[Nut-upsuser] Eaton NV 1000H in nut's hardware compatibility list

Arnaud Quette ArnaudQuette at Eaton.com
Wed Sep 16 12:22:39 UTC 2009

Hi Vitor,

please, keep the list cc'ed since other might interested in (either the
solution, or their 2 cents to the discussion). Moreover, knowing that
I'm not an author of the megatec / blazer drivers, things might be
obvious to these guys and not to me...

Le mardi 15 septembre 2009 à 20:29 -0300, Vitor Choi Feitosa a écrit :
>         - a driver debug output to check some more things, ie:
>         $ /path/to/megatec_usb -DDDDD -a eaton

I realise that I completely forgot to tell you to test blazer_usb, which
will soon replace the megatec ones.
the best would be to give it a quick shot through the development tree,
without installing anything (inplace testing).

> # /lib/nut/megatec_usb -DDDDD -a eaton
> Network UPS Tools 2.2.1- - Megatec protocol driver 1.5.13
> [megatec_usb]
> Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003-2007
> Serial-over-USB transport layer for Megatec protocol driver
> [megatec_usb]
> Andrey Lelikov (c) 2006, Alexander Gordeev (c) 2006-2007, Jon Gough
> (c) 2007
> (...)
> Calculated battery charge: 90.0%
> Signal 2: exiting
>         - the device USB VendorID and ProductID (as shown by lsusb)
> # lsusb -v -s 1:6
> (...)

I've never played with this protocol, but it seems that you will have to
use the various parameters to finalise its setup:
mfr, model and battvolts in ups.conf

first try blazer since iirc, it's more smart.
>         - when fully charged (ie online for some time), does
>         battery.charge
>         reaches 100 % ? otherwise, we'll have to use the battvolts
>         parameter.
> This is hard to tell. I've been using this UPS for less than a week an
> I constantly see its status on OL BOOST (i don't know if it uses
> battery power to boost the voltage or just sucks in more current from
> the wall). Besides that I've never seen it going beyond 90% of battery
> charge but I believe it's by design because tha manual states that it
> takes around 8 hours to charge from full discharge to 90% (maybe for
> safety reasons?).
> Anyway, I'll set up a script to collect data on the ups and in a few
> days we should have an answer.

you should really take a look at blazer's manpage:

Linux/Unix Expert R&D - Eaton - http://www.eaton.com/mgeops
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org
Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/

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