[pkg-bacula-devel] Handling DB Upgrades for 11

Carsten Leonhardt leo at debian.org
Wed Dec 23 10:10:45 GMT 2020


Sven Hartge <sven at svenhartge.de> writes:

> Carsten, the SQL extractor was written (or at least last touched) by you, 
> so you can provide the most input here.

It looks like I wrote it ;-)  The previous stuff was written in perl,
which I'm not fluent enough in.

> I currently lean towards the approach to patch upstreams upgrade files and 
> remove every branching path that is not used by us, for example the ones 
> upgrading from 5.x or 7.x to 11, as those could only happen when a user 
> tries to upgrade from Debian 8 or 9 directly to Debian 11, which is 
> something not supported by Debian as a whole.

Your idea to patch the script would work yes.

Alternatively we can have dbconfig-common call it for the update. I've
avoided that route because of possible problems with database
authentication for running the upgrade. I've never tried it, though. It
would then go to:


Another idea I just had would be to patch comments into upstream's
script that can be used as markers that let our scripts find the correct
parts we need.

 - Carsten

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