[Nut-upsuser] ondelay parameter does not work with NUT on Raspbian and Eaton 5E850iUSBDIN UPS

Bartosz bartoszmail at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 22:18:55 BST 2019


I have the Eaton 5E850iUSBDIN UPS connected via USB to a Raspberry Pi 3B+.
It seems that everything but the ondelay parameter works so far.

when I test the setup with this command:
upsmon -c fsd

The NUT server makes the NUT clients shut down properly and the Raspberry
Pi running the NUT server shuts down correctly too. The problem is that
after UPS shuts down, it immediatelly brings the power back so the
Raspberry Pi has less than a second to be without power and the Raspberry
Pi power supply does not go completely off preventing the Pi from booting
again. Pi is then stuck powered off. Because of that the NUT server does
not come up again and it remains in that state.

I tested the same configuration by cutting off the power coming to the UPS
and causing it to discharge to 10% and then NUT powered down the machines
and the Pi running the NUT server, but after connecting the power back to
the UPS within 2 seconds, the ondelay parameter did not work as well and
the UPS immediatelly brought the power back to the devices causing the same
problem with the Pi getting stuck powered off (because the Pi's power
supply still was providing some current in the mean time: from power cut
off on UPS outlets to power back on the outlets after reconnecting the UPS
to the wall.

Can someone help me with this? Might there be a bug somewhere?

I have the following configuration in the ups.conf file:

maxretry = 3

driver = usbhid-ups
port = auto
desc = "Eaton 5E850iUSBDIN "
offdelay = 60
ondelay = 80
lowbatt = 33

Raspberry Pi runs
Raspbian Stretch with desktop and recommended software
Debian Stretch
Version: *November 2018*
Release date: *2018-11-13*
Kernel version: *4.14*

Versions of nut packages:

libups-nut-perl/stable 2.7.4-5 all
nut-cgi/stable 2.7.4-5 armhf
nut-client/stable,now 2.7.4-5 armhf [installed,automatic]
nut-doc/stable 2.7.4-5 all
nut-ipmi/stable 2.7.4-5 armhf
nut-monitor/stable 2.7.4-5 all
nut-nutrition/stable 20.1-2 armhf
nut-nutrition-data/stable 20.1-2 all
nut-powerman-pdu/stable 2.7.4-5 armhf
nut-server/stable,now 2.7.4-5 armhf [installed]
nut-snmp/stable 2.7.4-5 armhf
nut-xml/stable 2.7.4-5 armhf
NUT installation method:
apt install nut

upsc output:

battery.charge: 72
battery.runtime: 562
battery.type: PbAc
device.mfr: EATON
device.model: 5E 850i
device.type: ups
driver.name: usbhid-ups
driver.parameter.lowbatt: 33
driver.parameter.offdelay: 60
driver.parameter.ondelay: 80
driver.parameter.pollfreq: 30
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2
driver.parameter.port: auto
driver.parameter.synchronous: no
driver.version: 2.7.4
driver.version.data: MGE HID 1.39
driver.version.internal: 0.41
input.voltage: 244.0
outlet.1.status: on
outlet.desc: Main Outlet
outlet.id: 1
outlet.switchable: no
output.frequency: 49.9
output.frequency.nominal: 50
output.voltage: 242.0
output.voltage.nominal: 230
ups.beeper.status: enabled
ups.delay.shutdown: 60
ups.firmware: 03.08.0018
ups.load: 34
ups.mfr: EATON
ups.model: 5E 850i
ups.power.nominal: 850
ups.productid: ffff
ups.start.battery: yes
ups.status: OL
ups.timer.shutdown: -1
ups.vendorid: 0463

Thank you for help!
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