[r-cran-bayesm] 29/44: Import Upstream version 2.2-0

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Thu Sep 7 11:16:22 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-bayesm.

commit a93d83be696ef1519357ecf630dbabc85578185a
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Sep 7 13:09:43 2017 +0200

    Import Upstream version 2.2-0
 DESCRIPTION                |   7 +-
 NAMESPACE                  |   2 +-
 R/plot.bayesm.hcoef.R      |   2 +-
 R/plot.bayesm.mat.R        |   5 +-
 R/plot.bayesm.nmix.R       |  85 ++++--
 R/rDPGibbs.R               | 569 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/rhierLinearMixture.R     |   5 +-
 R/rhierLinearModel.R       |   7 +-
 R/rhierNegbinRw.R          |  31 +-
 R/rivDP.R                  | 697 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/rnegbinRw.R              |   1 +
 R/summary.bayesm.mat.R     |   2 +-
 R/summary.bayesm.nmix.R    |   4 +-
 inst/doc/bayesm-manual.pdf | Bin 464284 -> 464797 bytes
 man/plot.bayesm.mat.Rd     |   3 +-
 man/plot.bayesm.nmix.Rd    |  18 +-
 man/rDPGibbs.Rd            | 212 ++++++++++++++
 man/rhierNegbinRw.Rd       |   4 +-
 man/rivDP.Rd               | 148 ++++++++++
 man/rnmixGibbs.Rd          |   2 +-
 man/rscaleUsage.Rd         |   2 +-
 man/tuna.Rd                |   5 +-
 src/thetadraw.c            | 150 ++++++++++
 23 files changed, 1891 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)

index 86448c6..a8dc57f 100755
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: bayesm
-Version: 2.1-2
-Date: 2007-03-15
+Version: 2.2-0
+Date: 2008-03-28
 Title:Bayesian Inference for Marketing/Micro-econometrics 
 Author: Peter Rossi <peter.rossi at ChicagoGsb.edu>, 
         Rob McCulloch <robert.mcculloch at ChicagoGsb.edu>.
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Description: bayesm covers many important models used
   Multivariate Probit,
   Negative Binomial (Poisson) Regression,
   Multivariate Mixtures of Normals (including clustering),
+  Dirichlet Process Prior Density Estimation with normal base
   Hierarchical Linear Models with normal prior and covariates,
   Hierarchical Linear Models with a mixture of normals prior and covariates,
   Hierarchical Multinomial Logits with a mixture of normals prior
@@ -30,4 +31,4 @@ Description: bayesm covers many important models used
   Marketing by Rossi, Allenby and McCulloch. 
 License: GPL (version 2 or later)
 URL: http://faculty.chicagogsb.edu/peter.rossi/research/bsm.html
-Packaged: Thu Mar 15 17:10:45 2007; per
+Packaged: Fri Mar  7 11:04:01 2008; per
index f640295..db36bd0 100755
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ rmvpGibbs,rhierLinearModel,rhierMnlRwMixture,rivGibbs,
 ## register S3 methods
diff --git a/R/plot.bayesm.hcoef.R b/R/plot.bayesm.hcoef.R
index b031a91..a7e6d7d 100755
--- a/R/plot.bayesm.hcoef.R
+++ b/R/plot.bayesm.hcoef.R
@@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ plot.bayesm.hcoef=function(x,burnin=trunc(.1*R),...){
   for(i in 1:nvar) names[i]=paste("Posterior Means of Coef ",i,sep="")
-  plot(pmeans,names,TRACEPLOT=FALSE,INT=FALSE,DEN=FALSE,...)
diff --git a/R/plot.bayesm.mat.R b/R/plot.bayesm.mat.R
index d714239..f0f180c 100755
--- a/R/plot.bayesm.mat.R
+++ b/R/plot.bayesm.mat.R
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+      CHECK_NDRAWS=TRUE,...){
 #  S3 method to print matrices of draws the object X is of class "bayesm.mat"
@@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ plot.bayesm.mat=function(x,names,burnin=trunc(.1*nrow(X)),tvalues,TRACEPLOT=TRUE
   if(is.null(attributes(X)$dim)) X=as.matrix(X)
-  if(nrow(X) < 100) {cat("fewer than 100 draws submitted \n"); return(invisible())}
+  if(nrow(X) < 100 & CHECK_NDRAWS) {cat("fewer than 100 draws submitted \n"); return(invisible())}
         if(mode(tvalues) !="numeric") {stop("tvalues must be a numeric vector \n")} 
diff --git a/R/plot.bayesm.nmix.R b/R/plot.bayesm.nmix.R
index 6c498bd..be4cb72 100755
--- a/R/plot.bayesm.nmix.R
+++ b/R/plot.bayesm.nmix.R
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
+                          Data,ngrid=50,ndraw=200,...){
 # S3 method to plot normal mixture marginal and bivariate densities
 #     nmixlist is a list of 3 components, nmixlist[[1]]: array of mix comp prob draws,
 #     mmixlist[[2]] is not used, nmixlist[[3]] is list of draws of components
-#     P. Rossi 2/08
+#     P. Rossi 2/07
+#     P. Rossi 3/07 fixed problem with dropping dimensions on probdraw (if ncomp=1)
+#     P. Rossi 2/08 added marg flag to plot marginals
+#     P. Rossi 3/08 added Data argument to paint histograms on the marginal plots
   if(mode(nmixlist) != "list") stop(" Argument must be a list \n")
@@ -15,53 +19,71 @@ plot.bayesm.nmix=function(x,names,burnin=trunc(.1*nrow(probdraw)),Grid,bi.sel,ns
   if(R < 100) {cat(" fewer than 100 draws submitted \n"); return(invisible())}
+  OneDimData=(datad==1)
   if(missing(bi.sel)) bi.sel=list(c(1,2))  # default to the first pair of variables
-  ind=as.integer(seq(from=(burnin+1),to=R,length.out=max(200,trunc(.05*R))))
-  if(missing(Grid)){
-     out=momMix(probdraw[ind,],compdraw[ind])
-     mu=out$mu
-     sd=out$sd
-     Grid=matrix(0,nrow=50,ncol=datad)
-     for(i in 1:datad ) Grid[,i]=c(seq(from=(mu[i]-nstd*sd[i]),to=(mu[i]+nstd*sd[i]),length=50))
+  ind=as.integer(seq(from=(burnin+1),to=R,length.out=max(ndraw,trunc(.05*R))))
+  if(missing(names)) {names=as.character(1:datad)}
+  if(!missing(Data)){
+     if(!is.matrix(Data)) stop("Data argument must be a matrix \n")
+     if(ncol(Data)!= datad) stop("Data matrix is of wrong dimension \n")      
+  if(missing(Grid)){
+     Grid=matrix(0,nrow=ngrid,ncol=datad)
+     if(!missing(Data))
+	{for(i in 1:datad) Grid[,i]=c(seq(from=range(Data[,i])[1],to=range(Data[,i])[2],length=ngrid))}
+     else
+        {out=momMix(probdraw[ind,,drop=FALSE],compdraw[ind])
+         mu=out$mu
+         sd=out$sd
+         for(i in 1:datad ) Grid[,i]=c(seq(from=(mu[i]-nstd*sd[i]),
+             to=(mu[i]+nstd*sd[i]),length=ngrid))
+        }
+  }
   #  plot posterior mean of marginal densities
-  mden=eMixMargDen(Grid,probdraw[ind,],compdraw[ind])
-  nx=datad
-  if(nx==1) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) 
-  if(nx==2) par(mfrow=c(2,1))
-  if(nx==3) par(mfrow=c(3,1))
-  if(nx==4) par(mfrow=c(2,2))
-  if(nx>=5) par(mfrow=c(3,2))
+  if(marg){
+   mden=eMixMargDen(Grid,probdraw[ind,,drop=FALSE],compdraw[ind])
+   nx=datad
+   if(nx==1) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) 
+   if(nx==2) par(mfrow=c(2,1))
+   if(nx==3) par(mfrow=c(3,1))
+   if(nx==4) par(mfrow=c(2,2))
+   if(nx>=5) par(mfrow=c(3,2))
-  if(missing(names)) {names=as.character(1:nx)}
-  for(index in 1:nx){
+   for(index in 1:nx){
         if(index == 2) par(ask=dev.interactive())
-        lines(Grid[,index],mden[,index],col="black",lwd=1.5)
-        polygon(c(Grid[1,index],Grid[,index],Grid[nrow(Grid),index]),c(0,mden[,index],0),col="magenta")
+        if(!missing(Data)){
+           deltax=(range(Grid[,index])[2]-range(Grid[,index])[1])/nrow(Grid)
+           hist(Data[,index],xlim=range(Grid[,index]),
+                freq=FALSE,col="yellow",breaks=max(20,.1*nrow(Data)),add=TRUE)
+           lines(Grid[,index],mden[,index]/(sum(mden[,index])*deltax),col="red",lwd=2)}
+        else
+           {lines(Grid[,index],mden[,index],col="black",lwd=2)
+           polygon(c(Grid[1,index],Grid[,index],Grid[nrow(Grid),index]),c(0,mden[,index],0),col="magenta")}
+   }
   # now plot bivariates in list bi.sel
+  if(!OneDimData){
-  ngrid=50
-  den=array(0,dim=c(nsel,ngrid,ngrid))
+  den=array(0,dim=c(ngrid,ngrid,nsel))
   for(sel in 1:nsel){
-      rxi=range(Grid[,i])
-      rxj=range(Grid[,j])
-      xi=seq(from=rxi[1],to=rxi[2],length.out=ngrid)
-      xj=seq(from=rxj[1],to=rxj[2],length.out=ngrid)
+      xi=Grid[,i]
+      xj=Grid[,j]
       for(elt in ind){
-         den[sel,,]=den[sel,,]+mixDenBi(i,j,xi,xj,probdraw[elt,],compdraw[[elt]])
+         den[,,sel]=den[,,sel]+mixDenBi(i,j,xi,xj,probdraw[elt,,drop=FALSE],compdraw[[elt]])
+      den[,,sel]=den[,,sel]/sum(den[,,sel])
