[Nut-upsdev] Liebert GXT2 NUT driver - patch, multiple fixes

Arjen de Korte nut+devel at de-korte.org
Sat Apr 10 19:43:32 UTC 2010

Citeren Spiros Ioannou <sivann op gmail.com>:

> 1) new way to initialize model, firmware etc. variables, the strok way
> failed because some vars had spaces. (e.g. model "Liebert NX")

Thanks for this patch. I adopted this idea and committed a slightly  
modified version to the development version.

> 2) new multipliers for: frequency, nominal power. I get correct readings
> now, before I had 500 Hz, and 200VA and now it's ok for me. Test with your
> models.

I would like to get some upsc output (latest development version, no  
patches) from Liebert NX and GXT2 owners before committing this. I'm  
not quite sure we got everything right now. Check *all* returned  
values from the upsc output if they are reasonable. If not, provide  
the debug output (-DDD) as well to see the raw output from the UPS.

> 3) added battery temperature

Committed, thanks.

> 4) removed battery.charge. BATTERY_CAPACITY != charge, BATTERY_CAPACITY
> means how much the battery has lost its original energy capacity from aging.

Same as the above.

Note that we prefer to break up patches to contain only a single  
modification. So it would have been better to break up this change in  
four patches, each changing one of the above.

I also noticed you changed the 'ups.temperature' to  
'ambient.temperature'. Note that this change requires an external  
sensor to be attached to the UPS, otherwise we consider this to be the  
device (UPS) temperature.

Best regards, Arjen
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