[Nut-upsdev] New driver for ASEM UPS

Charles Lepple clepple at gmail.com
Wed May 28 12:20:59 UTC 2014

On May 28, 2014, at 3:01 AM, Giuseppe Corbelli wrote:

> Hi all
> I'm developing a NUT driver for a custom UPS found on ASEM PB 1300 devices
> (http://www.asem.it/prodotti/industrial-automation/box-pcs/performance/pb1300/)
> It's based on some custom charger and a bq2060 battery monitor, talk to it on i2c bus.

Looks interesting!

> I will have something usable in a few days. Got some questions/considerations, though:
> *) interested in integrating into NUT?

Yes, we're happy to help integrate. For less common devices, we might ask for some testing assistance later if there is a change to the way drivers operate, but once you submit the driver, we will try to keep things building properly.

> *) would you prefer a pull request on github or a patch here?

Either way works for us. The Github pull requests and issues are better for things that we might not get to immediately, but when adding a new driver, there is usually a lot of discussion on either the pull request or the mailing lists. It's up to you.

> *) I would patch configure to add a --with-i2c option

Are you using an I2C library? If so, it might be good to use the name of that library in the flag. Originally, our --with-ssl flag implied OpenSSL, but several years ago we started adding NSS support as well, and the flags got complicated.

If it is a Linux-specific i2c implementation, something like --with-linux-i2c might be better.

> *) Linux only, on Windows there's vendor provided software.

Not a problem, although if it does not support *BSD, we should document that as well. At the moment, nobody has stepped up to do anything other than minor maintenance on the Windows port of NUT, so I don't think that will be a problem.

Charles Lepple
clepple at gmail

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