[r-cran-spdep] 26/26: Merge tag 'upstream/0.6-15'

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Sun Nov 19 15:23:28 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastien pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-spdep.

commit 7db29061ea20ad5d3e355999392b81e54f79c50b
Merge: 45a8028 043091e
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Nov 19 16:22:14 2017 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.6-15'
    Upstream version 0.6-15

 ChangeLog                             | 3660 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 DESCRIPTION                           |   91 +
 MD5                                   |  331 +++
 NAMESPACE                             |  239 +++
 R/AAA.R                               |   28 +
 R/EBI.R                               |  269 +++
 R/LR.spsarlm.R                        |   39 +
 R/ME.R                                |  175 ++
 R/SpatialFiltering.R                  |  308 +++
 R/airdist.R                           |   18 +
 R/anova.sarlm.R                       |   76 +
 R/aple.R                              |   44 +
 R/aple.mc.R                           |   60 +
 R/apleplot.R                          |   22 +
 R/autocov.R                           |   71 +
 R/bptest.sarlm.R                      |   37 +
 R/card.R                              |    8 +
 R/cellneighbours.R                    |  103 +
 R/choynowski.R                        |   39 +
 R/components.R                        |   13 +
 R/cyclical.R                          |   51 +
 R/diffnb.R                            |   36 +
 R/dnearneigh.R                        |   61 +
 R/droplinks.R                         |   35 +
 R/edit.nb.R                           |  165 ++
 R/eigenw.R                            |   76 +
 R/error.hessian.R                     |   83 +
 R/error.spsarlm.R                     |  578 ++++++
 R/gabrielneigh.R                      |   33 +
 R/geary.R                             |  172 ++
 R/globalG.R                           |   77 +
 R/graph2nb.R                          |   35 +
 R/impacts.R                           |  869 ++++++++
 R/jacobian.R                          |  821 ++++++++
 R/jacobian_setup.R                    |  174 ++
 R/jc.R                                |  315 +++
 R/knearneigh.R                        |   67 +
 R/knn2nb.R                            |   31 +
 R/kpgm_new.R                          |  622 ++++++
 R/lag.hessian.R                       |   97 +
 R/lag.spsarlm.R                       |  293 +++
 R/lee.R                               |   38 +
 R/lee.mc.R                            |  117 ++
 R/lee.test.R                          |  116 ++
 R/lee_internal.R                      |  108 +
 R/lextrB.R                            |  340 +++
 R/lextrW.R                            |  286 +++
 R/listw2Matrix.R                      |   59 +
 R/listw2sn.R                          |   82 +
 R/lm.LMtests.R                        |  201 ++
 R/lm.morantest.R                      |   87 +
 R/localG.R                            |   53 +
 R/localmoran.R                        |   77 +
 R/localmoran.exact.R                  |  150 ++
 R/mcmcsamp.R                          |  246 +++
 R/mess.R                              |  302 +++
 R/moran.R                             |  189 ++
 R/moran.exact.R                       |  227 ++
 R/moran.exact.alt.R                   |  104 +
 R/moran.plot.R                        |   53 +
 R/mstree.R                            |   29 +
 R/mtlocalmoran.R                      |  270 +++
 R/mtmoran.R                           |  165 ++
 R/nb2blocknb.R                        |   53 +
 R/nb2lines.R                          |   61 +
 R/nb2listw.R                          |  313 +++
 R/nb2mat.R                            |  182 ++
 R/nbcosts.R                           |   92 +
 R/nbdists.R                           |   38 +
 R/nblag.R                             |   71 +
 R/nboperations.R                      |  126 ++
 R/p.adjustSP.R                        |   12 +
 R/plot.mst.R                          |   19 +
 R/plot.nb.R                           |   57 +
 R/plot.skater.R                       |   26 +
 R/poly2nb.R                           |  235 +++
 R/prunecost.R                         |   86 +
 R/prunemst.R                          |   18 +
 R/read.gal.R                          |  119 ++
 R/read.gwt2nb.R                       |  178 ++
 R/relneigh.R                          |   30 +
 R/rotation.R                          |   14 +
 R/s2sls.R                             |  332 +++
