[segyio] 342/376: Add application segyio-catr

Jørgen Kvalsvik jokva-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Sep 20 08:04:56 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jokva-guest pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository segyio.

commit 9a3cabe23091824e225d395f11308d93da1e8243
Author: erha <erha at statoil.com>
Date:   Tue Jul 25 08:09:09 2017 +0200

    Add application segyio-catr
 applications/CMakeLists.txt |  10 +
 applications/segyio-catr.c  | 537 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 applications/test/apps.py   | 166 ++++++++++++++
 man/segyio-catr.1           |  59 +++++
 4 files changed, 772 insertions(+)

diff --git a/applications/CMakeLists.txt b/applications/CMakeLists.txt
index cb19a71..121f988 100644
--- a/applications/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/applications/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -32,8 +32,18 @@ target_compile_definitions(segyio-crop PRIVATE
+add_executable(segyio-catr segyio-catr.c)
+target_link_libraries(segyio-catr segyio apputils)
+target_compile_definitions(segyio-catr PRIVATE
+    -Dsegyio_MAJOR=${segyio_MAJOR}
+    -Dsegyio_MINOR=${segyio_MINOR}
+add_python_test(applications.apps   test/apps.py)
diff --git a/applications/segyio-catr.c b/applications/segyio-catr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b91d020
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/segyio-catr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <segyio/segy.h>
+#include "apputils.c"
+static const int fields[] = {
+    SEGY_TR_SEQ_LINE                ,
+    SEGY_TR_SEQ_FILE                ,
+    SEGY_TR_FIELD_RECORD            ,
+    SEGY_TR_ENSEMBLE                ,
+    SEGY_TR_NUM_IN_ENSEMBLE         ,
+    SEGY_TR_TRACE_ID                ,
+    SEGY_TR_SUMMED_TRACES           ,
+    SEGY_TR_STACKED_TRACES          ,
+    SEGY_TR_DATA_USE                ,
+    SEGY_TR_OFFSET                  ,
+    SEGY_TR_RECV_GROUP_ELEV         ,
+    SEGY_TR_SOURCE_DEPTH            ,
+    SEGY_TR_RECV_DATUM_ELEV         ,
+    SEGY_TR_ELEV_SCALAR             ,
+    SEGY_TR_SOURCE_X                ,
+    SEGY_TR_SOURCE_Y                ,
+    SEGY_TR_GROUP_X                 ,
+    SEGY_TR_GROUP_Y                 ,
+    SEGY_TR_COORD_UNITS             ,
+    SEGY_TR_LAG_A                   ,
+    SEGY_TR_LAG_B                   ,
+    SEGY_TR_DELAY_REC_TIME          ,
+    SEGY_TR_MUTE_TIME_START         ,
+    SEGY_TR_MUTE_TIME_END           ,
+    SEGY_TR_SAMPLE_COUNT            ,
+    SEGY_TR_SAMPLE_INTER            ,
+    SEGY_TR_GAIN_TYPE               ,
+    SEGY_TR_INSTR_INIT_GAIN         ,
+    SEGY_TR_CORRELATED              ,
+    SEGY_TR_SWEEP_FREQ_END          ,
+    SEGY_TR_SWEEP_LENGTH            ,
+    SEGY_TR_SWEEP_TYPE              ,
+    SEGY_TR_TAPER_TYPE              ,
+    SEGY_TR_ALIAS_FILT_FREQ         ,
+    SEGY_TR_NOTCH_FILT_FREQ         ,
+    SEGY_TR_LOW_CUT_FREQ            ,
+    SEGY_TR_HIGH_CUT_FREQ           ,
+    SEGY_TR_LOW_CUT_SLOPE           ,
+    SEGY_TR_HIGH_CUT_SLOPE          ,
+    SEGY_TR_YEAR_DATA_REC           ,
+    SEGY_TR_DAY_OF_YEAR             ,
+    SEGY_TR_HOUR_OF_DAY             ,
+    SEGY_TR_MIN_OF_HOUR             ,
+    SEGY_TR_SEC_OF_MIN              ,
+    SEGY_TR_TIME_BASE_CODE          ,
+    SEGY_TR_WEIGHTING_FAC           ,
+    SEGY_TR_GAP_SIZE                ,
+    SEGY_TR_OVER_TRAVEL             ,
+    SEGY_TR_CDP_X                   ,
+    SEGY_TR_CDP_Y                   ,
+    SEGY_TR_INLINE                  ,
+    SEGY_TR_CROSSLINE               ,
+    SEGY_TR_SHOT_POINT              ,
+    SEGY_TR_MEASURE_UNIT            ,
+    SEGY_TR_DEVICE_ID               ,
+    SEGY_TR_SOURCE_TYPE             ,
+    SEGY_TR_UNASSIGNED1             ,
+static const char* su[91] = {
+    "tracl"   ,
+    "tracr"   ,
