[Nut-upsuser] battery.charge and other fixes needed for X-Power Tigra 1kVA

Arnaud Quette aquette.dev at gmail.com
Thu May 24 11:09:40 UTC 2012

2012/5/24 Tmima Pliroforikis Perifereiakis Enotitas Pierias
<pliroforiki at pieria.pkm.gov.gr>:
> Hello Arnaud and all,

Hi Michail,

> just a bump/heads up to check whether my previous message that contained a
> log from running shutdown.return, using the blazer_ser driver...

you did well!

looking at the log, shutdown.return is well sent to the device.
the UPS then send "ACK", which is interpreted as a failure by the
driver (if anything is read back, this is the command that is echoed
back so a failure).
in the present Bestups case, the attached patch should fix the
situation, while not causing regression.
@Fred: can you please recompile blazer_ser, with the patch, and send
it to Michail?

we then see that the UPS has triggered FSD from status data, which
should imply that the UPS has indeed executed the command.

now, what is missing from your answer is whether the UPS actually did
its shutoff (poweroff) or not.
so if the command actually succeeded or not.
note that some units need to be on battery for this to actually work...

once Fred has provided you the new binary, please do the same tests
and send back the output trace.

Linux / Unix Expert R&D - Eaton - http://powerquality.eaton.com
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Project Leader - http://www.networkupstools.org/
Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org
Free Software Developer - http://arnaud.quette.free.fr/

> If something more is needed, please do not hesitate to ask...
> Tmima Pliroforikis Perifereiakis Enotitas Pierias wrote:
>> Arnaud Quette wrote:
>>> sure. so:
>>> - stop everything (driver, upsd and upsmon)
>>> - there, you will probably *want* to shutdown your windows system, and
>>> unplug your box from the UPS.
>>> You will otherwise crash your system! So prefer to use some dumb load,
>>> such as a light bulb, to confirm your UPS is off.
>>> - start "blazer_ser -DDDDD -a ups1" in a dedicated console
>>> - then, in another console, start upsd (just launch 'upsd' without any
>>> args)
>>> - in the same console, launch "upscmd -u<user...> -p<password...>
>>> ups1 shutdown.return"
>>> - this should shutdown the UPS 30 seconds later, and restart it 3
>>> minutes later.
>>> I'm interested in blazer_ser output, specifically when the upscmd is
>>> received by the driver.
>>> If you happen to send the whole output, please *compress* it (we have
>>> a 40 Kb limit on the list...)
>>> Once done, stop again blazer_ser and upsd, and restart
>> Please find attached the log, in 7z format. Let me know if I can provide
>> something else as well.
>> BR,
>> Michail.-
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