@@ -69,10 +91,11 @@ plot.bayesm.nmix=function(x,names,burnin=trunc(.1*nrow(probdraw)),Grid,bi.sel,ns
   for(index in 1:nx){
-        xlabtxt=paste("Var ",bi.sel[[index]][1],sep="")
-        ylabtxt=paste("Var ",bi.sel[[index]][2],sep="")
-        image(xi,xj,den[index,,],col=terrain.colors(100),xlab=xlabtxt,ylab=ylabtxt)
-        contour(xi,xj,den[index,,],add=TRUE,drawlabels=FALSE)
+        xlabtxt=names[bi.sel[[index]][1]]
+        ylabtxt=names[bi.sel[[index]][2]]
+        image(xi,xj,den[,,index],col=terrain.colors(100),xlab=xlabtxt,ylab=ylabtxt)
+        contour(xi,xj,den[,,index],add=TRUE,drawlabels=FALSE)
+  }
diff --git a/R/rDPGibbs.R b/R/rDPGibbs.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9367537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/rDPGibbs.R
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+# Revision History: 
+#   5/06 add rthetaDP
+#   7/06 include rthetaDP in main body to avoid copy overhead
+#   1/08 add scaling
+#   2/08 add draw of lambda
+#   3/08 changed nu prior support to dim(y) + exp(unif gird on nulim[1],nulim[2])
+# purpose: do Gibbs sampling for density estimation using Dirichlet process model
+# arguments:
+#     Data is a list of y which is an n x k matrix of data
+#     Prior is a list of (alpha,lambda,Prioralpha)
+#       alpha: starting value
+#       lambda_hyper: hyperparms of prior on lambda
+#       Prioralpha: hyperparms of alpha prior; a list of (Istarmin,Istarmax,power)
+#       if elements of the prior don't exist, defaults are assumed
+#     Mcmc is a list of (R,keep,maxuniq)
+#       R: number of draws
+#       keep: thinning parameter
+#       maxuniq: the maximum number of unique thetaStar values
+# Output:
+#     list with elements
+#     alphadraw: vector of length R/keep, [i] is ith draw of alpha
+#     Istardraw: vector of length R/keep, [i] is the number of unique theta's drawn from ith iteration
+#     adraw
+#     nudraw
+#     vdraw
+#     thetaNp1draws: list, [[i]] is ith draw of theta_{n+1}
+#     inddraw: R x n matrix, [,i] is indicators of identity for each obs in ith iteration
+# Model:
+#        y_i ~ f(y|thetai)
+#        thetai|G ~ G
+#        G|lambda,alpha ~ DP(G|G0(lambda),alpha)
+# Priors:
+#        alpha: starting value
+#        lambda:
+#           G0 ~ N(mubar,Sigma (x) Amu^-1)
+#           mubar=vec(mubar)
+#           Sigma ~ IW(nu,nu*v*I)  note: mode(Sigma)=nu/(nu+2)*v*I
+#           mubar=0
+#           amu is uniform on grid specified by alim
+#           nu is log uniform, nu=d-1+exp(Z) z is uniform on seq defined bvy nulim
+#           v is uniform on sequence specificd by vlim
+#        Prioralpha:
+#           alpha ~ (1-(alpha-alphamin)/(alphamax-alphamin))^power
+#           alphamin=exp(digamma(Istarmin)-log(gamma+log(N)))
+#           alphamax=exp(digamma(Istarmax)-log(gamma+log(N)))
+#           gamma= .5772156649015328606
+# define needed functions
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# function to compute a vector of int f(y[i]|theta) p(theta|lambda)dlambda
+#     here p(theta|lambda) is G0 the base prior
+# implemented for a multivariate normal data density and standard conjugate
+# prior:
+#    theta=list(mu,Sigma)
+#    f(y|theta,eta) is N(mu,Sigma)
+#    lambda=list(mubar,Amu,nu,V)
+#       mu|Sigma ~ N(mubar,Sigma (x) Amu^-1)
+#       Sigma ~ IW(nu,V)
+# arguments:
+#    Y is n x k matrix of observations
+#    lambda=list(mubar,Amu,nu,V)
+#    eta is not used
+# output:
+#    vector of q0 values for each obs (row of Y)
+# p. rossi 12/05
+# here y is matrix of observations (each row is an obs)
+mubar=lambda$mubar; nu=lambda$nu ; Amu=lambda$Amu; V=lambda$V
+if (k > 1) 
+  {lnk1k2=(k/2)*log(2)+log((nu-k)/2)+lgamma((nu-k)/2)-lgamma(nu/2)+sum(log(nu/2-(1:(k-1))/2))}
+  {lnk1k2=(k/2)*log(2)+log((nu-k)/2)+lgamma((nu-k)/2)-lgamma(nu/2)}
+constant=-(k/2)*log(2*pi)+(k/2)*log(Amu/(1+Amu)) + lnk1k2 + nu*logdetR
+# note: here we are using the fact that |V + S_i | = |R|^2 (1 + v_i'v_i)
+#       where v_i = sqrt(Amu/(1+Amu))*t(R^-1)*(y_i-mubar), R is chol(V)
+#       and S_i = Amu/(1+Amu) * (y_i-mubar)(y_i-mubar)'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   rmultinomF=
+      function(p) {
+       return(sum(runif(1) > cumsum(p))+1)
+   }
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   alphaD=function(Prioralpha,Istar,gridsize){
+#  function to draw alpha using prior, p(alpha)= (1-(alpha-alphamin)/(alphamax-alphamin))**power
+   power=Prioralpha$power
+   alphamin=Prioralpha$alphamin
+   alphamax=Prioralpha$alphamax
+   n=Prioralpha$n
+   alpha=seq(from=alphamin,to=(alphamax-0.000001),len=gridsize)
+   lnprob=Istar*log(alpha) + lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(n+alpha) + 
+          power*log(1-(alpha-alphamin)/(alphamax-alphamin))
+   lnprob=lnprob-median(lnprob)
+   probs=exp(lnprob)
+   probs=probs/sum(probs)
+   return(alpha[rmultinomF(probs)])
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# function to compute f(y | theta) 
+# computes f for all values of theta in theta list of lists
+# arguments:
+#   thetaStar is a list of lists.  thetaStar[[i]] is a list with components, mu, rooti
+#   y |theta[[i]] ~ N(mu,(rooti %*% t(rooti))^-1)  rooti is inverse of Chol root of Sigma
+#   eta is not used
+# output:
+#   length(thetaStar) x n array of values of f(y[j,]|thetaStar[[i]]
+for(i in 1:nunique){
+   # now compute vectorized version of lndMvn 
+   # compute y_i'RIRI'y_i for all i
+   #
+   mu=thetaStar[[i]]$mu; rooti=thetaStar[[i]]$rooti
+   quads=colSums((crossprod(rooti,(t(y)-mu)))^2)
+   ydenmat[i,]=exp(-(k/2)*log(2*pi) + sum(log(diag(rooti))) - .5*quads)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# function to draw from prior for Multivariate Normal Model
+# mu|Sigma ~ N(mubar,Sigma x Amu^-1)
+# Sigma ~ IW(nu,V)
+# note: we must insure that mu is a vector to use most efficient
+#       lndMvn routine
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# function to draw from posterior of theta given data y and base prior G0(lambda)
+# here y ~ N(mu,Sigma)
+# theta = list(mu=mu,rooti=chol(Sigma)^-1)
+# mu|Sigma ~ N(mubar,Sigma (x) Amu-1)
+# Sigma ~ IW(nu,V)
+# arguments: 
+#   y is n x k matrix of obs
+#   lambda is list(mubar,Amu,nu,V)
+#   eta is not used
+# output:
+#   one draw of theta, list(mu,rooti)
+#        Sigma=inv(rooti)%*%t(inv(rooti))
+# note: we assume that y is a matrix. if there is only one obs, y is a 1 x k matrix
+       lambda$nu,lambda$V)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# load a faster version of lndMvn
+# note: version of lndMvn below assumes x,mu is a vector!
+lndMvn=function (x, mu, rooti) 
+    return(-(length(x)/2) * log(2 * pi) - 0.5 * sum(((x-mu)%*%rooti)**2) + sum(log(diag(rooti))))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   lambdaD=function(lambda,thetastar,alim=c(.01,2),nulim=c(.01,2),vlim=c(.1,5),gridsize=20){
+# revision history
+#  p. rossi 7/06
+#  vectorized 1/07
+#  changed 2/08 to paramaterize V matrix of IW prior to nu*v*I; then mode of Sigma=nu/(nu+2)vI
+#      this means that we have a reparameterization to v* = nu*v
+#  function to draw (nu, v, a) using uniform priors
+#  theta_j=(mu_j,Sigma_j)  mu_j~N(0,Sigma_j/a)  Sigma_j~IW(nu,vI)
+#           recall E[Sigma]= vI/(nu-dim-1)
+# define functions needed
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   rmultinomF=
+      function(p) {
+       return(sum(runif(1) > cumsum(p))+1)
+   }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   d=length(thetastar[[1]]$mu)
+   Istar=length(thetastar)
+   aseq=seq(from=alim[1],to=alim[2],len=gridsize)
+   nuseq=d-1+exp(seq(from=nulim[1],to=nulim[2],len=gridsize)) # log uniform grid
+   vseq=seq(from=vlim[1],to=vlim[2],len=gridsize)
+#    "brute" force approach would simply loop over the 
+#         "observations" (theta_j) and use log of the appropriate densities.  To vectorize, we
+#         notice that the "data" comes via various statistics:
+#         1. sum of log(diag(rooti_j)
+#         2. sum of tr(V%*%rooti_j%*%t(rooti_j)) where V=vI_d
+#         3. quadratic form t(mu_j-0)%*%rooti%*%t(rooti)%*%(mu_j-0)
+#     thus, we will compute these first.
