[pkg-apparmor] Bug#919775: Bug#919775: apparmor: AppArmor denies new mesa-related paths

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Sun Jan 27 13:57:30 GMT 2019

Control: tag -1 + pending

Vincas Dargis:
> MR is prepared:
> https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/merge_requests/308

Thanks, cherry-picked.

> I hope this gets into Buster. I guess these kind of fixes are allowd until
> final freeze,


> or even later?

Given the amount of extra work involved (for the release team and us
both) by going through the freeze exception process, the only valid
candidates after the freeze are fixes for important user-visible
issues. So in this case for example, if the impact is merely "noise in
the logs", that's not a candidate. But if the impact is "without
access to /usr/share/drirc.d/00-mesa-defaults.conf, apps are seriously
broken", then it could be a candidate.


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