[keras] 01/07: Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.9'

Stephen Sinclair sinclairs-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Nov 9 15:27:32 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sinclairs-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository keras.

commit cf995d091d80d607c8d01249ea40add3318782df
Merge: 2592326 3b24375
Author: Stephen Sinclair <radarsat1 at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Nov 8 11:14:56 2017 -0300

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.9'
    Upstream version 2.0.9

 .github/stale.yml                                  |   19 +
 .gitignore                                         |    3 +
 .travis.yml                                        |   63 +-
 CONTRIBUTING.md                                    |   52 +-
 ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md                                  |    8 +-
 LICENSE                                            |    6 +-
 MANIFEST.in                                        |    5 +
 README.md                                          |  119 +-
 docker/Dockerfile                                  |   29 +-
 docker/Makefile                                    |   15 +-
 docker/README.md                                   |    4 +-
 docker/theanorc                                    |    2 +-
 docs/autogen.py                                    |  356 +-
 docs/mkdocs.yml                                    |   17 +-
 docs/templates/activations.md                      |   28 +-
 docs/templates/applications.md                     |  602 +++
 docs/templates/backend.md                          |   77 +-
 docs/templates/callbacks.md                        |   16 +-
 docs/templates/constraints.md                      |   17 +-
 docs/templates/datasets.md                         |  140 +-
 docs/templates/getting-started/faq.md              |  347 +-
 .../getting-started/functional-api-guide.md        |  189 +-
 .../getting-started/sequential-model-guide.md      |  422 +-
 docs/templates/index.md                            |  162 +-
 docs/templates/initializations.md                  |   50 -
 docs/templates/initializers.md                     |   43 +
 docs/templates/layers/about-keras-layers.md        |   14 +-
 .../layers/writing-your-own-keras-layers.md        |   25 +-
 docs/templates/losses.md                           |   37 +
 docs/templates/metrics.md                          |   56 +
 docs/templates/models/about-keras-models.md        |    4 +-
 docs/templates/models/model.md                     |    6 +-
 docs/templates/objectives.md                       |   32 -
 docs/templates/optimizers.md                       |   20 +-
 docs/templates/preprocessing/image.md              |  130 +-
 docs/templates/preprocessing/sequence.md           |    7 +-
 docs/templates/preprocessing/text.md               |   72 +-
 docs/templates/regularizers.md                     |   40 +-
 docs/templates/scikit-learn-api.md                 |    4 +-
 docs/templates/visualization.md                    |   12 +-
 examples/README.md                                 |  120 +
 examples/addition_rnn.py                           |  148 +-
 examples/antirectifier.py                          |   67 +-
 examples/babi_memnn.py                             |  134 +-
 examples/babi_rnn.py                               |   92 +-
 examples/cifar10_cnn.py                            |  114 +-
 examples/cifar10_resnet.py                         |  192 +
 examples/conv_filter_visualization.py              |  103 +-
 examples/conv_lstm.py                              |  141 +
 examples/deep_dream.py                             |  318 +-
 examples/image_ocr.py                              |  505 +++
 examples/imdb_bidirectional_lstm.py                |   56 +-
 examples/imdb_cnn.py                               |   56 +-
 examples/imdb_cnn_lstm.py                          |   49 +-
 examples/imdb_fasttext.py                          |  135 +
 examples/imdb_lstm.py                              |   40 +-
 examples/inception_v3.py                           |  290 --
 examples/lstm_benchmark.py                         |   83 -
 examples/lstm_seq2seq.py                           |  229 ++
 examples/lstm_stateful.py                          |  238 ++
 examples/lstm_text_generation.py                   |   20 +-
 examples/mnist_acgan.py                            |  317 ++
 examples/mnist_cnn.py                              |   86 +-
 examples/mnist_dataset_api.py                      |  113 +
 examples/mnist_hierarchical_rnn.py                 |   90 +
 examples/mnist_irnn.py                             |   53 +-
 examples/mnist_mlp.py                              |   56 +-
 examples/mnist_net2net.py                          |  397 ++
 examples/mnist_siamese.py                          |  139 +
 examples/mnist_siamese_graph.py                    |  130 -