+#     for documentation purposes, we leave brute force code in comment fields
+# extract needed info from thetastar list
+   out=double(Istar*d*d)
+   out=sapply(thetastar,echo)
+   dim(out)=c(d,Istar*d) # out has the rootis in form: [t(rooti_1), t(rooti_2), ...,t(rooti_Istar)]
+   sumdiagriri=sum(colSums(out^2)) #  sum_j tr(rooti_j%*%t(rooti_j))
+#   now get diagonals of rooti
+   ind=cbind(c(1:(d*Istar)),rep((1:d),Istar))
+   out=t(out)
+   sumlogdiag=sum(log(out[ind]))
+   rimu=sapply(thetastar,rootiz) # columns of rimu contain t(rooti_j)%*%mu_j
+   dim(rimu)=c(d,Istar)
+   sumquads=sum(colSums(rimu^2)) 
+#  draw a  (conditionally indep of nu,v given theta_j)
+   lnprob=double(length(aseq))
+       #for(i in seq(along=aseq)){
+       #for(j in seq(along=thetastar)){
+       #lnprob[i]=lnprob[i]+lndMvn(thetastar[[j]]$mu,c(rep(0,d)),thetastar[[j]]$rooti*sqrt(aseq[i]))}
+    lnprob=Istar*(-(d/2)*log(2*pi))-.5*aseq*sumquads+Istar*d*log(sqrt(aseq))+sumlogdiag
+    lnprob=lnprob-max(lnprob)+200
+    probs=exp(lnprob)
+    probs=probs/sum(probs)
+    adraw=aseq[rmultinomF(probs)]
+#   draw nu given v
+    V=lambda$V
+    lnprob=double(length(nuseq))
+       #for(i in seq(along=nuseq)){
+       #for(j in seq(along=thetastar)){
+       #Sigma_j=crossprod(backsolve(thetastar[[j]]$rooti,diag(d)))
+       #lnprob[i]=lnprob[i]+lndIWishart(nuseq[i],V,Sigma_j)}
+    arg=rep(c(1:d),gridsize)
+    dim(arg)=c(d,gridsize)
+    arg=t(arg)
+    arg=(nuseq+1-arg)/2
+    lnprob=-Istar*log(2)*d/2*nuseq - Istar*rowSums(lgamma(arg)) + 
+            Istar*d*log(sqrt(V[1,1]))*nuseq + sumlogdiag*nuseq
+    lnprob=lnprob-max(lnprob)+200
+    probs=exp(lnprob)
+    probs=probs/sum(probs)
+    nudraw=nuseq[rmultinomF(probs)]
+#   draw v given nu 
+    lnprob=double(length(vseq))
+       #for(i in seq(along=vseq)){
+       #V=vseq[i]*diag(d)
+       #for(j in seq(along=thetastar)){
+       #Sigma_j=crossprod(backsolve(thetastar[[j]]$rooti,diag(d)))
+       #lnprob[i]=lnprob[i]+lndIWishart(nudraw,V,Sigma_j)}
+#    lnprob=Istar*nudraw*d*log(sqrt(vseq))-.5*sumdiagriri*vseq
+    lnprob=Istar*nudraw*d*log(sqrt(vseq*nudraw))-.5*sumdiagriri*vseq*nudraw
+    lnprob=lnprob-max(lnprob)+200
+    probs=exp(lnprob)
+    probs=probs/sum(probs)
+    vdraw=vseq[rmultinomF(probs)]
+#   put back into lambda
+    return(list(mubar=c(rep(0,d)),Amu=adraw,nu=nudraw,V=nudraw*vdraw*diag(d)))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#  check arguments
+pandterm=function(message) {stop(message,call.=FALSE)}
+if(missing(Data)) {pandterm("Requires Data argument -- list of y")}
+    if(is.null(Data$y)) {pandterm("Requires Data element y")}
+    y=Data$y
+# check data for validity
+if(!is.matrix(y)) {pandterm("y must be a matrix")}
+# check for Prior
+if(missing(Prior)) {pandterm("requires Prior argument ")}
+   {
+    if(is.null(Prior$lambda_hyper)) {lambda_hyper=list(alim=alimdef,nulim=nulimdef,vlim=vlimdef)}
+    else {lambda_hyper=Prior$lambda_hyper;
+       if(is.null(lambda_hyper$alim)) {lambda_hyper$alim=alimdef}
+       if(is.null(lambda_hyper$nulim)) {lambda_hyper$nulim=nulimdef} 
+       if(is.null(lambda_hyper$vlim)) {lambda_hyper$vlim=vlimdef}
+       }
+    if(is.null(Prior$Prioralpha)) {Prioralpha=list(Istarmin=1,Istarmax=min(50,0.1*nobs),power=0.8)}
+    else {Prioralpha=Prior$Prioralpha;
+       if(is.null(Prioralpha$Istarmin)) {Prioralpha$Istarmin=1} else {Prioralpha$Istarmin=Prioralpha$Istarmin}
+       if(is.null(Prioralpha$Istarmax)) 
+             {Prioralpha$Istarmax=min(50,0.1*nobs)} else {Prioralpha$Istarmax=Prioralpha$Istarmax}
+       if(is.null(Prioralpha$power)) {Prioralpha$power=0.8}
+       }
+   }
+gamma= .5772156649015328606
+# check Prior arguments for valdity
+if(lambda_hyper$alim[1]<0) {pandterm("alim[1] must be >0")}
+if(lambda_hyper$nulim[1]<0) {pandterm("nulim[1] must be >0")}
+if(lambda_hyper$vlim[1]<0) {pandterm("vlim[1] must be >0")}
+if(Prioralpha$Istarmin <1){pandterm("Prioralpha$Istarmin must be >= 1")}
+if(Prioralpha$Istarmax <= Prioralpha$Istarmin){pandterm("Prioralpha$Istarmin must be > Prioralpha$Istarmax")}
+# check MCMC argument
+if(missing(Mcmc)) {pandterm("requires Mcmc argument")}
+   {
+    if(is.null(Mcmc$R)) 
+       {pandterm("requires Mcmc element R")} else {R=Mcmc$R}
+    if(is.null(Mcmc$keep)) {keep=1} else {keep=Mcmc$keep}
+    if(is.null(Mcmc$maxuniq)) {maxuniq=200} else {maxuniq=Mcmc$maxuniq}
+    if(is.null(Mcmc$SCALE)) {SCALE=TRUE} else {SCALE=Mcmc$SCALE}
+    if(is.null(Mcmc$gridsize)) {gridsize=20} else {gridsize=Mcmc$gridsize}
+   }
+# print out the problem
+cat(" Starting Gibbs Sampler for Density Estimation Using Dirichlet Process Model",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",nobs," observations on ",dimy," dimensional data",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" SCALE=",SCALE,fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" Prior Parms: ",fill=TRUE)
+cat("  G0 ~ N(mubar,Sigma (x) Amu^-1)",fill=TRUE)
+cat("   mubar = ",0,fill=TRUE)
+cat("   Sigma ~ IW(nu,nu*v*I)",fill=TRUE)
+cat("   Amu ~ uniform[",lambda_hyper$alim[1],",",lambda_hyper$alim[2],"]",fill=TRUE)
+cat("   nu ~ uniform on log grid on [",dimy-1+exp(lambda_hyper$nulim[1]),
+             ",",dimy-1+exp(lambda_hyper$nulim[2]),"]",fill=TRUE)
+cat("   v ~ uniform[",lambda_hyper$vlim[1],",",lambda_hyper$vlim[2],"]",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat("  alpha ~ (1-(alpha-alphamin)/(alphamax-alphamin))^power",fill=TRUE)
+cat("   Istarmin = ",Prioralpha$Istarmin,fill=TRUE)
+cat("   Istarmax = ",Prioralpha$Istarmax,fill=TRUE)
+cat("   alphamin = ",Prioralpha$alphamin,fill=TRUE)
+cat("   alphamax = ",Prioralpha$alphamax,fill=TRUE)
+cat("   power = ",Prioralpha$power,fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" Mcmc Parms: R= ",R," keep= ",keep," maxuniq= ",maxuniq," gridsize for lambda hyperparms= ",gridsize,
+        fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+# initialize theta, thetastar, indic
+for(i in 1:nobs) {theta[[i]]=list(mu=rep(0,dimy),rooti=diag(dimy))}
+for(j in 1:nunique){
+    indic[which(sapply(theta,identical,thetaStar[[j]]))]=j
+# initialize lambda
+# initialize alpha
+# do scaling
+  dvec=sqrt(apply(y,2,var))
+  ybar=apply(y,2,mean)
+  y=scale(y,center=ybar,scale=dvec)
+  dvec=1/dvec  # R function scale divides by scale
+# note on scaling
+#   we model scaled y, z_i=D(y_i-ybar)   D=diag(1/sigma1, ..., 1/sigma_dimy)
+#   if p_z= 1/R sum(phi(z|mu,Sigma))
+#      p_y=1/R sum(phi(y|D^-1mu+ybar,D^-1SigmaD^-1)
+#      rooti_y=Drooti_z
+#   you might want to use quantiles instead, like median and (10,90)
+# start main iteration loop
+cat("MCMC Iteration (est time to end -min) ",fill=TRUE)
+for(rep in 1:R)
+   n = length(theta)
+   eta=NULL    # note eta is not used
+   thetaNp1=NULL
+   q0v = q0(y,lambda,eta)   # now that we draw lambda we need to recompute q0v each time
+   p=c(rep(1/(alpha+(n-1)),n-1),alpha/(alpha+(n-1)))
+   nunique=length(thetaStar)
+   if(nunique > maxuniq ) { pandterm("maximum number of unique thetas exceeded")} 
+   ydenmat=matrix(double(maxuniq*n),ncol=n) 
+   ydenmat[1:nunique,]=yden(thetaStar,y,eta)
+   #  ydenmat is a length(thetaStar) x n array of density values given f(y[j,] | thetaStar[[i]]
+   #  note: due to remix step (below) we must recompute ydenmat each time!
+   # use .Call to draw theta list
+   out= .Call("thetadraw",y,ydenmat,indic,q0v,p,theta,lambda,eta=eta,
+                  thetaD=thetaD,yden=yden,maxuniq,nunique,new.env()) 
+   # theta has been modified by thetadraw so we need to recreate thetaStar
+   thetaStar=unique(theta)
+   nunique=length(thetaStar)
+   #thetaNp1 and remix
+   probs=double(nunique+1)
+   for(j in 1:nunique) {
+       ind = which(sapply(theta,identical,thetaStar[[j]]))
+       probs[j]=length(ind)/(alpha+n) 
+       new_utheta=thetaD(y[ind,,drop=FALSE],lambda,eta) 
+       for(i in seq(along=ind)) {theta[[ind[i]]]=new_utheta}
+       indic[ind]=j
+       thetaStar[[j]]=new_utheta
+   }
+   probs[nunique+1]=alpha/(alpha+n)
+   ind=rmultinomF(probs)
+   if(ind==length(probs)) {
+      thetaNp1=GD(lambda)
+   } else {
+      thetaNp1=thetaStar[[ind]]
+   }
+   # draw alpha
+   alpha=alphaD(Prioralpha,nunique,gridsize=gridsize)
+   # draw lambda
+   lambda=lambdaD(lambda,thetaStar,alim=lambda_hyper$alim,nulim=lambda_hyper$nulim,
+             vlim=lambda_hyper$vlim,gridsize=gridsize)
+   if(rep%%100==0)
+     {
+      ctime=proc.time()[3]
+      timetoend=((ctime-itime)/rep)*(R-rep)
+      cat(" ",rep," (",round(timetoend/60,1),")",fill=TRUE)
+      fsh()
+      }
+   if(rep%%keep ==0)
+     {
+      mkeep=rep/keep
+      alphadraw[mkeep]=alpha
+      Istardraw[mkeep]=nunique
+      adraw[mkeep]=lambda$Amu
+      nudraw[mkeep]=lambda$nu
+      vdraw[mkeep]=lambda$V[1,1]/lambda$nu
+      if(SCALE){
+        thetaNp1[[1]]=thetaNp1[[1]]/dvec+ybar
+        if(ncol(y)>1) 
+          {thetaNp1[[2]]=diag(dvec)%*%thetaNp1[[2]]}
+        else
+          {thetaNp1[[2]]=dvec*thetaNp1[[2]]}
+      }
+      thetaNp1draw[[mkeep]]=list(list(mu=thetaNp1[[1]],rooti=thetaNp1[[2]]))
+                            #  here we put the draws into the list of lists of list format useful for
