[Logcheck-commits] CVS logcheck/debian

CVS User maks-guest logcheck-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Sat, 18 Sep 2004 15:39:14 -0600

Update of /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/debian
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv23421/debian

Modified Files:
Log Message:

should resolv #271482,
leaving it open out of interest for the '[[' contra '[' isssue.

--- /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/debian/changelog	2004/09/18 21:24:30	1.215
+++ /cvsroot/logcheck/logcheck/debian/changelog	2004/09/18 21:39:14	1.216
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
   * Small fixes: join 2 lines in ignore.d.server/postfix, add '^' for 
     start-of-line ignore.d.server/scponly (Closes: #270398)
   * Small rule update oidentd (Closes: #271286)
+  * Exit with meaning full error if logcheck has not the permissions
+    to read its offsetfiles.