 examples/mnist_sklearn_wrapper.py                  |   76 +-
 examples/mnist_swwae.py                            |  203 +
 examples/mnist_tfrecord.py                         |  157 +
 examples/mnist_transfer_cnn.py                     |   96 +-
 examples/neural_doodle.py                          |  367 ++
 examples/neural_style_transfer.py                  |  178 +-
 examples/pretrained_word_embeddings.py             |   52 +-
 examples/resnet_50.py                              |  220 --
 examples/reuters_mlp.py                            |   54 +-
 examples/reuters_mlp_relu_vs_selu.py               |  174 +
 examples/stateful_lstm.py                          |   84 -
 examples/variational_autoencoder.py                |   57 +-
 examples/variational_autoencoder_deconv.py         |  192 +-
 keras/__init__.py                                  |   16 +-
 keras/activations.py                               |   76 +-
 keras/applications/__init__.py                     |    7 +
 keras/applications/imagenet_utils.py               |  192 +
 keras/applications/inception_resnet_v2.py          |  374 ++
 keras/applications/inception_v3.py                 |  400 ++
 keras/applications/mobilenet.py                    |  664 ++++
 keras/applications/resnet50.py                     |  282 ++
 keras/applications/vgg16.py                        |  192 +
 keras/applications/vgg19.py                        |  195 +
 keras/applications/xception.py                     |  275 ++
 keras/backend/__init__.py                          |   85 +-
 keras/backend/cntk_backend.py                      | 2457 ++++++++++++
 keras/backend/common.py                            |  184 +-
 keras/backend/tensorflow_backend.py                | 4092 ++++++++++++++++----
 keras/backend/theano_backend.py                    | 2141 +++++++---
 keras/callbacks.py                                 |  924 ++++-
 keras/constraints.py                               |  197 +-
 keras/datasets/__init__.py                         |    9 +
 keras/datasets/boston_housing.py                   |   37 +
 keras/datasets/cifar.py                            |   19 +-
 keras/datasets/cifar10.py                          |   28 +-
 keras/datasets/cifar100.py                         |   31 +-
 keras/datasets/data_utils.py                       |    4 -
 keras/datasets/fashion_mnist.py                    |   37 +
 keras/datasets/imdb.py                             |  147 +-
 keras/datasets/mnist.py                            |   32 +-
 keras/datasets/reuters.py                          |  121 +-
 keras/engine/__init__.py                           |    2 -
 keras/engine/topology.py                           | 3560 ++++++++++-------
 keras/engine/training.py                           | 2715 ++++++++-----
 keras/initializations.py                           |  107 -
 keras/initializers.py                              |  498 +++
 keras/layers/__init__.py                           |   45 +-
 keras/layers/advanced_activations.py               |  272 +-
 keras/layers/convolutional.py                      | 2935 ++++++++------
 keras/layers/convolutional_recurrent.py            |  561 +++
 keras/layers/core.py                               | 1197 +++---
 keras/layers/cudnn_recurrent.py                    |  524 +++
 keras/layers/embeddings.py                         |  168 +-
 keras/layers/local.py                              |  654 ++--
 keras/layers/merge.py                              |  646 +++
 keras/layers/noise.py                              |  144 +-
 keras/layers/normalization.py                      |  299 +-
 keras/layers/pooling.py                            |  766 ++--
 keras/layers/recurrent.py                          | 2645 +++++++++----
 keras/layers/wrappers.py                           |  358 +-
 keras/legacy/interfaces.py                         |  660 ++++
 keras/legacy/layers.py                             | 1116 ++++++
 keras/legacy/models.py                             |  790 +---
 keras/losses.py                                    |  108 +
 keras/metrics.py                                   |  106 +-
 keras/models.py                                    | 1535 +++++---
 keras/objectives.py                                |   81 +-
 keras/optimizers.py                                |  519 ++-
 keras/preprocessing/image.py                       | 1040 +++--
 keras/preprocessing/sequence.py                    |  101 +-
 keras/preprocessing/text.py                        |  289 +-
 keras/regularizers.py                              |  166 +-
 keras/utils/__init__.py                            |   25 +
 keras/utils/conv_utils.py                          |  152 +
 keras/utils/data_utils.py                          |  636 ++-
 keras/utils/generic_utils.py                       |  403 +-
 keras/utils/io_utils.py                            |  116 +-
 keras/utils/layer_utils.py                         |  226 +-