+                            #  finite mixture of normals utilities
+      inddraw[mkeep,]=indic
+      }
+cat("Total Time Elapsed= ",round((ctime-itime)/60,2),fill=TRUE)
+         vdraw=vdraw,nmix=nmix))
diff --git a/R/rhierLinearMixture.R b/R/rhierLinearMixture.R
index e4acf77..e024a19 100755
--- a/R/rhierLinearMixture.R
+++ b/R/rhierLinearMixture.R
@@ -57,7 +57,10 @@ function(Data,Prior,Mcmc)
 append=function(l) { l=c(l,list(XpX=crossprod(l$X),Xpy=crossprod(l$X,l$y)))}
-getvar=function(l) { var(l$y)}
+getvar=function(l) { 
+     v=var(l$y)
+     if(is.na(v)) return(1)
+     if(v>0) return (v) else return (1)}
diff --git a/R/rhierLinearModel.R b/R/rhierLinearModel.R
index 23d12b0..fb75af2 100755
--- a/R/rhierLinearModel.R
+++ b/R/rhierLinearModel.R
@@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ function(Data,Prior,Mcmc)
 append=function(l) { l=c(l,list(XpX=crossprod(l$X),Xpy=crossprod(l$X,l$y)))}
-getvar=function(l) { var(l$y)}
+getvar=function(l) { 
+     v=var(l$y)
+     if(is.na(v)) return(1)
+     if(v>0) return (v) else return (1)}
@@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ if(missing(Data)) {pandterm("Requires Data argument -- list of regdata and Z")}
 if(is.null(Data$Z)) { cat("Z not specified -- putting in iota",fill=TRUE); fsh() ; Z=matrix(rep(1,nreg),ncol=1)}
-  else {if (nrow(Data$Z) != nreg) {pandterm(paste("Nrow(Z) ",nrow(Z),"ne number regressions ",nlgt))}
+  else {if (nrow(Data$Z) != nreg) {pandterm(paste("Nrow(Z) ",nrow(Z),"ne number regressions ",nreg))}
       else {Z=Data$Z}}
diff --git a/R/rhierNegbinRw.R b/R/rhierNegbinRw.R
index 3761ca9..f9c5e6a 100755
--- a/R/rhierNegbinRw.R
+++ b/R/rhierNegbinRw.R
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ function(Data, Prior, Mcmc) {
 #         P. Rossi 6/05
 #         fixed error with nobs not specified and changed llnegbinFract 9/05
 #         3/07 added classes
+#         3/08 fixed fractional likelihood
 #   Model
 #       (y_i|lambda_i,alpha) ~ Negative Binomial(Mean = lambda_i, Overdispersion par = alpha)
@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ function(Data, Prior, Mcmc) {
 #           keep is thinning parameter (def = 1)
 #           s_beta - scaling parameter for beta RW (def = 2.93/sqrt(nvar))
 #           s_alpha - scaling parameter for alpha RW (def = 2.93)
-#           c - fractional weighting parameter (def = 2)
+#           w - fractional weighting parameter (def = .1)
 #           Vbeta0, Delta0 - initial guesses for parameters, if not supplied default values are used
@@ -59,11 +60,10 @@ function(par,X,y, nvar) {
 llnegbinFract = 
-function(par,X,y,Xpooled, ypooled, power, nvar,lnalpha)  {
+function(par,X,y,Xpooled, ypooled, w,wgt, nvar,lnalpha)  {
 # Computes the fractional log-likelihood at the unit level
-#    = l_i * l_bar^power
     theta = c(par,lnalpha)
-    llnegbin(theta,X,y,nvar) + power*llnegbin(theta,Xpooled,ypooled, nvar) 
+    (1-w)*llnegbin(theta,X,y,nvar) + w*wgt*llnegbin(theta,Xpooled,ypooled, nvar) 
 lpostbetai = 
@@ -165,12 +165,12 @@ if(sum(dim(Vbeta0) == c(nvar,nvar)) !=2) pandterm("Vbeta0 is not of dimension nv
 if(is.null(Mcmc$Delta0)) {Delta0=matrix(rep(0,nz*nvar),nrow=nz)} else {Delta0=Mcmc$Delta0}
 if(sum(dim(Delta0) == c(nz,nvar)) !=2) pandterm("Delta0 is not of dimension nvar by nz")
 if(is.null(Mcmc$keep)) {keep=1} else {keep=Mcmc$keep}
-if(is.null(Mcmc$s_alpha)) {cat("Using default s_alpha = 2.93",fill=TRUE); s_alpha=2.93} 
+if(is.null(Mcmc$s_alpha)) { s_alpha=2.93} 
     else {s_alpha= Mcmc$s_alpha }
-if(is.null(Mcmc$s_beta)) {cat("Using default s_beta = 2.93/sqrt(nvar)",fill=TRUE); s_beta=2.93/sqrt(nvar)} 
+if(is.null(Mcmc$s_beta)) { s_beta=2.93/sqrt(nvar)} 
     else {s_beta=Mcmc$s_beta }
-if(is.null(Mcmc$c)) {cat("Using default c = 2"); c=2} 
-    else {c = Mcmc$c}
+if(is.null(Mcmc$w)) { w=.1} 
+    else {w = Mcmc$w}
 #out = rhierNegbinRw(Data, Prior, Mcmc)
 # print out problem
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ cat("MCMC Parameters:",fill=TRUE)
 cat(R," reps; keeping every ",keep,"th draw",fill=TRUE)
 cat("s_alpha = ",s_alpha,fill=TRUE)
 cat("s_beta = ",s_beta,fill=TRUE)
-cat("Fractional Scaling c = ",c,fill=TRUE)
+cat("Fractional Likelihood Weight Parameter = ",w,fill=TRUE)
 cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
 par = rep(0,(nvar+1))
@@ -222,16 +222,21 @@ alphacroot = sqrt(alphacvar)
+if(nobs > 1000){
+  sind=sample(c(1:nobs),size=1000)
+  ypooleds=ypooled[sind]
+  Xpooleds=Xpooled[sind,]
+  }
 # Find the individual candidate hessian
 for (i in 1:nreg) {
-    power = length(regdata[[i]]$y)/(c*nobs)
-    mle2 = optim(mle$par[1:nvar],llnegbinFract, X=regdata[[i]]$X, y=regdata[[i]]$y, Xpooled=Xpooled, 
-           ypooled=ypooled, power=power, nvar=nvar, lnalpha=mle$par[nvar+1], 
+    wgt = length(regdata[[i]]$y)/length(ypooleds)
+    mle2 = optim(mle$par[1:nvar],llnegbinFract, X=regdata[[i]]$X, y=regdata[[i]]$y, Xpooled=Xpooleds, 
+           ypooled=ypooleds, w=w,wgt=wgt, nvar=nvar, lnalpha=mle$par[nvar+1], 
            method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(fnscale=-1, trace=0))
     if (mle2$convergence==0)
         hess_i[[i]] = list(hess=-mle2$hessian)
-        hess_i[[i]] = diag(rep(0,nvar))
+        hess_i[[i]] = diag(rep(1,nvar))
    if(i%%50 ==0) cat("  completed unit #",i,fill=TRUE)	
diff --git a/R/rivDP.R b/R/rivDP.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0229b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/rivDP.R
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+rivDP = 
+# revision history:
+#   P. Rossi 1/06
+#   added draw of alpha 2/06
+#   added automatic scaling 2/06
+#   removed reqfun  7/07 -- now functions are in rthetaDP
+# purpose: 
+#   draw from posterior for linear I.V. model with DP process for errors
+# Arguments:
+#   Data -- list of z,w,x,y
+#        y is vector of obs on lhs var in structural equation
+#        x is "endogenous" var in structural eqn
+#        w is matrix of obs on "exogenous" vars in the structural eqn
+#        z is matrix of obs on instruments
+#   Prior -- list of md,Ad,mbg,Abg,mubar,Amu,nuV
+#        md is prior mean of delta
+#        Ad is prior prec
+#        mbg is prior mean vector for beta,gamma
+#        Abg is prior prec of same
+#        lamda is a list of prior parms for DP draw
+#              mubar is prior mean of means for "errors"
+#              Amu is scale precision parm for means
+#              nu,V parms for IW on Sigma (idential priors for each normal comp
+#        alpha prior parm for DP process (weight on base measure)
+#           or starting value if there is a prior on alpha (requires element Prioralpha)
+#        Prioralpha list of hyperparms for draw of alpha (alphamin,alphamax,power,n)
+#   Mcmc -- list of R,keep,starting values for delta,beta,gamma,theta
+#        maxuniq is maximum number of unique theta values
+#        R is number of draws
+#        keep is thinning parameter
+#        SCALE if scale data, def: TRUE
+#        gridsize is the gridsize parm for alpha draws
+#   Output: 
+#      list of draws of delta,beta,gamma and thetaNp1 which is used for
+#      predictive distribution of errors (density estimation)
+#   Model:
+#    x=z'delta + e1
+#    y=beta*x + w'gamma + e2
+#        e1,e2 ~ N(theta_i)
+#   Priors
+#   delta ~ N(md,Ad^-1)
+#   vec(beta,gamma) ~ N(mbg,Abg^-1)
+#   theta ~ DPP(alpha|lambda)
+#   extract data and check dimensios
+pandterm=function(message) {stop(message,call.=FALSE)}
+if(missing(Data)) {pandterm("Requires Data argument -- list of z,w,x,y")}
+    if(is.null(Data$w)) isgamma=FALSE else isgamma=TRUE
+    if(isgamma) w = Data$w #matrix
+    if(is.null(Data$z)) {pandterm("Requires Data element z")}
+    z=Data$z
+    if(is.null(Data$x)) {pandterm("Requires Data element x")}
+    x=as.vector(Data$x)
+    if(is.null(Data$y)) {pandterm("Requires Data element y")}
+    y=as.vector(Data$y)
+# check data for validity
+   {if(is.matrix(w)) {pandterm("w is not a matrix")}
+   dimg=ncol(w)
+   if(n != nrow(w) ) {pandterm("length(y) ne nrow(w)")}}
+if(!is.matrix(z)) {pandterm("z is not a matrix")}
+if(n != length(x) ) {pandterm("length(y) ne length(x)")}
+if(n != nrow(z) ) {pandterm("length(y) ne nrow(z)")}
+# extract elements corresponding to the prior
+   {
+    md=c(rep(0,dimd)) 
+    Ad=diag(0.01,dimd) 
+    if(isgamma) dimbg=1+dimg else dimbg=1
+    mbg=c(rep(0,dimbg)) 
+    Abg=diag(0.01,dimbg) 
+    gamma= .5772156649015328606  
+    Istarmin=1
+    alphamin=exp(digamma(Istarmin)-log(gamma+log(n)))
+    Istarmax=floor(.1*n)
+    alphamax=exp(digamma(Istarmax)-log(gamma+log(n)))
+    power=.8
+    Prioralpha=list(n=n,alphamin=alphamin,alphamax=alphamax,power=power)
+    lambda=list(mubar=c(0,0),Amu=.2,nu=3.4,V=1.7*diag(2))
+   }
+   { 
+    if(is.null(Prior$md)) md=c(rep(0,dimd)) else md=Prior$md
+    if(is.null(Prior$Ad)) Ad=diag(0.01,dimd) else md=Prior$Ad
+    if(isgamma) dimbg=1+dimg else dimbg=1
+    if(is.null(Prior$mbg)) mbg=c(rep(0,dimbg)) else md=Prior$mbg
+    if(is.null(Prior$Abg)) Abg=diag(0.01,dimbg) else md=Prior$Abg
+    if(!is.null(Prior$Prioralpha))
+       {Prioralpha=Prior$Prioralpha}
