[segyio] 286/376: Provide SU binary/trace header field names

Jørgen Kvalsvik jokva-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Sep 20 08:04:46 UTC 2017

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jokva-guest pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository segyio.

commit 89ea6081542b78b8938e3b447945e5c9ced56697
Author: Jørgen Kvalsvik <jokva at statoil.com>
Date:   Wed May 10 09:25:25 2017 +0200

    Provide SU binary/trace header field names
    The su namespace provides aliases to binary- and trace field names with
    Seismic Unix naming where possible, simpler porting and developer
 python/CMakeLists.txt     |   3 +-
 python/segyio/__init__.py |   1 +
 python/segyio/su.py       | 144 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 python/test/segy.py       |   9 +--
 4 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/python/CMakeLists.txt b/python/CMakeLists.txt
index 0823a78..1eaba63 100644
--- a/python/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/python/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ add_python_package(pysegyio segyio
-                            segyio/tools.py
+                            segyio/tools.py
+                            segyio/su.py
diff --git a/python/segyio/__init__.py b/python/segyio/__init__.py
index c52b93f..4603e91 100644
--- a/python/segyio/__init__.py
+++ b/python/segyio/__init__.py
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ from .segysampleformat import SegySampleFormat
 from .tracesortingformat import TraceSortingFormat
 from .tracefield import TraceField
 from .binfield import BinField
+from .su import su
 from .open import open
 from .create import create
 from .segy import SegyFile, spec
diff --git a/python/segyio/su.py b/python/segyio/su.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca36446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/segyio/su.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+from segyio import Enum
+from segyio import TraceField as tf
+from segyio import BinField as bf
+class su(Enum):
+    """
+        Seismic Unix style aliases for binary and trace header fields.
+    About names:
+        Seismic Unix does not have names for all possible fields, as it came
+        around during an early revision of SEG-Y, and names for these fields
+        are created by segyio in their absence. If Seismic Unix starts
+        providing names for these fields, they will be added to these alies,
+        and in conflicts take presedence after some time. If there are no
+        conflicts, segyio names are considered for deprecation on a
+        case-by-case basis, but will most likely be supported along with the
+        Seismic Unix name-
+    """
+# trace
+    tracl  = tf.TRACE_SEQUENCE_LINE
+    tracr  = tf.TRACE_SEQUENCE_FILE
+    fldr   = tf.FieldRecord
+    tracf  = tf.TraceNumber
+    ep     = tf.EnergySourcePoint
+    cdp    = tf.CDP
+    cdpt   = tf.CDP_TRACE
+    trid   = tf.TraceIdentificationCode
+    nvs    = tf.NSummedTraces
+    nhs    = tf.NStackedTraces
+    duse   = tf.DataUse
+    offset = tf.offset
+    gelev  = tf.ReceiverGroupElevation
+    selev  = tf.SourceSurfaceElevation
+    sdepth = tf.SourceDepth
+    gdel   = tf.ReceiverDatumElevation
+    sdel   = tf.SourceDatumElevation
+    swdep  = tf.SourceWaterDepth
+    gwdep  = tf.GroupWaterDepth
+    scalel = tf.ElevationScalar
+    scalco = tf.SourceGroupScalar
+    sx     = tf.SourceX
+    sy     = tf.SourceY
+    gx     = tf.GroupX
+    gy     = tf.GroupY
+    counit = tf.CoordinateUnits
+    wevel  = tf.WeatheringVelocity
+    swevel = tf.SubWeatheringVelocity
+    sut    = tf.SourceUpholeTime
+    gut    = tf.GroupUpholeTime
+    sstat  = tf.SourceStaticCorrection
+    gstat  = tf.GroupStaticCorrection
+    tstat  = tf.TotalStaticApplied
+    laga   = tf.LagTimeA
+    lagb   = tf.LagTimeB
+    delrt  = tf.DelayRecordingTime
+    muts   = tf.MuteTimeStart
+    mute   = tf.MuteTimeEND
+    ns     = tf.TRACE_SAMPLE_COUNT
+    dt     = tf.TRACE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL
+    gain   = tf.GainType
+    igc    = tf.InstrumentGainConstant
+    igi    = tf.InstrumentInitialGain
+    corr   = tf.Correlated
+    sfs    = tf.SweepFrequencyStart
+    sfe    = tf.SweepFrequencyEnd
+    slen   = tf.SweepLength