 keras/utils/np_utils.py                            |  153 +-
 keras/utils/test_utils.py                          |  130 +-
 keras/utils/training_utils.py                      |  157 +
 keras/utils/vis_utils.py                           |  137 +
 keras/utils/visualize_util.py                      |   67 -
 keras/wrappers/scikit_learn.py                     |  224 +-
 pytest.ini                                         |   26 +-
 setup.py                                           |   28 +-
 tests/integration_tests/test_image_data_tasks.py   |   41 +-
 .../integration_tests/test_temporal_data_tasks.py  |  160 +-
 tests/integration_tests/test_vector_data_tasks.py  |   68 +-
 tests/keras/activations_test.py                    |  219 ++
 tests/keras/applications/applications_test.py      |  358 ++
 tests/keras/applications/imagenet_utils_test.py    |  154 +
 tests/keras/backend/backend_test.py                | 1382 +++++++
 tests/keras/backend/test_backends.py               |  595 ---
 tests/keras/constraints_test.py                    |   84 +
 tests/keras/datasets/test_datasets.py              |   63 +-
 tests/keras/engine/test_topology.py                |  589 ++-
 tests/keras/engine/test_training.py                |  831 +++-
 tests/keras/initializers_test.py                   |  131 +
 tests/keras/layers/advanced_activations_test.py    |   40 +
 tests/keras/layers/convolutional_recurrent_test.py |  156 +
 tests/keras/layers/convolutional_test.py           |  888 +++++
 tests/keras/layers/core_test.py                    |  249 ++
 tests/keras/layers/cudnn_recurrent_test.py         |  381 ++
 tests/keras/layers/embeddings_test.py              |   32 +
 tests/keras/layers/local_test.py                   |   63 +
 tests/keras/layers/merge_test.py                   |  292 ++
 tests/keras/layers/noise_test.py                   |   36 +
 tests/keras/layers/normalization_test.py           |  138 +
 tests/keras/layers/recurrent_test.py               |  747 ++++
 tests/keras/layers/test_advanced_activations.py    |   53 -
 tests/keras/layers/test_convolutional.py           |  448 ---
 tests/keras/layers/test_core.py                    |  328 --
 tests/keras/layers/test_embeddings.py              |   17 -
 tests/keras/layers/test_local.py                   |   76 -
 tests/keras/layers/test_noise.py                   |   21 -
 tests/keras/layers/test_normalization.py           |   79 -
 tests/keras/layers/test_recurrent.py               |  141 -
 tests/keras/layers/test_wrappers.py                |   80 -
 tests/keras/layers/wrappers_test.py                |  198 +
 tests/keras/legacy/interface_test.py               |  871 +++++
 tests/keras/legacy/layers_test.py                  |  317 ++
 tests/keras/legacy/models_test.py                  |  290 ++
 tests/keras/losses_test.py                         |   70 +
 tests/keras/metrics_test.py                        |  104 +
 tests/keras/optimizers_test.py                     |  142 +
 tests/keras/preprocessing/image_test.py            |  371 ++
 .../{test_sequence.py => sequence_test.py}         |    2 +-
 tests/keras/preprocessing/test_image.py            |   95 -
 tests/keras/preprocessing/test_text.py             |   34 -
 tests/keras/preprocessing/text_test.py             |   71 +
 tests/keras/regularizers_test.py                   |   60 +
 tests/keras/test_activations.py                    |  157 -
 tests/keras/test_callbacks.py                      |  785 +++-
 tests/keras/test_constraints.py                    |   48 -
 tests/keras/test_initializations.py                |  107 -
 tests/keras/test_metrics.py                        |   44 -
 tests/keras/test_multiprocessing.py                |  182 -
 tests/keras/test_objectives.py                     |   48 -
 tests/keras/test_optimizers.py                     |   71 -
 tests/keras/test_regularizers.py                   |   86 -
 tests/keras/test_sequential_model.py               |  486 +--
 tests/keras/utils/data_utils_test.py               |  284 ++
 tests/keras/utils/generic_utils_test.py            |   80 +
 tests/keras/utils/io_utils_test.py                 |   83 +
 tests/keras/utils/layer_utils_test.py              |   65 +
 tests/keras/utils/multi_gpu_test.py                |  215 +
 tests/keras/utils/vis_utils_test.py                |   31 +
 tests/keras/wrappers/scikit_learn_test.py          |  181 +
 tests/keras/wrappers/test_scikit_learn.py          |  122 -
 tests/test_documentation.py                        |  151 +
 tests/test_dynamic_trainability.py                 |  114 +
 tests/test_loss_masking.py                         |   22 +-
 tests/test_loss_weighting.py                       |  316 +-
 tests/test_model_saving.py                         |  321 +-
 tests/test_multiprocessing.py                      |  301 ++
 226 files changed, 48589 insertions(+), 17252 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/keras.git

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