+    else
+       {gamma= .5772156649015328606  
+        Istarmin=1
+        alphamin=exp(digamma(Istarmin)-log(gamma+log(n)))
+        Istarmax=floor(.1*n)
+        alphamax=exp(digamma(Istarmax)-log(gamma+log(n)))
+        power=.8
+        Prioralpha=list(n=n,alphamin=alphamin,alphamax=alphamax,power=power)}
+     if(!is.null(Prior$lambda))
+       {lambda=Prior$lambda}
+     else
+       {lambda=list(mubar=c(0,0),Amu=.2,nu=3.4,V=1.7*diag(2))}
+    }
+# obtain starting values for MCMC
+# we draw need inital values of delta, theta and indic
+if(missing(Mcmc)) {pandterm("requires Mcmc argument")}
+   {delta = Mcmc$delta}
+   {lmxz = lm(x~z,data.frame(x=x,z=z))
+    delta = lmxz$coef[2:(ncol(z)+1)]}
+  {theta=Mcmc$delta }
+  {onecomp=list(mu=c(0,0),rooti=diag(2))
+   theta=vector("list",length(y))
+   for(i in 1:n) {theta[[i]]=onecomp}
+   }
+dimd = length(delta)
+   {maxuniq=200}
+   {maxuniq=Mcmc$maxuniq}
+if(is.null(Mcmc$R)) {pandterm("requres Mcmc argument, R")}
+R = Mcmc$R
+   {keep=1}
+   {keep=Mcmc$keep}
+   {gridsize=20}
+   {gridsize=Mcmc$gridsize}
+# scale and center
+  scaley=sqrt(var(y))
+  scalex=sqrt(var(x))
+  meany=mean(y)
+  meanx=mean(x)
+  meanz=apply(z,2,mean)
+  y=(y-meany)/scaley; x=(x-meanx)/scalex
+  z=scale(z,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
+  if(isgamma) {meanw=apply(w,2,mean);  w=scale(w,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)}
+# print out model
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat("Starting Gibbs Sampler for Linear IV Model With DP Process Errors",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" nobs= ",n,"; ",ncol(z)," instruments",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat("Prior Parms: ",fill=TRUE)
+cat("mean of delta ",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat("mean of beta/gamma",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat("lambda contains: ", fill=TRUE)
+cat("mu Prior Parms:",fill=TRUE)
+cat("mubar= ",lambda$mubar,fill=TRUE)
+cat("Amu= ",lambda$Amu,fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat("Sigma Prior Parms:",fill=TRUE)
+cat("nu= ",lambda$nu," V=",fill=TRUE)
+cat("  ",fill=TRUE)
+cat("Parameters of Prior on Dirichlet Process parm (alpha)",fill=TRUE)
+cat("alphamin= ",Prioralpha$alphamin," alphamax= ",Prioralpha$alphamax," power=",
+        Prioralpha$power,fill=TRUE)
+cat("alpha values correspond to Istarmin = ",Istarmin," Istarmax = ",Istarmax,fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+cat("MCMC parms: R= ",R," keep= ",keep,fill=TRUE)
+cat("  maximum number of unique thetas= ",maxuniq,fill=TRUE)
+cat("  gridsize for alpha draws= ",gridsize,fill=TRUE)
+cat("  SCALE data= ",SCALE,fill=TRUE)
+cat(" ",fill=TRUE)
+# define needed functions
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+yt=NULL; xt=NULL;
+if(missing(w)) isw=FALSE else isw=TRUE
+if(isw) ncolw=ncol(w)
+for (k in 1:ncomp)
+  nobs=sum(indic==k)
+  if(nobs > 0) 
+     {
+     if(isw) wk=matrix(w[indic==k,],ncol=ncolw)
+     zk=matrix(z[indic==k,],ncol=length(delta))
+     yk=y[indic==k]
+     xk=matrix(x[indic==k],ncol=1)
+     Sigma=backsolve(comps[[k]][[2]],diag(2))
+     Sigma=crossprod(Sigma)
+     mu=comps[[k]][[1]]
+     e1 = as.vector(xk-zk%*%delta)
+     ee2 = mu[2] +(Sigma[1,2]/Sigma[1,1])*(e1-mu[1])
+     sig = sqrt(Sigma[2,2]-(Sigma[1,2]^2/Sigma[1,1]))
+     yt = c(yt,(yk-ee2)/sig)
+     if(isw) 
+        {xt = rbind(xt,(cbind(xk,wk)/sig))}
+     else
+        {xt=rbind(xt,xk/sig)}
+     }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+yt=NULL; xtd=NULL;
+if(missing(w)) isw=FALSE else isw=TRUE
+if(isw) ncolw=ncol(w)
+C = matrix(c(1,beta,0,1),nrow=2)
+for (k in 1:ncomp)
+   {
+    nobs=sum(indic==k)
+    if(nobs > 0) 
+     {
+      xtdk=matrix(nrow=2*nobs,ncol=dimd)
+      ind=seq(1,(2*nobs-1),by=2)
+      if(isw) wk=matrix(w[indic==k,],ncol=ncolw)
+      zk=matrix(z[indic==k,],ncol=dimd)
+      zveck=as.vector(t(zk))
+      yk=y[indic==k]
+      xk=x[indic==k]
+      Sigma=backsolve(comps[[k]][[2]],diag(2))
+      Sigma=crossprod(Sigma)
+      mu=comps[[k]][[1]]
+      B = C%*%Sigma%*%t(C)
+      L = t(chol(B))
+      Li=backsolve(L,diag(2),upper.tri=FALSE)
+      if(isw) {u=as.vector((yk-wk%*%gamma-mu[2]-beta*mu[1]))}
+      else {u=as.vector((yk-mu[2]-beta*mu[1]))}
+      ytk = as.vector(Li %*% rbind((xk-mu[1]),u))
+      z2=rbind(zveck,beta*zveck)
+      z2=Li%*%z2
+      zt1=z2[1,]
+      zt2=z2[2,]
+      dim(zt1)=c(dimd,nobs)
+      zt1=t(zt1)
+      dim(zt2)=c(dimd,nobs)
+      zt2=t(zt2)
+      xtdk[ind,]=zt1
+      xtdk[-ind,]=zt2
+      yt=c(yt,ytk)
+      xtd=rbind(xtd,xtdk)
+    }
+   }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+rthetaDP= function(maxuniq,alpha,lambda,Prioralpha,theta,thetaStar,indic,q0v,y,gridsize){
+#  function to make one draw from DP process 
+#  P. Rossi 1/06
+#  added draw of alpha 2/06
+#  removed lambdaD,etaD and function arguments 5/06
+#  removed thetaStar argument to .Call and creation of newthetaStar 7/06
+#  removed q0 computations as eta is not drawn  7/06
+#  changed for new version of thetadraw and removed calculation of thetaStar before
+#    .Call  7/07
+#      y(i) ~ f(y|theta[[i]],eta)
+#      theta ~ DP(alpha,G(lambda))
+#              note: eta is not used
+#   list with components:
+#      thetaDraws: list, [[i]] is a list of the ith draw of the n theta's
+#                  where n is the length of the input theta and nrow(y)
+#      thetaNp1Draws: list, [[i]] is ith draw of theta_{n+1}
+#   maxuniq: the maximum number of unique thetaStar values -- an error will be raised
+#            if this is exceeded
+#   alpha,lambda: starting values (or fixed DP prior values if not drawn).
+#   Prioralpha: list of hyperparms of alpha prior
+#   theta: list of starting value for theta's
+#   thetaStar: list of unique values of theta, thetaStar[[i]]
+#   indic:  n vector of indicator for which unique theta (in thetaStar)
+#   y: is a matrix nxk
+#         thetaStar: list of unique values of theta, thetaStar[[i]]
+#   q0v:a double vector with the same number of rows as y, giving \Int f(y(i)|theta,eta) dG_{lambda}(theta).
+#  define needed functions for rthetaDP
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   pandterm = function(message) {
+        stop(message, call. = FALSE) }
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   rmultinomF=
+      function(p) {
+       return(sum(runif(1) > cumsum(p))+1)
+   }
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   alphaD=function(Prioralpha,Istar,gridsize){
+#  function to draw alpha using prior, p(alpha)= (1-(alpha-alphamin)/(alphamax-alphamin))**power
+   power=Prioralpha$power
+   alphamin=Prioralpha$alphamin
+   alphamax=Prioralpha$alphamax
+   n=Prioralpha$n
+   alpha=seq(from=alphamin,to=(alphamax-0.000001),len=gridsize)
+   lnprob=Istar*log(alpha) + lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(n+alpha) + 
+          power*log(1-(alpha-alphamin)/(alphamax-alphamin))
+   lnprob=lnprob-median(lnprob)
+   probs=exp(lnprob)
+   probs=probs/sum(probs)
+   return(alpha[rmultinomF(probs)])
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# function to compute f(y | theta) 
+# computes f for all values of theta in theta list of lists
+# arguments:
+#   thetaStar is a list of lists.  thetaStar[[i]] is a list with components, mu, rooti
+#   y |theta[[i]] ~ N(mu,(rooti %*% t(rooti))^-1)  rooti is inverse of Chol root of Sigma
+#   eta is not used
+# output:
+#   length(thetaStar) x n array of values of f(y[j,]|thetaStar[[i]]
+for(i in 1:nunique){
+   # now compute vectorized version of lndMvn 
+   # compute y_i'RIRI'y_i for all i
+   #
+   mu=thetaStar[[i]]$mu; rooti=thetaStar[[i]]$rooti
+   quads=colSums((crossprod(rooti,(t(y)-mu)))^2)
+   ydenmat[i,]=exp(-(k/2)*log(2*pi) + sum(log(diag(rooti))) - .5*quads)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# function to draw from prior for Multivariate Normal Model
+# mu|Sigma ~ N(mubar,Sigma x Amu^-1)
+# Sigma ~ IW(nu,V)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# function to draw from posterior of theta given data y and base prior G0(lambda)
+# here y ~ N(mu,Sigma)
+# theta = list(mu=mu,rooti=chol(Sigma)^-1)
+# mu|Sigma ~ N(mubar,Sigma (x) Amu-1)
+# Sigma ~ IW(nu,V)
+# arguments: 
+#   y is n x k matrix of obs
+#   lambda is list(mubar,Amu,nu,V)
+#   eta is not used
+# output:
+#   one draw of theta, list(mu,rooti)
+#        Sigma=inv(rooti)%*%t(inv(rooti))
+# note: we assume that y is a matrix. if there is only one obs, y is a 1 x k matrix
+       lambda$nu,lambda$V)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   n = length(theta)
+   eta=NULL    # note eta is not used
+   thetaNp1=NULL
+   p=c(rep(1/(alpha+(n-1)),n-1),alpha/(alpha+(n-1)))
+   nunique=length(thetaStar)
+   if(nunique > maxuniq ) { pandterm("maximum number of unique thetas exceeded")} 
+   ydenmat=matrix(double(maxuniq*n),ncol=n) 
+   ydenmat[1:nunique,]=yden(thetaStar,y,eta)
+   #  ydenmat is a length(thetaStar) x n array of density values given f(y[j,] | thetaStar[[i]]
+   #  note: due to remix step (below) we must recompute ydenmat each time!
