[pkg-fso-maint] "ImportError: No module named ..." -- python totally broken

arne anka openmoko at ginguppin.de
Tue Apr 14 19:27:10 UTC 2009

i noticed it first with reportbug, but after a reboot it happens with  
allthings python:
whatever i try to start (most notably frameworkd, of course), it fails  
with ImportError: No module named ... where the module varies depending on  
the app.

i checked my sd card with fsck.ext3, i reinstalled some relevant packages,  
but to no avail.

so far python2.5 and pythion2.6 are installed (python2.6 after  
experiencing the issue because i thougt it possible that something  
required 2.6 without saying so).

i am not quite sure, what exactly happend -- and even less, what to do  
about that.

any help is highly appreciated.

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