Bug#1040942: rosbash: Most binary tools (roscd, rosd, rosls, ....) are unavailable in this package

Jochen Sprickerhof jspricke at debian.org
Mon Jul 31 08:57:31 BST 2023

Hi Dima,

* Dima Kogan <dkogan at debian.org> [2023-07-12 11:37]:
>Hello. I'm using the package from bookworm. rosbash
>The "rosbash" package should provide several commandline tools,
>documented here:
>  http://wiki.ros.org/rosbash
>But only "rosrun" is provided in the package.
>This is because most of the tools are not binaries, but are shell
>functions. These are supposed to be defined in
>/usr/share/rosbash/rosbash, but our rosbash package does not ship this
>file. This file exists in the package sources in tools/rosbash/rosbash,
>but it is not installed anywhere. This is the bug.
>Our package does reference the tools (we include all the tab
>completions). And the package scripts ask for it:
>  dima at fatty:$ source /usr/share/rosbash/catkin_env_hook/15.rosbash.bash
>  bash: /usr/share/rosbash/rosbash: No such file or directory
>So if we install that file, that would probably fix this bug.

The file is installed as:


So we could adopt the path in 15.rosbash.bash. But I wonder if we should 
rather source that file by default.
Up to 1.15.8-1 (buster) rosbash installed that file into 
/etc/bash_completion.d/rosbash and it was sourced automatically when 
bash-completion was activated. In 1.15.8-1 this was changed to 
/usr/share.. because the /etc patch is deprecated (afair) but 
bash-completion does not source those files automatically anymore.
The only option I found is adding a link in /etc/profile.d/.
for fish, tcsh and zsh the respective files are sourced automatically 
already, so we should probably remove the corresponding 

Btw. ros-noetic-rosbash contains:




But I'm not sure when either are used, does someone know?

Cheers Jochen
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