+   # use .Call to draw theta list
+   out= .Call("thetadraw",y,ydenmat,indic,q0v,p,theta,lambda,eta=eta,
+                  thetaD=thetaD,yden=yden,maxuniq,nunique,new.env()) 
+   # theta has been modified by thetadraw so we need to recreate thetaStar
+   thetaStar=unique(theta)
+   nunique=length(thetaStar)
+   #thetaNp1 and remix
+   probs=double(nunique+1)
+   for(j in 1:nunique) {
+       ind = which(sapply(theta,identical,thetaStar[[j]]))
+       probs[j]=length(ind)/(alpha+n) 
+       new_utheta=thetaD(y[ind,,drop=FALSE],lambda,eta) 
+       for(i in seq(along=ind)) {theta[[ind[i]]]=new_utheta}
+       indic[ind]=j
+       thetaStar[[j]]=new_utheta
+   }
+   probs[nunique+1]=alpha/(alpha+n)
+   ind=rmultinomF(probs)
+   if(ind==length(probs)) {
+      thetaNp1=GD(lambda)
+   } else {
+      thetaNp1=thetaStar[[ind]]
+   }
+   #alpha
+   alpha=alphaD(Prioralpha,nunique,gridsize)
+   return(list(theta=theta,indic=indic,thetaStar=thetaStar,
+               thetaNp1=thetaNp1,alpha=alpha,Istar=nunique))
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# function to compute a vector of int f(y[i]|theta) p(theta|lambda)dlambda
+#     here p(theta|lambda) is G0 the base prior
+# implemented for a multivariate normal data density and standard conjugate
+# prior:
+#    theta=list(mu,Sigma)
+#    f(y|theta) is N(mu,Sigma)
+#    lambda=list(mubar,Amu,nu,V)
+#       mu|Sigma ~ N(mubar,Sigma (x) Amu^-1)
+#       Sigma ~ IW(nu,V)
+# arguments:
+#    Y is n x k matrix of observations
+#    eta is not used
+#    lambda=list(mubar,Amu,nu,V)
+# output:
+#    vector of q0 values for each obs (row of Y)
+# p. rossi 12/05
+# here y is matrix of observations (each row is an obs)
+mubar=lambda$mubar; nu=lambda$nu ; Amu=lambda$Amu; V=lambda$V
+if (k > 1) 
+  {lnk1k2=(k/2)*log(2)+log((nu-k)/2)+lgamma((nu-k)/2)-lgamma(nu/2)+sum(log(nu/2-(1:(k-1))/2))}
+  {lnk1k2=(k/2)*log(2)+log((nu-k)/2)+lgamma((nu-k)/2)-lgamma(nu/2)}
+constant=-(k/2)*log(2*pi)+(k/2)*log(Amu/(1+Amu)) + lnk1k2 + nu*logdetR
+# note: here we are using the fact that |V + S_i | = |R|^2 (1 + v_i'v_i)
+#       where v_i = sqrt(Amu/(1+Amu))*t(R^-1)*(y_i-mubar), R is chol(V)
+#       and S_i = Amu/(1+Amu) * (y_i-mubar)(y_i-mubar)'
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#initialize comps,indic,ncomp
+for(j in 1:ncomp){
+      indic[which(sapply(theta,identical,comps[[j]]))]=j
+   }
+# initialize eta
+# initialize alpha
+# reserve space for draws
+deltadraw = matrix(double(floor(R/keep)*dimd),ncol=dimd)
+betadraw = rep(0.0,floor(R/keep))
+if(isgamma) gammadraw = matrix(double(floor(R/keep)*dimg),ncol=dimg)
+# start main iteration loop
+cat("MCMC Iteration (est time to end -min) ",fill=TRUE)
+for(rep in 1:R) {
+   # draw beta and gamma
+      if(isgamma) 
+         {out=get_ytxt(y=y,z=z,delta=delta,x=x,w=w,
+          ncomp=ncomp,indic=indic,comps=comps)}
+      else
+         {out=get_ytxt(y=y,z=z,delta=delta,x=x,
+          ncomp=ncomp,indic=indic,comps=comps)}
+      bg = breg(out$yt,out$xt,mbg,Abg)  
+      beta = bg[1]
+      if(isgamma) gamma = bg[2:length(bg)]
+   # draw delta
+      if(isgamma)
+         {out=get_ytxtd(y=y,z=z,beta=beta,gamma=gamma,
+          x=x,w=w,ncomp=ncomp,indic=indic,comps=comps,dimd=dimd)}
+      else
+         {out=get_ytxtd(y=y,z=z,beta=beta,
+          x=x,ncomp=ncomp,indic=indic,comps=comps,dimd=dimd)}
+      delta = breg(out$yt,out$xtd,md,Ad)
+    # DP process stuff- theta | lambda
+      if(isgamma) {Err = cbind(x-z%*%delta,y-beta*x-w%*%gamma)}
+      else {Err = cbind(x-z%*%delta,y-beta*x)}
+      q0v = q0(Err,lambda,eta)
+      DPout=rthetaDP(maxuniq=maxuniq,alpha=alpha,lambda=lambda,Prioralpha=Prioralpha,theta=theta,
+                     thetaStar=comps,indic=indic,q0v=q0v,y=Err,gridsize=gridsize)
+      indic=DPout$indic
+      theta=DPout$theta
+      comps=DPout$thetaStar
+      alpha=DPout$alpha
+      Istar=DPout$Istar
+      ncomp=length(comps)
+   if(rep%%100==0)
+     {
+      ctime=proc.time()[3]
+      timetoend=((ctime-itime)/rep)*(R-rep)
+      cat(" ",rep," (",round(timetoend/60,1),")",fill=TRUE)
+      fsh()
+      }
+   if(rep%%keep ==0)
+     {
+      mkeep=rep/keep
+      deltadraw[mkeep,]=delta
+      betadraw[mkeep]=beta
+      alphadraw[mkeep]=alpha
+      Istardraw[mkeep]=Istar
+      if(isgamma) gammadraw[mkeep,]=gamma
+      thetaNp1draw[[mkeep]]=list(DPout$thetaNp1)
+      }
+# rescale
+   deltadraw=deltadraw*scalex
+   betadraw=betadraw*scaley/scalex
+   if(isgamma) {gammadraw=gammadraw*scaley}
+ctime = proc.time()[3]
+cat('  Total Time Elapsed: ',round((ctime-itime)/60,2),'\n')
+# densitymix is in the format to be used with the generic mixture of normals plotting
+# methods (plot.bayesm.nmix)
+   attributes(gammadraw)$class=c("bayesm.mat","mcmc")
+   attributes(gammadraw)$mcpar=c(1,R,keep)}
+   { return(list(deltadraw=deltadraw,betadraw=betadraw,alphadraw=alphadraw,Istardraw=Istardraw,
+                 gammadraw=gammadraw,densitymix=densitymix))}
+   else
+   { return(list(deltadraw=deltadraw,betadraw=betadraw,alphadraw=alphadraw,Istardraw=Istardraw,
+                 densitymix=densitymix))}
diff --git a/R/rnegbinRw.R b/R/rnegbinRw.R
index 79cf0a1..1ebe6c4 100755
--- a/R/rnegbinRw.R
+++ b/R/rnegbinRw.R
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ if(is.null(Data$y)) {pandterm("Requires Data element y")} else {y=Data$y}
 nvar = ncol(X)
 if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {pandterm("Mismatch in the number of observations in X and y")}
 # check for prior elements
diff --git a/R/summary.bayesm.mat.R b/R/summary.bayesm.mat.R
index c09b1a4..3bef1b6 100755
--- a/R/summary.bayesm.mat.R
+++ b/R/summary.bayesm.mat.R
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ summary.bayesm.mat=function(object,names,burnin=trunc(.1*nrow(X)),tvalues,QUANTI
   rownames(mat)[2]="std dev"
   rownames(mat)[3]="num se"
   rownames(mat)[4]="rel eff"
-  rownames(mat)[5]="s size"
+  rownames(mat)[5]="sam size"
     {if(mode(tvalues)!="numeric") stop("true values arguments must be numeric \n")
      if(length(tvalues) != nx) stop("true values argument is wrong length \n")
diff --git a/R/summary.bayesm.nmix.R b/R/summary.bayesm.nmix.R
index bbb2a6d..569ed9f 100755
--- a/R/summary.bayesm.nmix.R
+++ b/R/summary.bayesm.nmix.R
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ for(i in (burnin+1):R){
 cat("\nNormal Mixture Moments\n Mean\n")
 cat(" \n")
 cat("note: 1st and 2nd Moments for a Normal Mixture \n")
 cat("      may not be interpretable, consider plots\n")
diff --git a/inst/doc/bayesm-manual.pdf b/inst/doc/bayesm-manual.pdf
index f19cf6c..502dbc0 100755
Binary files a/inst/doc/bayesm-manual.pdf and b/inst/doc/bayesm-manual.pdf differ
diff --git a/man/plot.bayesm.mat.Rd b/man/plot.bayesm.mat.Rd
index 259f490..b9181ee 100755
--- a/man/plot.bayesm.mat.Rd
+++ b/man/plot.bayesm.mat.Rd
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
    array correspond to parameters and the rows to MCMC draws.
-\method{plot}{bayesm.mat}(x,names,burnin,tvalues,TRACEPLOT,DEN,INT, ...)
+\method{plot}{bayesm.mat}(x,names,burnin,tvalues,TRACEPLOT,DEN,INT,CHECK_NDRAWS, ...)
   \item{x}{ An object of either S3 class, bayesm.mat, or S3 class, mcmc }
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
   \item{TRACEPLOT}{ logical, TRUE provide sequence plots of draws and acfs, def: TRUE }
   \item{DEN}{ logical, TRUE use density scale on histograms, def: TRUE }
   \item{INT}{ logical, TRUE put various intervals and points on graph, def: TRUE }
+  \item{CHECK_NDRAWS}{ logical, TRUE check that there are at least 100 draws, def: TRUE }
   \item{...}{ standard graphics parameters }
diff --git a/man/plot.bayesm.nmix.Rd b/man/plot.bayesm.nmix.Rd
index 489377d..757a7f7 100755
--- a/man/plot.bayesm.nmix.Rd
+++ b/man/plot.bayesm.nmix.Rd
@@ -10,15 +10,20 @@
     are produced.
-\method{plot}{bayesm.nmix}(x,names,burnin,Grid,bi.sel,nstd, ...)
+\method{plot}{bayesm.nmix}(x,names,burnin,Grid,bi.sel,nstd,marg,Data,ngrid,ndraw, ...)
-  \item{x}{ An object of either S3 class, bayesm.nmix, or S3 class, mcmc }
+  \item{x}{ An object of  S3 class bayesm.nmix }
   \item{names}{optional character vector of names for each of the dimensions}
   \item{burnin}{number of draws to discard for burn-in, def: .1*nrow(X)}
-  \item{Grid}{matrix of grid points for densities, def: mean +/- nstd std deviations}
+  \item{Grid}{matrix of grid points for densities, def: mean +/- nstd std deviations (if Data no supplied), 
+               range of Data if supplied)}
   \item{bi.sel}{list of vectors, each giving pairs for bivariate distributions, def: list(c(1,2))}
   \item{nstd}{number of standard deviations for default Grid, def: 2}
+  \item{marg}{logical, if TRUE display marginals, def: TRUE}
+  \item{Data}{matrix of data points, used to paint histograms on marginals and for grid  }
+  \item{ngrid}{number of grid points for density estimates, def:50}
+  \item{ndraw}{number of draws to average Mcmc estimates over, def:200}
   \item{...}{ standard graphics parameters }
@@ -33,13 +38,14 @@
 \author{ Peter Rossi, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago,
   \email{Peter.Rossi at ChicagoGsb.edu}.