+    "fldr"    ,
+    "tracf"   ,
+    "ep"      ,
+    "cdp"     ,
+    "cdpt"    ,
+    "trid"    ,
+    "nvs"     ,
+    "nhs"     ,
+    "duse"    ,
+    "offset"  ,
+    "gelev"   ,
+    "selev"   ,
+    "sdepth"  ,
+    "gdel"    ,
+    "sdel"    ,
+    "swdep"   ,
+    "gwdep"   ,
+    "scalel"  ,
+    "scalco"  ,
+    "sx"      ,
+    "sy"      ,
+    "gx"      ,
+    "gy"      ,
+    "counit"  ,
+    "wevel"   ,
+    "swevel"  ,
+    "sut"     ,
+    "gut"     ,
+    "sstat"   ,
+    "gstat"   ,
+    "tstat"   ,
+    "laga"    ,
+    "lagb"    ,
+    "delrt"   ,
+    "muts"    ,
+    "mute"    ,
+    "ns"      ,
+    "dt"      ,
+    "gain"    ,
+    "igc"     ,
+    "igi"     ,
+    "corr"    ,
+    "sfs"     ,
+    "sfe"     ,
+    "slen"    ,
+    "styp"    ,
+    "stat"    ,
+    "stae"    ,
+    "tatyp"   ,
+    "afilf"   ,
+    "afils"   ,
+    "nofilf"  ,
+    "nofils"  ,
+    "lcf"     ,
+    "hcf"     ,
+    "lcs"     ,
+    "hcs"     ,
+    "year"    ,
+    "day"     ,
+    "hour"    ,
+    "minute"  ,
+    "sec"     ,
+    "timbas"  ,
+    "trwf"    ,
+    "grnors"  ,
+    "grnofr"  ,
+    "grnlof"  ,
+    "gaps"    ,
+    "otrav"   ,
+    "cdpx"    ,
+    "cdpy"    ,
+    "iline"   ,
+    "xline"   ,
+    "sp"      ,
+    "scalsp"  ,
+    "trunit"  ,
+    "tdcm"    ,
+    "tdcp"    ,
+    "tdunit"  ,
+    "triden"  ,
+    "sctrh"   ,
+    "stype"   ,
+    "sedm"    ,
+    "sede"    ,
+    "smm"     ,
+    "sme"     ,
+    "smunit"  ,
+    "uint1"   ,
+    "uint2"
+static const char* segynames[91] = {
+   "SEQ_LINE"            ,
+   "SEQ_FILE"            ,
+   "FIELD_RECORD"        ,
+   "ENSEMBLE"            ,
+   "NUM_IN_ENSEMBLE"     ,
+   "TRACE_ID"            ,
+   "SUMMED_TRACES"       ,
+   "STACKED_TRACES"      ,
+   "DATA_USE"            ,
+   "OFFSET"              ,
+   "RECV_GROUP_ELEV"     ,
+   "SOURCE_DEPTH"        ,
+   "RECV_DATUM_ELEV"     ,
+   "ELEV_SCALAR"         ,
+   "SOURCE_X"            ,
+   "SOURCE_Y"            ,
+   "GROUP_X"             ,
+   "GROUP_Y"             ,
+   "COORD_UNITS"         ,
+   "LAG_A"               ,
+   "LAG_B"               ,
+   "DELAY_REC_TIME"      ,
+   "MUTE_TIME_START"     ,
+   "MUTE_TIME_END"       ,
+   "SAMPLE_COUNT"        ,
+   "SAMPLE_INTER"        ,
+   "GAIN_TYPE"           ,
+   "INSTR_INIT_GAIN"     ,
+   "CORRELATED"          ,
+   "SWEEP_FREQ_END"      ,
+   "SWEEP_LENGTH"        ,
+   "SWEEP_TYPE"          ,
+   "TAPER_TYPE"          ,
+   "ALIAS_FILT_FREQ"     ,
+   "NOTCH_FILT_FREQ"     ,
+   "LOW_CUT_FREQ"        ,
+   "HIGH_CUT_FREQ"       ,
+   "LOW_CUT_SLOPE"       ,
+   "HIGH_CUT_SLOPE"      ,
+   "YEAR_DATA_REC"       ,
+   "DAY_OF_YEAR"         ,
+   "HOUR_OF_DAY"         ,
+   "MIN_OF_HOUR"         ,
+   "SEC_OF_MIN"          ,
+   "TIME_BASE_CODE"      ,
+   "WEIGHTING_FAC"       ,
+   "GAP_SIZE"            ,
+   "OVER_TRAVEL"         ,
+   "CDP_X"               ,
+   "CDP_Y"               ,
+   "INLINE"              ,
+   "CROSSLINE"           ,
+   "SHOT_POINT"          ,
+   "MEASURE_UNIT"        ,
+   "DEVICE_ID"           ,
+   "SOURCE_TYPE"         ,
+   "UNASSIGNED1"         ,
+static int help() {
+    puts( "Usage: segyio-catr [OPTION]... FILE\n"
+          "Print specific trace headers from FILE\n"
+          "\n"
+          "-t,  --trace=NUMBER      trace to print\n"
+          "-r,  --range=NUMBER      range of traces to print\n"
+          "-s,  --strict            fail on unreadable tracefields\n"
+          "-S,  --non-strict        don't fail on unreadable tracefields\n"
+          "                         this is the default behaviour\n"
+          "-n,  --segyio-names      print with segyio tracefield names\n"
+          "-v,  --verbose           increase verbosity\n"
+          "     --version           output version information and exit\n"
