Poppler: DEP-8 tests for PDF signing

John Scott jscott at posteo.net
Thu Jul 27 18:14:33 BST 2023


I think PDF signing is just the bee's knees, so I want to write an autopkgtest or two checking that Poppler can generate signatures using its backends and then that they can be verified using MuPDF.

Before I get to work, I have a couple questions.

 - If I write the tests, would you be willing to merge them?

 - The newest upstream release of Poppler exposes PDF signature support in the GLib API which might be important for fine-grained control over signature verification with self-signed certificates in my test program, and furthermore supports a new backend using GPGME for making the signature instead of NSS (although this requires GnuPG 2.4). Will the new Poppler be uploaded to experimental anytime soon so I can leverage that functionality, or would my efforts be better directed at writing a test for what is in unstable?

Happy Poppler-ing,
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