-\seealso{ \code{\link{rnmixGibbs}}, \code{\link{rhierMnlRwMixture}}, \code{\link{rhierLinearMixture}}}
+\seealso{ \code{\link{rnmixGibbs}}, \code{\link{rhierMnlRwMixture}}, \code{\link{rhierLinearMixture}},
+           \code{\link{rDPGibbs}}}
 ## not run
-#  out=rnmix(Data,Prior,Mcmc)
+#  out=rnmixGibbs(Data,Prior,Mcmc)
 #  plot(out,bi.sel=list(c(1,2),c(3,4),c(1,3)))
-#        plot bivariate distributions for dimension 1,2; 3,4; and 1,3
+#        # plot bivariate distributions for dimension 1,2; 3,4; and 1,3
diff --git a/man/rDPGibbs.Rd b/man/rDPGibbs.Rd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0b4e33c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/rDPGibbs.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+\concept{normal mixtures}
+\concept{Dirichlet Process}
+\concept{Gibbs Sampling}
+\title{ Density Estimation with Dirichlet Process Prior and Normal Base }
+    \code{rDPGibbs} implements a Gibbs Sampler to draw from the posterior for a normal mixture problem
+    with a Dirichlet Process prior.  The base distribution is a multivariate normal distribution. A natural 
+    conjugate base prior is used with priors on the hyper parameters of this distribution. One interpretation
+    of this model is as a normal mixture with a random number of components. 
+rDPGibbs(Prior, Data, Mcmc)
+  \item{Prior}{ list(Prioralpha,lambda\_hyper) }
+  \item{Data}{ list(y) }
+  \item{Mcmc}{ list(R,keep,maxuniq,SCALE,gridsize) }
+Model: \cr
+        \eqn{y_i} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{N(mu_i,Sigma_i)}. \cr
+        \eqn{theta_i=(mu_i,Sigma_i)} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{DP(G_0(lambda),alpha)}\cr
+        \eqn{G_0(lambda):}\cr
+        \eqn{mu_i given Sigma_i} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{N(0,Sigma_i (x) a^{-1})}\cr
+        \eqn{Sigma_i} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{IW(nu,nu*v*I)}
+        \eqn{lambda(a,nu,v):}\cr
+        \eqn{a} \eqn{sim}{~} \eqn{uniform on grid[alim[1],alimb[2]]}\cr
+        \eqn{nu} \eqn{sim}{~} \eqn{uniform on grid[dim(data)-1 + exp(nulim[1]),dim(data)-1 +exp(nulim[2])]}\cr
+        \eqn{v} \eqn{sim}{~} \eqn{uniform on grid[vlim[1],vlim[2]]}
+        \eqn{alpha} \eqn{sim}{~} \eqn{(1-(alpha-alphamin)/(alphamax-alphamin))^power} \cr
+        alpha= alphamin then expected number of compoents = Istarmin \cr
+        alpha= alphamax then expected number of compoents = Istarmax \cr
+list arguments
+  \itemize{
+    \item{y}{N x k matrix of observations on k dimensional data}
+  }
+ \itemize{
+  \item{Istarmin}{expected number of components at lower bound of support of alpha}
+  \item{Istarmax}{expected number of components at upper bound of support of alpha}
+  \item{power}{power parameter for alpha prior}
+  }
+  \itemize{
+   \item{alim}{defines support of a distribution,def:c(.01,10) }
+   \item{nulim}{defines support of nu distribution, def:c(.01,3)} 
+   \item{vlim}{defines support of v distribution, def:c(.1,4)} 
+  }
+ \itemize{
+   \item{R}{number of mcmc draws}
+   \item{keep}{thinning parm, keep every keepth draw}
+   \item{maxuniq}{storage constraint on the number of unique components}
+   \item{SCALE}{should data be scaled by mean,std deviation before posterior draws, def: TRUE}
+   \item{gridsize}{number of discrete points for hyperparameter priors,def: 20}
+  }
+the basic output are draws from the predictive distribution of the data in the object, \code{nmix}. 
+The average of these draws is the Bayesian analogue of a density estimate.
+  \itemize{
+   \item{probdraw}{R/keep x 1 matrix of 1s}
+   \item{zdraw}{R/keep x N matrix of draws of indicators of which component each obs is assigned to}
+   \item{compdraw}{R/keep list of draws of normals}
+  }
+  Output of the components is in the form of a list of lists. \cr
+  compdraw[[i]] is ith draw -- list of lists. \cr
+  compdraw[[i]][[1]] is list of parms for normal component. \cr
+  compdraw[[i]][1]][[1]] is the mean vector.
+  \eqn{Sigma} = t(R)\%*\%R, \eqn{R^{-1}} = compdraw[[i]][[1]][[2]].
+    we parameterize the prior on \eqn{Sigma_i} such that \eqn{mode(Sigma)= nu/(nu+2) vI}.
+    The support of nu enforces valid IW density; \eqn{nulim[1] > 0}
+    We use the structure for \code{nmix} that is compatible with the \code{bayesm} routines for finite mixtures of normals.
+    This allows us to use the same summary and plotting methods.  
+    The default choices of alim,nulim, and vlim determine the location and approximate size of candidate
+    "atoms" or possible normal components. The defaults are sensible given that we scale the data.  Without 
+    scaling, you want to insure that alim is set for a wide enough range of values (remember a is a precision
+    parameter) and the v is big enough to propose Sigma matrices wide enough to cover the data range.  
+    A careful analyst should look at the posterior distribution of a, nu, v to make sure that the support is
+    set correctly in alim, nulim, vlim.  In other words, if we see the posterior bunched up at one end of these
+    support ranges, we should widen the range and rerun.  
+   If you want to force the procedure to use many small atoms, then set nulim to consider only large values and 
+   set vlim to consider only small scaling constants.  Set Istarmax to a large number.  This will create a very
+   "lumpy" density estimate somewhat like the classical Kernel density estimates. Of course, this is not advised 
+   if you have a prior belief that densities are relatively smooth.
+ \item{nmix}{a list containing: probdraw,zdraw,compdraw}
+ \item{alphadraw}{vector of draws of DP process tightness parameter}
+ \item{nudraw}{vector of draws of base prior hyperparameter}
+ \item{adraw}{vector of draws of base prior hyperparameter}
+ \item{vdraw}{vector of draws of base prior hyperparameter}
+\author{ Peter Rossi, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago,
+  \email{Peter.Rossi at ChicagoGsb.edu}.
+\seealso{ \code{\link{rnmixGibbs}},\code{\link{rmixture}}, \code{\link{rmixGibbs}} ,
+          \code{\link{eMixMargDen}}, \code{\link{momMix}}, \code{\link{mixDen}}, \code{\link{mixDenBi}}}
+## simulate univariate data from Chi-Sq
+if(nchar(Sys.getenv("LONG_TEST")) != 0) {R=2000} else {R=10}
+chisqdf=8; y1=as.matrix(rchisq(N,df=chisqdf))
+## set arguments for rDPGibbs
+## plotting examples
+rgi=c(0,20); grid=matrix(seq(from=rgi[1],to=rgi[2],length.out=50),ncol=1)
+## plot true density with historgram
+plot(range(grid[,1]),1.5*range(dchisq(grid[,1],df=chisqdf)),type="n",xlab=paste("Chisq ; ",N," obs",sep=""), ylab="")
+## simulate bivariate data from the  "Banana" distribution (Meng and Barnard) 
+{ R=init*keep+N*keep
+   x1=x2=0
+   bimat=matrix(double(2*N),ncol=2)
+  for (r in 1:R)
+  { x1=rnorm(1,mean=(B*x2+C1)/(A*(x2^2)+1),sd=sqrt(1/(A*(x2^2)+1)))
+  x2=rnorm(1,mean=(B*x2+C2)/(A*(x1^2)+1),sd=sqrt(1/(A*(x1^2)+1)))
+  if (r>init*keep && r\%\%keep==0) {mkeep=r/keep; bimat[mkeep-init,]=c(x1,x2)} }
+A=0.5; B=0; C1=C2=3
+## plotting examples
+rx1=range(y2[,1]); rx2=range(y2[,2])
+## plot true bivariate density
+for (i in 1:50){ for (j in 1:50) 
+      {tden[i,j]=exp(-0.5*(A*(x1[i]^2)*(x2[j]^2)+(x1[i]^2)+(x2[j]^2)-2*B*x1[i]*x2[j]-2*C1*x1[i]-2*C2*x2[j]))}
+title("True Density")
+\keyword{ multivariate }
diff --git a/man/rhierNegbinRw.Rd b/man/rhierNegbinRw.Rd
index 3f09a34..8cc5f04 100755
--- a/man/rhierNegbinRw.Rd
+++ b/man/rhierNegbinRw.Rd
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@ nz=2              # Number of Z variables
 # Construct the Z matrix
 Z = cbind(rep(1,nreg),rnorm(nreg,mean=1,sd=0.125))
-Delta = cbind(c(0.4,0.2), c(0.1,0.05))
+Delta = cbind(c(4,2), c(0.1,-1))
 alpha = 5
-Vbeta = rbind(c(0.1,0),c(0,0.1))
+Vbeta = rbind(c(2,1),c(1,2))
 # Construct the regdata (containing X)
 simnegbindata = NULL
diff --git a/man/rivDP.Rd b/man/rivDP.Rd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..775323d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/rivDP.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+\concept{Instrumental Variables}
+\concept{Gibbs Sampler}
+\concept{Dirichlet Process}
+\title{ Linear "IV" Model with DP Process Prior for Errors}
+  \code{rivDP} is a Gibbs Sampler for a linear structural equation with an arbitrary number of instruments. 
+  \code{rivDP} uses a mixture of normals for the structural and reduced form equation implemented with a 
+  Dirichlet Process Prior.
+rivDP(Data, Prior, Mcmc)
+  \item{Data}{ list(z,w,x,y) }
+  \item{Prior}{ list(md,Ad,mbg,Abg,lambda,Prioralpha) (optional) } 
+  \item{Mcmc}{ list(R,keep,SCALE) (R required) }
+  Model:\cr
+  \eqn{x=z'delta + e1}. \cr
+  \eqn{y=beta*x + w'gamma + e2}. \cr
+  \eqn{e1,e2} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{N(theta_{i})}.  \eqn{theta_{i}} represents \eqn{mu_{i},Sigma_{i}}
+  Note: Error terms have non-zero means.  DO NOT include intercepts in the z or w matrices.  This is different
+        from \code{rivGibbs} which requires intercepts to be included explicitly.