+          "     --help              display this help and exit\n"
+          "\n"
+          "The -r flag can takes up to three values; start, stop, step,\n"
+          "where all values are defaulted to zero\n"
+          "Flags -r and -t can be called multiple times\n"
+        );
+    return 0;
+static int printversion() {
+    printf( "Segyio-catr (segyio version %d.%d)\n", segyio_MAJOR, segyio_MINOR );
+    return 0;
+typedef struct { int start, stop, step; } range;
+struct options {
+    char* src;
+    range* r;
+    int rsize;
+    int verbosity;
+    int version, help;
+    int strict, labels;
+    const char* errmsg;
+enum { su_labels, segyio_labels } label_ids;
+static range fill_range( range r, int field, int val ) {
+    switch( field ) {
+        case 0: r.start = val; return r;
+        case 1: r.stop = val; return r;
+        case 2: r.step = val; return r;
+        default:
+            exit( 12 );
+    }
+static struct options parse_options( int argc, char** argv ){
+    int rallocsize = 32;
+    struct options opts;
+    opts.rsize = 0; opts.r = calloc( sizeof( range ), rallocsize );
+    opts.verbosity = 0;
+    opts.version = 0; opts.help = 0;
+    opts.strict = 0; opts.labels = su_labels;
+    opts.errmsg = NULL;
+    struct options opthelp, optversion;
+    opthelp.help = 1; opthelp.errmsg = NULL;
+    optversion.version = 1, optversion.errmsg = NULL;
+    static struct option long_options[] = {
+        { "trace",          required_argument,  0, 't' },
+        { "range",          required_argument,  0, 'r' },
+        { "segyio",         no_argument,        0, 'k' },
+        { "strict",         no_argument,        0, 's' },
+        { "non-strict",     no_argument,        0, 'S' },
+        { "verbose",        no_argument,        0, 'v' },
+        { "version",        no_argument,        0, 'V' },
+        { "help",           no_argument,        0, 'h' },
+        { 0, 0, 0, 0,}
+    };
+    static const char* parsenum_errmsg[] = { "",
+                         "num must be an integer",
+                         "num must be non-negative" };
+    opterr = 1;
+    while( true ) {
+       int option_index = 0;
+       int c = getopt_long( argc, argv, "sSkvt:r:",
+                            long_options, &option_index );
+       if( c == -1 ) break;
+       int ret;
+       switch( c ) {
+           case 0: break;
+           case 'h': return opthelp;
+           case 'V': return optversion;
+           case 'v': ++opts.verbosity; break;
+           case 's': opts.strict = 1; break;
+           case 'S': opts.strict = 0; break;
+           case 'k': opts.labels = segyio_labels; break;
+           case 'r': // intentional fallthrough
+           case 't':
+                if( opts.rsize == rallocsize ) {
+                    rallocsize *= 2;
+                    range* re = realloc( opts.r, rallocsize*sizeof( range ) );
+                    if( !re ) {
+                        opts.errmsg = "Unable to reallocate memory";
+                        return opts;
+                    }
+                    opts.r = re;
+                }
+                range* r = opts.r + opts.rsize;
+                r->start = r->stop = r->step = 0;
+                if( c == 't' ) {
+                    ret = parseint( optarg, &r->start );
+                    if( ret ) {
+                        opts.errmsg = parsenum_errmsg[ ret ];
+                        return opts;
+                    }
+                    goto done;
+                }
+               ret = sscanf(optarg," %d %d %d", &r->start,
+                                                &r->stop,
+                                                &r->step );
+               if( ret && (r->start < 0 || r->stop < 0 || r->step < 0 ) ) {
+                    opts.errmsg = "POSITIVE";
+                    return opts;
+               }
