[pkg-fso-maint] Team maintenance

Luca Capello luca at pca.it
Tue Aug 26 14:54:17 UTC 2008

Hi Joachim!

On Tue, 26 Aug 2008 16:21:30 +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 26.08.2008, 12:01 +0200 schrieb Luca Capello:
>> I'd go further and establish a(nother) policy: all the
>> Openmoko/FSO-related packages should be under the pkg-fso umbrella, with
>> single "uploaders" [1] who act as "maintainers" [1].
> I have thought about this too, but I’d like to postbone this discussion
> for a few weeks of wild and unpolicied maintenance.

Sure :-)

> Just by then we can probably have a good overview of the packaging and
> maintenance needs – whether we have a lot of packages, or not, whether
> they are diverse, and how much manpower there is.

Now that you wrote it, especially "diverse", I fully agree.  My major
fear is that people will start packaging various applications that
don't integrate well with pkg-fso.  Something like a rush simply because
Debian is available for the FreeRunner...

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
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