[xml/sgml-pkgs] Bug#262395: ah, nice problem...

Francesco Paolo Lovergine Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie@debian.org>, 262395@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 1 Jun 2005 15:22:07 +0200

I found the same problem on my desktop at work and my laptop.
xmltex wrongly suppose the efmt is available:

cat /etc/texmf/fmt.d/40xmltex.cnf 
xmltex          tex     language.dat    &latex xmltex.ini
pdfxmltex       pdftex  language.dat    &pdflatex pdfxmltex.ini

cat  /usr/share/texmf/tex/xmltex/templates/40xmltex.cnf
xmltex          etex    language.dat    &latex xmltex.ini
pdfxmltex       pdfetex language.dat    &pdflatex pdfxmltex.ini

Apparently last update did not fix for some reason (dunno why, surely I
did not altered those files, so update simply fails to do it itself)

So, postinst wrongly suppose that fmtutil --all will create a .efmt file.
A decent hack should check for .fmt or .efmt presence or force both
formats creationi, without relying on current configuration... 
That could be a tetex-bin issue or a xmltetex one.
For sure I see jadetex check one of them, and maybe it has sense. 

Francesco P. Lovergine