+                // if sscanf found something it consumes 1 argument, and we won't have to rewind optind
+               if( !ret ) optind--;
+               for( int pos = ret; optind < argc && pos < 3; pos++, optind++ ) {
+                    int val;
+                    ret = parseint( argv[ optind ], &val );
+                    /* parseint returns 1 when the string contains more
+                     * than an int (or not an int at all)
+                     * we assume that the remaining range parameters
+                     * were defaulted and give control back to argument parsing
+                     *
+                     * such invocations include:
+                     *   segyio-catr -r 1 foo.sgy
+                     *   segyio-catr -r 1 2 -s foo.sgy
+                     */
+                    if( ret == 0 ) *r = fill_range( *r, pos, val );
+                    if( ret == 1 )  goto done;
+                    if( ret == 2 ) {
+                        opts.errmsg = parsenum_errmsg[ ret ];
+                        return opts;
+                    }
+                }
+                done: ++opts.rsize; break;
+           default: return opthelp;
+       }
+    }
+    if( argc - optind != 1 ) {
+        errmsg( 0, "Wrong number of files" );
+        return opthelp;
+    }
+    opts.src = argv[ optind ];
+    if( opts.rsize == 0 ) opts.rsize = 1;
+    return opts;
+int main( int argc, char** argv ) {
+    struct options opts = parse_options( argc, argv );
+    if( opts.help ) return help();
+    if( opts.version ) return printversion();
+    if( opts.errmsg ) return errmsg( EINVAL, opts.errmsg );
+    int strict = opts.strict;
+    const char** labels;
+    switch( opts.labels ) {
+        case su_labels: labels = su; break;
+        case segyio_labels: labels = segynames; break;
+        default: labels = su; break;
+    }
+    for( range* r = opts.r; r < opts.r + opts.rsize; ++r ) {
+        if( r->start > r->stop && strict )
+            return errmsg( -3, "Range is empty" );
+    }
+    char trheader[ TRHSIZE ];
+    char binheader[ BINSIZE ];
+    segy_file* src = segy_open( opts.src, "r" );
+    if( !src )
+        return errmsg2( errno, "Unable to open src", strerror( errno ) );
+    int err = segy_binheader( src, binheader );
+    if( err )
+        return errmsg( errno, "Unable to read binheader" );
+    int samnr = segy_samples( binheader );
+    int trace_bsize = segy_trace_bsize( samnr );
+    long trace0 = segy_trace0( binheader );
+    int numtrh;
+    err = segy_traces( src, &numtrh, trace0, trace_bsize );
+    if( err )
+        return errmsg( errno, "Unable to determine number of traces in file" );
+    for( range* r = opts.r; r < opts.r + opts.rsize; ++r ) {
+        if( r->stop == 0 ) r->stop = r->start;
+        if( r->step == 0 ) r->step = 1;
+    }
+    for( range* r = opts.r; r < opts.r + opts.rsize; ++r ) {
+        for( int i = r->start; i <= r->stop; i += r->step ) {
+            if( i > numtrh && strict )
+              return errmsg2( errno, "Unable to read traceheader",
+                                     "out of range" );
+            if( i > numtrh ) break;
+            err = segy_traceheader( src, i - 1, trheader, trace0, trace_bsize );
+            if( err )
+                return errmsg( errno, "Unable to read trace header" );
+            for( int j = 0; j < 91; j++ ) {
+                int f;
+                segy_get_field( trheader, fields[j], &f );
+                printf( "%s\t%d\n", labels[j], f );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    free( opts.r );
+    segy_close( src );
+    return 0;
diff --git a/applications/test/apps.py b/applications/test/apps.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e08450f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/test/apps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+from unittest import TestCase
