[Nut-upsuser] Any word on when the ietf mib will be fixed for liebert?

Maurice Volaski mvolaski at aecom.yu.edu
Mon Jul 27 20:18:23 UTC 2009

At 9:11 AM +0200 7/27/09, Arnaud Quette wrote:
>2009/7/27 Maurice Volaski 
><<mailto:mvolaski at aecom.yu.edu>mvolaski at aecom.yu.edu>
>This mib used to work, so is there a way to go back to the version 
>prior to this one without downgrading the whole package?
>yes, only take the snmp-ups driver from the previous working release.

2.2.2 and 2.0.5 also complain but with fewer errors. 1.5.15 does not 
complain, so it's the one I added. Oddly, this old version doesn't 
seem to like that /var/state/ups directory is owned by user nut. I 
had to manually pass "-u nut" to upsdrvctl to get it to work.

Anyway, now that the script is starting, I'm seeing "failed - got 
[ERR ACCESS-DENIED]" errors  from upsmon, and I don't know why. I 
noted that the configuration has changed. It seems ACLs and ACCEPT 
are no longer used and have been replaced with LISTEN, but I have set 

>provide us back with an SNMP walk so that we can check the exact 
>issue and find a suitable solution.
>this might have something to do with the ".0" suffix...
>starting with the RFC1628 MIB entry point (ie is sufficient.

mib- = STRING: "Liebert Corporation"
mib- = STRING: "GXT2-2000RT120                "
mib- = STRING: "GXT2MR15E-2K3K                "
mib- = STRING: "2.200.1"
mib- = STRING: "upswallleft"
mib- = INTEGER: 2
mib- = INTEGER: 0
mib- = INTEGER: 6
mib- = INTEGER: 100
mib- = INTEGER: 553
mib- = Counter32: 0
mib- = INTEGER: 1
mib- = INTEGER: 600
mib- = INTEGER: 114
mib- = INTEGER: 3
mib- = INTEGER: 600
mib- = INTEGER: 1
mib- = INTEGER: 120
mib- = INTEGER: 112
mib- = INTEGER: 600
mib- = INTEGER: 1
mib- = INTEGER: 114
mib- = Gauge32: 0
mib- = OID: mib-
mib- = INTEGER: 1
mib- = INTEGER: 6
mib- = ""
mib- = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
mib- = INTEGER: 0
mib- = INTEGER: 1
mib- = INTEGER: 0
mib- = INTEGER: 0
mib- = INTEGER: 0
mib- = INTEGER: 1
mib- = INTEGER: 120
mib- = INTEGER: 600
mib- = INTEGER: 120
mib- = INTEGER: 600
mib- = INTEGER: 2000
mib- = INTEGER: 2
mib- = INTEGER: 2

Maurice Volaski, mvolaski at aecom.yu.edu
Computing Support, Rose F. Kennedy Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

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