clasp-option-template.inl                    |  260 +
 tools/clasp-test.in                                |   20 -
 tools/dummy.txt                                    |    0
 tools/generate-pcs.sh                              |   67 +
 tools/has_std_thread.cpp                           |   13 -
 280 files changed, 37576 insertions(+), 41251 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/clasp.git

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