+import subprocess
+class appTest(TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.file_path = "../python/test-data/small.sgy"
+        self.cmd_base = ".././applications/segyio-catr"
+        self.ref_list = [
+                    b'tracl\t0',
+                    b'tracr\t0',
+                    b'fldr\t0',
+                    b'tracf\t0',
+                    b'ep\t0',
+                    b'cdp\t0',
+                    b'cdpt\t0',
+                    b'trid\t0',
+                    b'nvs\t0',
+                    b'nhs\t0',
+                    b'duse\t0',
+                    b'offset\t1',
+                    b'gelev\t0',
+                    b'selev\t0',
+                    b'sdepth\t0',
+                    b'gdel\t0',
+                    b'sdel\t0',
+                    b'swdep\t0',
+                    b'gwdep\t0',
+                    b'scalel\t0',
+                    b'scalco\t0',
+                    b'sx\t0',
+                    b'sy\t0',
+                    b'gx\t0',
+                    b'gy\t0',
+                    b'counit\t0',
+                    b'wevel\t0',
+                    b'swevel\t0',
+                    b'sut\t0',
+                    b'gut\t0',
+                    b'sstat\t0',
+                    b'gstat\t0',
+                    b'tstat\t0',
+                    b'laga\t0',
+                    b'lagb\t0',
+                    b'delrt\t0',
+                    b'muts\t0',
+                    b'mute\t0',
+                    b'ns\t0',
+                    b'dt\t0',
+                    b'gain\t0',
+                    b'igc\t0',
+                    b'igi\t0',
+                    b'corr\t0',
+                    b'sfs\t0',
+                    b'sfe\t0',
+                    b'slen\t0',
+                    b'styp\t0',
+                    b'stat\t0',
+                    b'stae\t0',
+                    b'tatyp\t0',
+                    b'afilf\t0',
+                    b'afils\t0',
+                    b'nofilf\t0',
+                    b'nofils\t0',
+                    b'lcf\t0',
+                    b'hcf\t0',
+                    b'lcs\t0',
+                    b'hcs\t0',
+                    b'year\t0',
+                    b'day\t0',
+                    b'hour\t0',
+                    b'minute\t0',
+                    b'sec\t0',
+                    b'timbas\t0',
+                    b'trwf\t0',
+                    b'grnors\t0',
+                    b'grnofr\t0',
+                    b'grnlof\t0',
+                    b'gaps\t0',
+                    b'otrav\t0',
+                    b'cdpx\t0',
+                    b'cdpy\t0',
+                    b'iline\t2',
+                    b'xline\t20',
+                    b'sp\t0',
+                    b'scalsp\t0',
+                    b'trunit\t0',
+                    b'tdcm\t0',
+                    b'tdcp\t0',
+                    b'tdunit\t0',
+                    b'triden\t0',
+                    b'sctrh\t0',
+                    b'stype\t0',
+                    b'sedm\t0',
+                    b'sede\t0',
+                    b'smm\t0',
+                    b'sme\t0',
+                    b'smunit\t0',
+                    b'uint1\t0',
+                    b'uint2\t0']
+    def test_segycatr_argparse_t(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, "-t 5", self.file_path]
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+    def test_segycatr_argparse_r1(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, "-r 5", self.file_path]
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+    def test_segycatr_argparse_r2(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, "-r 1 2", self.file_path]
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+    def test_segycatr_argparse_r3(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, "-r 1 2 3", self.file_path, "-r 5 6"]