 R/sacsarlm.R                          |  418 ++++
 R/sarlm.R                             |  857 ++++++++
 R/skater.R                            |  106 +
 R/soi.R                               |   58 +
 R/sp.correlogram.R                    |  122 ++
 R/sp.mantel.R                         |  126 ++
 R/spBreg.R                            |  301 +++
 R/spChkOption.R                       |  126 ++
 R/spautolm.R                          |  473 +++++
 R/subset.nb.R                         |   61 +
 R/summary.nb.R                        |  113 +
 R/summary.spsarlm.R                   |  402 ++++
 R/tolerance.nb.R                      |   85 +
 R/tri2nb.R                            |   47 +
 R/utils.R                             |  213 ++
 R/weights-utils.R                     |  151 ++
 build/vignette.rds                    |  Bin 0 -> 390 bytes
 data/NY_data.rda                      |  Bin 0 -> 23436 bytes
 data/afcon.rda                        |  Bin 0 -> 2196 bytes
 data/auckland.rda                     |  Bin 0 -> 11655 bytes
 data/baltimore.rda                    |  Bin 0 -> 4448 bytes
 data/boston.rda                       |  Bin 0 -> 21376 bytes
 data/columbus.rda                     |  Bin 0 -> 13636 bytes
 data/datalist                         |   16 +
 data/eire.rda                         |  Bin 0 -> 7332 bytes
 data/elect80.rda                      |  Bin 0 -> 253755 bytes
 data/getisord.rda                     |  Bin 0 -> 984 bytes
 data/hopkins.rda                      |  Bin 0 -> 732 bytes
 data/house.RData                      |  Bin 0 -> 791460 bytes
 data/huddersfield.rda                 |  Bin 0 -> 454 bytes
 data/nc.sids.rda                      |  Bin 0 -> 21024 bytes
 data/oldcol.rda                       |  Bin 0 -> 4651 bytes
 data/used.cars.rda                    |  Bin 0 -> 1021 bytes
 data/wheat.rda                        |  Bin 0 -> 1452 bytes
 inst/CHANGES                          |   66 +
 inst/CITATION                         |   39 +
 inst/ChangeLog                        | 3660 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 inst/README                           |  107 +
 inst/doc/CO69.R                       |  537 +++++
 inst/doc/CO69.Rnw                     |  910 ++++++++
 inst/doc/CO69.pdf                     |  Bin 0 -> 219354 bytes
 inst/doc/SpatialFiltering.R           |  135 ++
 inst/doc/SpatialFiltering.Rnw         |  234 +++
 inst/doc/SpatialFiltering.pdf         |  Bin 0 -> 344747 bytes
 inst/doc/backstore/boot_res.RData     |  Bin 0 -> 1182 bytes
 inst/doc/backstore/nyME_res.RData     |  Bin 0 -> 16185 bytes
 inst/doc/nb.R                         |  372 ++++
 inst/doc/nb.Rnw                       |  676 ++++++
 inst/doc/nb.pdf                       |  Bin 0 -> 334355 bytes
 inst/doc/nb_igraph.R                  |  177 ++
 inst/doc/nb_igraph.Rmd                |  321 +++
 inst/doc/nb_igraph.html               |  829 ++++++++
 inst/doc/sids.R                       |  464 +++++
 inst/doc/sids.Rnw                     |  761 +++++++
 inst/doc/sids.pdf                     |  Bin 0 -> 316674 bytes
 inst/etc/misc/geary_eire.txt          |   27 +
 inst/etc/misc/nc_xtra.dbf             |  Bin 0 -> 11025 bytes
 inst/etc/misc/nyadjwts.dbf            |  Bin 0 -> 91391 bytes
 inst/etc/misc/nydata.dbf              |  Bin 0 -> 43130 bytes
 inst/etc/misc/raw_grass_borders.RData |  Bin 0 -> 1653 bytes
 inst/etc/misc/unstand_sn.txt          |  111 +
 inst/etc/shapes/NY8_utm18.dbf         |  Bin 0 -> 146978 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/NY8_utm18.prj         |    1 +
 inst/etc/shapes/NY8_utm18.shp         |  Bin 0 -> 442336 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/NY8_utm18.shx         |  Bin 0 -> 2348 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/auckland.dbf          |  Bin 0 -> 13020 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/auckland.shp          |  Bin 0 -> 73804 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/auckland.shx          |  Bin 0 -> 1436 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/bhicv.dbf             |  Bin 0 -> 13421 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/bhicv.shp             |  Bin 0 -> 27604 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/bhicv.shx             |  Bin 0 -> 884 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/boston_tracts.dbf     |  Bin 0 -> 312907 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/boston_tracts.prj     |    1 +