+  Priors:\cr
+  \eqn{delta} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{N(md,Ad^{-1})}.  \eqn{vec(beta,gamma)} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{N(mbg,Abg^{-1})} \cr
+  \eqn{theta_{i}\sim{~}G} \cr
+  \eqn{G} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{DP(alpha,G_{0})} \cr
+  \eqn{G_{0}} is the natural conjugate prior for \eqn{(mu,Sigma)}: \cr
+  \eqn{Sigma} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{IW(nu,vI)} and  \eqn{mu | Sigma} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{N(0,1/amu Sigma)} \cr
+  These parameters are collected together in the list \code{lambda}.  It is highly
+       recommended that you use the default settings for these hyper-parameters.\cr
+  \eqn{alpha} \eqn{\sim}{~} \eqn{(1-(alpha-alpha_{min})/(alpha_{max}-alpha{min}))^{omega}} \cr
+   where \eqn{alpha_{min}} and \eqn{alpha_{max}} are set using the arguments in the reference
+   below.  It is highly recommended that you use the default values for the hyperparameters
+   of the prior on alpha
+  List arguments contain:
+  \itemize{
+    \item{\code{z}}{ matrix of obs on instruments}
+    \item{\code{y}}{ vector of obs on lhs var in structural equation}
+    \item{\code{x}}{ "endogenous" var in structural eqn}
+    \item{\code{w}}{ matrix of obs on "exogenous" vars in the structural eqn}
+    \item{\code{md}}{ prior mean of delta (def: 0)}
+    \item{\code{Ad}}{ pds prior prec for prior on delta (def: .01I)}
+    \item{\code{mbg}}{ prior mean vector for prior on beta,gamma (def: 0)}
+    \item{\code{Abg}}{ pds prior prec  for prior on beta,gamma (def: .01I)}
+    \item{\code{lambda}}{ list of hyperparameters for theta prior- use default settings }
+    \item{\code{Prioralpha}}{ list of hyperparameters for theta prior- use default settings }
+    \item{\code{R}}{ number of MCMC draws}
+    \item{\code{keep}}{ MCMC thinning parm: keep every keepth draw (def: 1)} 
+    \item{\code{SCALE}}{ scale data, def: TRUE}
+    \item{\code{gridsize}}{ gridsize parm for alpha draws (def: 20)} 
+  }
+  a list containing:
+  \item{deltadraw}{R/keep x dim(delta) array of delta draws}
+  \item{betadraw}{R/keep x 1 vector of beta draws}
+  \item{gammadraw}{R/keep x dim(gamma) array of gamma draws }
+  \item{Istardraw}{R/keep x 1 array of drawsi of the number of unique normal components}
+  \item{alphadraw}{R/keep x 1 array of draws of Dirichlet Process tightness parameter}
+  \item{densitymix}{R/keep x list of draws for predictive distribution of errors}
+\references{ For further discussion, see "A Semi-Parametric Bayesian Approach to the Instrumental
+  Variable Problem," by Conley, Hansen, McCulloch and Rossi, Journal of Econometrics (2008).\cr
+\author{ Peter Rossi, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago,
+  \email{Peter.Rossi at ChicagoGsb.edu}.
+if(nchar(Sys.getenv("LONG_TEST")) != 0) {R=2000} else {R=10}
+## simulate scaled log-normal errors and run
+## compute interquartile ranges
+## simulate data
+# scale appropriately  
+# set intial values for MCMC
+Data = list(); Mcmc=list()
+Data$z = z;  Data$x=x; Data$y=y
+# start MCMC and keep results
+cat("Summary of Beta draws",fill=TRUE)
+## plotting examples
+plot(out$densitymix)  ## plot "fitted" density of the errors
+\keyword{ models }
diff --git a/man/rnmixGibbs.Rd b/man/rnmixGibbs.Rd
index 5f906da..ad9776b 100755
--- a/man/rnmixGibbs.Rd
+++ b/man/rnmixGibbs.Rd
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ if(0){
 ## plotting examples
diff --git a/man/rscaleUsage.Rd b/man/rscaleUsage.Rd
index 2d7a030..2a3930f 100755
--- a/man/rscaleUsage.Rd
+++ b/man/rscaleUsage.Rd
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ rscaleUsage(Data,Prior, Mcmc)
-if(nchar(Sys.getenv("LONG_TEST")) != 0) {R=1000} else {R=5} 
+if(nchar(Sys.getenv("LONG_TEST")) != 0) {R=1000} else {R=1} 
 surveydat = list(k=10,x=as.matrix(customerSat))
diff --git a/man/tuna.Rd b/man/tuna.Rd
index fb8c604..71f98ba 100755
--- a/man/tuna.Rd
+++ b/man/tuna.Rd
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-\title{Sales Data on Canned Tuna Sales}
+\title{Data on Canned Tuna Sales}
   Volume of canned tuna sales as well as a measure of display activity, log price and log wholesale price.  
-  Weekly data aggregated to the chain level.
+  Weekly data aggregated to the chain level.  This data is extracted from the Dominick's Finer Foods database
+  maintained by the University of Chicago \url{http://http://research.chicagogsb.edu/marketing/databases/dominicks/dataset.aspx}.
   Brands are seven of the top 10 UPCs in the canned tuna product category.
diff --git a/src/thetadraw.c b/src/thetadraw.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7a2b417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/thetadraw.c
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#include <R.h>
+#include <Rmath.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <Rinternals.h>
+#include <Rdefines.h>
+/* modified by rossi 7/06 to remove thetaStar argument and copy */
+/* modified by rossi 7/06 to remove theta copy and modify directly */
+/* function to make multinomial draws */
+int rmultin(double *probs, int nprob )
+	double cumprob,rnd;
+	int i;
+	GetRNGstate();
+	rnd=unif_rand();
+	cumprob=0.0;
+	for (i=0; i < nprob; i++){
+		if(rnd > cumprob && rnd <= cumprob+probs[i])
+		{ break; }
+		else
+		{cumprob=cumprob+probs[i];}
+	}
+	PutRNGstate(); 
+	return i+1 ;
+/* gets a row of a matrix and returns this as a matrix by setting dim */
+SEXP getrow(SEXP mat, int row, int nrow, int ncol){
+   int i,ind;
+   SEXP ans, ndim;
+   PROTECT(ans=NEW_NUMERIC(ncol));
+   for(i =0; i < ncol; i++){
+	   ind=i*nrow+row;
+   }
+   INTEGER_POINTER(ndim)[0]=1;
+   INTEGER_POINTER(ndim)[1]=ncol;
+   SET_DIM(ans,ndim);
+/* theta draw routine to be used with .Call */
+SEXP  thetadraw( SEXP y,  SEXP ydenmatO, SEXP indicO, SEXP q0v, SEXP p,
+	SEXP theta,  SEXP lambda, SEXP eta,
+                  SEXP thetaD, SEXP yden,
+		  SEXP maxuniqS,SEXP nuniqueS,
+                  SEXP rho) {
+   int nunique,n,ncol,j,i,maxuniq,inc,index,ii,jj,ind ;
+   SEXP R_fc_thetaD, R_fc_yden, yrow, ydim, onetheta, lofone, newrow,
+	ydenmat, ydendim ;
+   double *probs;
+   int *indmi;
+   int *indic;
+   double sprob;
+   nunique=INTEGER_VALUE(nuniqueS);
+   n=length(theta);
+   maxuniq=INTEGER_VALUE(maxuniqS);
+   /* create new lists for use and output */ 
+   PROTECT(lofone=NEW_LIST(1));
+   /* create R function call object, lang4 creates a pairwise (linked) list with
+      4 values -- function, first arg, sec arg, third arg.  R_NilValue is a placeholder until
+      we associate first argument (which varies in our case) */
+   PROTECT(R_fc_thetaD=lang4(thetaD,R_NilValue,lambda,eta));
+   PROTECT(R_fc_yden=lang4(yden,R_NilValue,y,eta));
+   PROTECT(ydim=GET_DIM(y));
+   ncol=INTEGER_POINTER(ydim)[1];
+   PROTECT(yrow=NEW_NUMERIC(ncol));
+   PROTECT(newrow=NEW_NUMERIC(ncol));
+   PROTECT(ydenmat=NEW_NUMERIC(maxuniq*n));
+   PROTECT(ydendim=NEW_INTEGER(2));
+   INTEGER_POINTER(ydendim)[0]=maxuniq;
+   INTEGER_POINTER(ydendim)[1]=n;
+   /* copy iformation from R objects that will be modified      
+      note that we must access elements in the lists (generic vectors) by using VECTOR_ELT
+      we can't use the pointer and deferencing directly like we can for numeric and integer
+      vectors */
+   for(j=0;j < maxuniq*n; j++){NUMERIC_POINTER(ydenmat)[j]=NUMERIC_POINTER(ydenmatO)[j];}
+   SET_DIM(ydenmat,ydendim); 
+   /* allocate space for local vectors */
+   probs=(double *)R_alloc(n,sizeof(double));
+   indmi=(int *)R_alloc((n-1),sizeof(int));
+   indic=(int *)R_alloc(n,sizeof(int));
+   /* copy information from R object indicO to indic */
+   for(j=0;j < n; j++) {indic[j]=NUMERIC_POINTER(indicO)[j];}
+   /* start loop over observations */
+   for(i=0;i < n; i++){
+	 probs[n-1]=NUMERIC_POINTER(q0v)[i]*NUMERIC_POINTER(p)[n-1];
+	 /* make up indmi -- vector of length n-1 consisting of -i as in R notation --
+	    1, ...,i-1, ,i+1,...,n */
+	 inc=0;
+	 for(j=0;j < (n-1); j++){
+		 if(j==i) {inc=inc+1;};
+		 indmi[j]=inc;
+		 inc=inc+1;
+	 }
+	 for(j=0;j < (n-1); j++){
+		 ii=indic[indmi[j]]; jj=i;      /* find element ydenmat(ii,jj+1) */
+		 index=jj*maxuniq+(ii-1);
+		 probs[j]=NUMERIC_POINTER(p)[j]*NUMERIC_POINTER(ydenmat)[index];
+	 }
+	 sprob=0.0;
+	 for(j=0;j<n;j++){sprob=sprob+probs[j];}
+	 for(j=0;j<n;j++){probs[j]=probs[j]/sprob;}
+	 ind=rmultin(probs,n);
+	 if(ind == n){
+                 yrow=getrow(y,i,n,ncol);
+                 SETCADR(R_fc_thetaD,yrow);   /* set the second argument to yrow -- head of the tail */
+        	 onetheta=eval(R_fc_thetaD,rho);
+                 SET_ELEMENT(theta,i,onetheta);
+		 if((nunique) > (maxuniq-1)) {error("max number of unique thetas exceeded");}
+		                             /* check to make sure we don't exceed max number of unique theta */
+	         SET_ELEMENT(lofone,0,onetheta);
+	         SETCADR(R_fc_yden,lofone);
+	         newrow=eval(R_fc_yden,rho);
+	         for(j=0;j<n; j++)
+		    { NUMERIC_POINTER(ydenmat)[j*maxuniq+nunique]=NUMERIC_POINTER(newrow)[j];}
+		 indic[i]=nunique+1;
+		 nunique=nunique+1;
+	 }
+	 else {
+		 onetheta=VECTOR_ELT(theta,indmi[ind-1]);
+		 SET_ELEMENT(theta,i,onetheta);
+		 indic[i]=indic[indmi[ind-1]];
+	 }
+    }
+    UNPROTECT(8);
+    return(nuniqueS);     /* returns argument -- function now is called for its effect on theta */

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