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+    def test_segycatr_argparse_r_multiple(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, "-r 1", "5", "2", self.file_path, "-r 1 2"]
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+    def test_segycatr_argparse_r_t(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, "-r 1 2", self.file_path, "-t 5"]
+        subprocess.check_call(cmd)
+    def test_segycatr_output_t(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, self.file_path, "-t 6"]
+        res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+        res_list = res.split(b"\n")
+        for i in range(len(self.ref_list)):
+            self.assertEquals(self.ref_list[i], res_list[i])
+    def test_segycatr_output_r1(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, self.file_path, "-r 6"]
+        res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+        res_list = res.split(b"\n")
+        for i in range(len(self.ref_list)):
+            self.assertEquals(self.ref_list[i], res_list[i])
+    def test_segycatr_output_r2(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, self.file_path, "-r 1 6"]
+        res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+        res_list = res.split(b"\n")
+        for i in range(len(self.ref_list)):
+            self.assertEquals(self.ref_list[i], res_list[i+455])
+    def test_segycatr_output_r3(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, self.file_path, "-r 5 7 1"]
+        res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+        res_list = res.split(b"\n")
+        for i in range(len(self.ref_list)):
+            self.assertEquals(self.ref_list[i], res_list[i+91])
+    def test_segycatr_output_r_multiple(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, self.file_path, "-r 1 2", "-r 6 7"]
+        res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+        res_list = res.split(b"\n")
+        for i in range(len(self.ref_list)):
+            self.assertEquals(self.ref_list[i], res_list[i+182])
+    def test_segycatr_output_r_t(self):
+        cmd = [self.cmd_base, self.file_path, "-r 4 9", "-t 12"]
+        res = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+        res_list = res.split(b"\n")
+        for i in range(len(self.ref_list)):
+            self.assertEquals(self.ref_list[i], res_list[i+182])
diff --git a/man/segyio-catr.1 b/man/segyio-catr.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d685a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/segyio-catr.1
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+segyio-catr \- Print selected headers from FILE
+.B segyio-catr
+.B segyio-cath
+Print selected traceheaders from SEG-Y file FILE
+The flag\fB-r\fR takes up to three vales; START, STOP, STEP, which is a closed inteval from START to STOP.
+The third value STEP can be specified to print i.e. every other trace in the interval. All values are defaulted to zero.
+Flags \fB-r\fR and \fB-t\fR can be called multiple times.
+Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
+.BR \-t ", " \-\-trace =\fINUMBER\fR
+trace(s) to print
+.BR \-r ", " \-\-range=\fINUMBER\fR
+trace to print from
+.BR \-s ", " \-\-strict
+fail on unreadable tracefields
+.BR \-S ", " \-\-non-strict
+don't fail on unreadable tracefields
+this is the default behavior
+.BR \-n ", " \-\-segyio-names
+print with segyio tracefield names
+.BR \-v ", " \-\-verbose
+increase verbosity
+.BR \-\-version
+output version information and exit
+.BR \-\-help
+display this help and exit
+Copyright © Statoil ASA. License LGPLv3+: GNU LGPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html>.
+This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/segyio.git

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