[Pkg-fonts-devel] Amiri 0.106 fails to build on Debian

Barry Schwartz chemoelectric at chemoelectric.org
Thu Jul 11 07:42:31 UTC 2013

FYI the latest commit of the ‘new’ Sorts Mill Tools can build Sorts
Mill fonts if configured with --enable-fontforge-compatibility and
--enable-legacy-sortsmill-tools. One may have to do ‘autoreconf -i’ on
the font sources first, to get the correct version of sortsmill.m4.

This stuff is not ready for prime-time (in particular, there should be
no need for --enable-fontforge-compatibility), but I mention it to
show why I went ahead and called the new software Sorts Mill Tools. It
isn’t quite entirely different software from the old Tools, but rather
will replace it as the software for building Sorts Mill fonts. But
there is no schedule for that.

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