+    styp   = tf.SweepType
+    stat   = tf.SweepTraceTaperLengthStart
+    stae   = tf.SweepTraceTaperLengthEnd
+    tatyp  = tf.TaperType
+    afilf  = tf.AliasFilterFrequency
+    afils  = tf.AliasFilterSlope
+    nofilf = tf.NotchFilterFrequency
+    nofils = tf.NotchFilterSlope
+    lcf    = tf.LowCutFrequency
+    hcf    = tf.HighCutFrequency
+    lcs    = tf.LowCutSlope
+    hcs    = tf.HighCutSlope
+    year   = tf.YearDataRecorded
+    day    = tf.DayOfYear
+    hour   = tf.HourOfDay
+    minute = tf.MinuteOfHour
+    sec    = tf.SecondOfMinute
+    timbas = tf.TimeBaseCode
+    trwf   = tf.TraceWeightingFactor
+    grnors = tf.GeophoneGroupNumberRoll1
+    grnofr = tf.GeophoneGroupNumberFirstTraceOrigField
+    grnlof = tf.GeophoneGroupNumberLastTraceOrigField
+    gaps   = tf.GapSize
+    otrav  = tf.OverTravel
+    cdpx   = tf.CDP_X
+    cdpy   = tf.CDP_Y
+    iline  = tf.INLINE_3D
+    xline  = tf.CROSSLINE_3D
+    sp     = tf.ShotPoint
+    scalsp = tf.ShotPointScalar
+    trunit = tf.TraceValueMeasurementUnit
+    tdcm   = tf.TransductionConstantMantissa
+    tdcp   = tf.TransductionConstantPower
+    tdunit = tf.TransductionUnit
+    triden = tf.TraceIdentifier
+    sctrh  = tf.ScalarTraceHeader
+    stype  = tf.SourceType
+    sedm   = tf.SourceEnergyDirectionMantissa
+    sede   = tf.SourceEnergyDirectionExponent
+    smm    = tf.SourceMeasurementMantissa
+    sme    = tf.SourceMeasurementExponent
+    smunit = tf.SourceMeasurementUnit
+    uint1  = tf.UnassignedInt1
+    uint2  = tf.UnassignedInt2
+# binary
+    jobid  = bf.JobID
+    lino   = bf.LineNumber
+    reno   = bf.ReelNumber
+    ntrpr  = bf.Traces
+    nart   = bf.AuxTraces
+    hdt    = bf.Interval
+    dto    = bf.IntervalOriginal
+    hns    = bf.Samples
+    nso    = bf.SamplesOriginal
+    format = bf.Format
+    fold   = bf.EnsembleFold
+    tsort  = bf.SortingCode
+    vscode = bf.VerticalSum
+    hsfs   = bf.SweepFrequencyStart
+    hsfe   = bf.SweepFrequencyEnd
+    hslen  = bf.SweepLength
+    hstyp  = bf.Sweep
+    schn   = bf.SweepChannel
+    hstas  = bf.SweepTaperStart
+    hstae  = bf.SweepTaperEnd
+    htatyp = bf.Taper
+    hcorr  = bf.CorrelatedTraces
+    bgrcv  = bf.BinaryGainRecovery
+    rcvm   = bf.AmplitudeRecovery
+    mfeet  = bf.MeasurementSystem
+    polyt  = bf.ImpulseSignalPolarity
+    vpol   = bf.VibratoryPolarity
+    unas1  = bf.Unassigned1
+    rev    = bf.SEGYRevision
+    trflag = bf.TraceFlag
+    exth   = bf.ExtendedHeaders
+    unas2  = bf.Unassigned2
diff --git a/python/test/segy.py b/python/test/segy.py
index e270591..c818728 100644
--- a/python/test/segy.py
+++ b/python/test/segy.py
@@ -453,6 +453,7 @@ class TestSegy(TestCase):
         with segyio.open(self.filename, "r") as f:
             self.assertEqual(1, f.header[0][189])
             self.assertEqual(1, f.header[1][TraceField.INLINE_3D])
+            self.assertEqual(1, f.header[1][segyio.su.iline])
             with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
                 f.header[0][188] # between byte offsets
@@ -493,8 +494,8 @@ class TestSegy(TestCase):
                 self.assertEqual(43, f.header[1][TraceField.INLINE_3D])
-                self.assertEqual(11, f.header[1][TraceField.CROSSLINE_3D])
-                self.assertEqual(15, f.header[1][TraceField.offset])
+                self.assertEqual(11, f.header[1][segyio.su.xline])
+                self.assertEqual(15, f.header[1][segyio.su.offset])
                 # looking up multiple values at once returns a { TraceField: value } dict
                 self.assertEqual(d, f.header[1][TraceField.INLINE_3D, TraceField.CROSSLINE_3D, TraceField.offset])
@@ -545,8 +546,8 @@ class TestSegy(TestCase):
                 f.bin = d
-                self.assertEqual(43, f.bin[BinField.Traces])
-                self.assertEqual(11, f.bin[BinField.SweepFrequencyStart])
+                self.assertEqual(43, f.bin[segyio.su.ntrpr])
+                self.assertEqual(11, f.bin[segyio.su.hsfs])
                 # looking up multiple values at once returns a { TraceField: value } dict
                 self.assertEqual(d, f.bin[BinField.Traces, BinField.SweepFrequencyStart])

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/segyio.git

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