 inst/etc/shapes/boston_tracts.shp     |  Bin 0 -> 156424 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/boston_tracts.shx     |  Bin 0 -> 4148 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/columbus.dbf          |  Bin 0 -> 10082 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/columbus.shp          |  Bin 0 -> 21980 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/columbus.shx          |  Bin 0 -> 492 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/eire.dbf              |  Bin 0 -> 5059 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/eire.shp              |  Bin 0 -> 14040 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/eire.shx              |  Bin 0 -> 308 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/sids.dbf              |  Bin 0 -> 34573 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/sids.shp              |  Bin 0 -> 46196 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/sids.shx              |  Bin 0 -> 900 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/wheat.dbf             |  Bin 0 -> 49289 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/wheat.shp             |  Bin 0 -> 68100 bytes
 inst/etc/shapes/wheat.shx             |  Bin 0 -> 4100 bytes
 inst/etc/weights/NY_nb.gal            |  563 +++++
 inst/etc/weights/baltk4.GWT           |  845 ++++++++
 inst/etc/weights/columbus.gal         |   99 +
 inst/etc/weights/ncCC89.gal           |  201 ++
 inst/etc/weights/ncCR85.gal           |  201 ++
 inst/etc/weights/us48.txt             |   49 +
 inst/etc/weights/us48_q.GAL           |   97 +
 inst/etc/weights/us48_rk.GAL          |   97 +
 inst/etc/weights/wmat.dat             |  232 +++
 man/COL.OLD.Rd                        |   60 +
 man/EBImoran.mc.Rd                    |   70 +
 man/EBest.Rd                          |   47 +
 man/EBlocal.Rd                        |   48 +
 man/GMerrorsar.Rd                     |  128 ++
 man/LR.sarlm.Rd                       |   58 +
 man/MCMCsamp.Rd                       |  100 +
 man/ME.Rd                             |   97 +
 man/NY_data.Rd                        |   50 +
 man/SpatialFiltering.Rd               |   72 +
 man/afcon.Rd                          |   57 +
 man/aggregate.nb.Rd                   |   43 +
 man/airdist.Rd                        |   23 +
 man/anova.sarlm.Rd                    |   39 +
 man/aple.Rd                           |   49 +
 man/aple.mc.Rd                        |   64 +
 man/aple.plot.Rd                      |   59 +
 man/as_dgRMatrix_listw.Rd             |   54 +
 man/auckland.Rd                       |   34 +
 man/autocov_dist.Rd                   |   84 +
 man/baltimore.Rd                      |   43 +
 man/bhicv.Rd                          |   31 +
 man/boston.Rd                         |  179 ++
 man/bptest.sarlm.Rd                   |   63 +
 man/card.Rd                           |   34 +
 man/cell2nb.Rd                        |   50 +
 man/choynowski.Rd                     |   57 +
 man/columbus.Rd                       |   66 +
 man/compon.Rd                         |   49 +
 man/diffnb.Rd                         |   37 +
 man/dnearneigh.Rd                     |   67 +
 man/do_ldet.Rd                        |  337 +++
 man/droplinks.Rd                      |   53 +
 man/edit.nb.Rd                        |   37 +
 man/eigenw.Rd                         |  131 ++
 man/eire.Rd                           |   98 +
 man/elect80.Rd                        |   32 +
 man/errorsarlm.Rd                     |  268 +++
 man/geary.Rd                          |   46 +
 man/geary.mc.Rd                       |   56 +
 man/geary.test.Rd                     |   66 +
 man/getisord.Rd                       |   36 +
 man/globalG.test.Rd                   |   61 +
 man/graphneigh.Rd                     |  144 ++
 man/gstsls.Rd                         |   85 +
 man/hopkins.Rd                        |   24 +
 man/house.Rd                          |   78 +
 man/huddersfield.Rd                   |   25 +
 man/impacts.sarlm.Rd                  |  176 ++
 man/include.self.Rd                   |   27 +
 man/invIrM.Rd                         |  102 +
 man/joincount.mc.Rd                   |   45 +
 man/joincount.multi.Rd                |   62 +
 man/joincount.test.Rd                 |   64 +
 man/knearneigh.Rd                     |   63 +
 man/knn2nb.Rd                         |   34 +
 man/lag.listw.Rd                      |   35 +
 man/lagmess.Rd                        |  110 +
 man/lagsarlm.Rd                       |  255 +++
 man/lee.Rd                            |   49 +
 man/lee.mc.Rd                         |   59 +
 man/lee.test.Rd                       |   98 +
