Bug#651997: python-dolfin: unknown symbol: wrapper_dgesv_

Andreas Kloeckner inform at tiker.net
Tue Dec 20 17:32:05 UTC 2011

On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 02:46:51 +1000, Conrad Sand <conradsand.fb at gmail.com> wrote:
> In bug 651997
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=651997
> libarmadillo2 is listed as version "2.2.5+dfsg-1", which implies that
> the header files for armadillo have been updated to a later version,
> but not the run-time library.  Otherwise it's impossible to obtain the
> "undefined symbol: wrapper_dgesv_" error.  In turn this suggests a
> packaging problem.
> To fix this issue, just make sure that the system uses the same
> version of the header files as the version of the run-time library.
> Specifically, this means if Armadillo 2.4.2 is used, both the headers
> _and_ the run-time library must be at version 2.4.2.

Shouldn't the dependencies save me from shooting myself in the foot like
that, somehow ?


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