[PKG-Openstack-devel] Bug#770706: keystone.service does not start, /var/run/keystone not created

Mikaël Cluseau mcluseau at isi.nc
Wed Dec 3 21:38:02 UTC 2014

On 12/04/2014 03:52 AM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Let's see what the release team says.

Thanks Thomas.

Aside from this, I took a look at how they did in Fedora.

Here is their unit file:

Description=OpenStack Identity Service (code-named Keystone)
After=syslog.target network.target

ExecStart=/usr/bin/keystone-all --config-file 
/usr/share/keystone/keystone-dist.conf --config-file 


So, we can use multiple config files, this allows the same granularity 
as the /etc/default/* way. They also use the Type=notify clause. Their 
keystone-dist.conf has the following DEFAULT section:

log_file = /var/log/keystone/keystone.log
onready = keystone.common.systemd

To mimic the current genericity of our init-script, we could use 
something like

ExecStart=... --config-file /usr/share/keystone/keystone-systemd.conf 
--config-file /etc/openstack.conf --config-file /etc/keystone/keystone.conf

with the same global section in 
/usr/share/keystone/keystone-systemd.conf. One can then use 
/etc/openstack.conf to switch back to syslog or stdout or stderr or 
whatever she wants globally.

Obviously, this is for post-jessie anyway.


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