 man/lextrB.Rd                         |  119 ++
 man/listw2sn.Rd                       |   47 +
 man/lm.LMtests.Rd                     |   87 +
 man/lm.morantest.Rd                   |   58 +
 man/lm.morantest.exact.Rd             |   69 +
 man/lm.morantest.sad.Rd               |   84 +
 man/localG.Rd                         |   91 +
 man/localmoran.Rd                     |   80 +
 man/localmoran.exact.Rd               |   93 +
 man/localmoran.sad.Rd                 |  137 ++
 man/mat2listw.Rd                      |   54 +
 man/moran.Rd                          |   41 +
 man/moran.mc.Rd                       |   59 +
 man/moran.plot.Rd                     |   46 +
 man/moran.test.Rd                     |   85 +
 man/mstree.Rd                         |   81 +
 man/nb2INLA.Rd                        |   32 +
 man/nb2WB.Rd                          |   36 +
 man/nb2blocknb.Rd                     |   78 +
 man/nb2lines.Rd                       |   54 +
 man/nb2listw.Rd                       |   80 +
 man/nb2mat.Rd                         |   41 +
 man/nbcosts.Rd                        |   56 +
 man/nbdists.Rd                        |   33 +
 man/nblag.Rd                          |   53 +
 man/nboperations.Rd                   |   63 +
 man/nc.sids.Rd                        |   62 +
 man/p.adjustSP.Rd                     |   38 +
 man/plot.mst.Rd                       |   28 +
 man/plot.nb.Rd                        |   40 +
 man/plot.skater.Rd                    |   29 +
 man/poly2nb.Rd                        |   60 +
 man/predict.sarlm.Rd                  |  222 ++
 man/probmap.Rd                        |   57 +
 man/prunecost.Rd                      |   59 +
 man/prunemst.Rd                       |   38 +
 man/read.gal.Rd                       |   53 +
 man/read.gwt2nb.Rd                    |   65 +
 man/residuals.sarlm.Rd                |   42 +
 man/rotation.Rd                       |   46 +
 man/sacsarlm.Rd                       |  128 ++
 man/set.mcOption.Rd                   |   82 +
 man/set.spChkOption.Rd                |   76 +
 man/similar.listw.Rd                  |   37 +
 man/skater.Rd                         |  204 ++
 man/sp.correlogram.Rd                 |   78 +
 man/sp.mantel.mc.Rd                   |   76 +
 man/spautolm.Rd                       |  249 +++
 man/spdep.Rd                          |   22 +
 man/spweights.constants.Rd            |   45 +
 man/ssw.Rd                            |   55 +
 man/stsls.Rd                          |   79 +
 man/subset.listw.Rd                   |   32 +
 man/subset.nb.Rd                      |   38 +
 man/summary.nb.Rd                     |   43 +
 man/summary.sarlm.Rd                  |   70 +
 man/testnb.Rd                         |   54 +
 man/tolerance.nb.Rd                   |   63 +
 man/trW.Rd                            |   91 +
 man/tri2nb.Rd                         |   58 +
 man/used.cars.Rd                      |   47 +
 man/wheat.Rd                          |   48 +
 man/write.nb.gal.Rd                   |   31 +
 src/Makevars                          |    1 +
 src/card.c                            |   28 +
 src/dfs_ncomp.c                       |   50 +
 src/dnn.c                             |  149 ++
 src/eminmaxC.c                        |  248 +++
 src/gabriel.c                         |   55 +
 src/gearyw.c                          |   41 +
 src/gsymtest.c                        |   42 +
 src/init.c                            |   66 +
 src/insiders.c                        |   53 +
 src/jc.c                              |   29 +
 src/knn.c                             |   78 +
 src/lagw.c                            |   48 +
 src/listw2Matrix.c                    |   60 +
 src/listw2sn.c                        |   31 +
 src/ml_sse.c                          |  435 ++++
 src/mom_calc.c                        |   55 +
 src/nbdists.c                         |   71 +
 src/polypoly.c                        |  344 ++++
 src/relative.c                        |   45 +
 src/skater.c                          |   28 +
 src/spdep.h                           |   64 +
 src/symtest.c                         |   37 +
 vignettes/CO69.Rnw                    |  910 ++++++++
 vignettes/SpatialFiltering.Rnw        |  234 +++
 vignettes/nb.Rnw                      |  676 ++++++
 vignettes/nb_igraph.Rmd               |  321 +++
 vignettes/sids.Rnw                    |  761 +++++++
 332 files changed, 45100 insertions(+)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-spdep.git

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