[Pkg-electronics-devel] gEDA 1.6.0 packages (and packaging)

أحمد المحمودي aelmahmoudy at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Nov 20 13:32:30 UTC 2009

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 11:38:05PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 01:20:50AM +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:
> > Offtopic: Gah.. Evolution seems to be doing a bad job of displaying the
> > RTL script in your name, Ahmed!

I think Evoluation could be behaving correclty according to Unicode 5.0
standard (which isn't so perfect as far as I know).

> Mutt is displaying it fine on emails I receive directly from Ahmed or
> via pkg-electronics-devel, but I notice it is displayed incorrectly on
> the messages I receive from mentors.debian.net. I suspect it is
> corrupting it - do you see the same thing Ahmed?

Actually I didn't notice how mentors.debian.net sends it.

> > I'm not completely sure how it _should_ display, but I would presume the
> > correct thing is it displaying to the right of the associated email
> > address portion?

Erm, that's really hard to answer. See, when you have some text, where 
the main context is english, but there is some arabic, then if some 
sentence (or line) started with an arabic word, should the whole 
sentence start from the right ? The answer should be no, or else the 
text would look really funny, but what matters is that the arabic alone 
should be rendered correctly from right to left.

> I am seeing the usual "Name <address>" format here.

I'm using mutt too, and that's how I see it.

 ‎أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
  Digital design engineer
 GPG KeyID: 0xEDDDA1B7 (@ subkeys.pgp.net)
 GPG Fingerprint: 8206 A196 2084 7E6D 0DF8  B176 BC19 6A94 EDDD A1B7

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