[pkg-fso-maint] fsousaged does not start

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Fri Jan 15 22:24:02 UTC 2010

On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 21:50:45 +0100, Heiko Stübner wrote:

> Am Freitag 15 Januar 2010 21:46:54 schrieb arne anka:
> > just upgraded to the new fsousaged in debian, but it doesn't start.
> > all i get is
> > is this related to the splitting of configfiles or did
> > /etc/frameworkd.conf once again change w/o notice?
> yep this is the config split mentioned in in my "breakage ahead" mail :-)

Not sure if my situation is better:
fsousaged starts and then suspends the FR every minute; very
annoying, especially since resuming doesn't always work.

*** /tmp/fsousaged.log ***
2010-01-15T21:21:47.358468Z UsageController [INFO] <7 resources>: >>>>>>> KERNEL SUSPEND

lowlevel_type = none
leads to

2010-01-15T21:39:49.096401Z UsageController [INFO] <7 resources>: >>>>>>> KERNEL SUSPEND
2010-01-15T21:39:49.103224Z FsoUsageNullLowLevel [WARNING] : NullLowlevel::suspend() - this is probably not what you want
2010-01-15T21:39:49.103653Z UsageController [INFO] <7 resources>: <<<<<<< KERNEL RESUME
2010-01-15T21:39:49.104015Z FsoUsageNullLowLevel [WARNING] : NullLowlevel::resume() - this is probably not what you want
2010-01-15T21:39:49.104438Z UsageController [INFO] <7 resources>: Resume reason seems to be FSO_USAGE_RESUME_REASON_Unknown

(and killing the network without suspending. and X is also more dead
than alive.)

Same with "lowlevel_type = kernel26", at least it doesn't seem to kill
the network.

And several reboots later "lowlevel_type = openmmoko" seems to be
the same, i.e. log entries without actions. Or with only killing the

No, one reboot laster "lowlevel_type = openmmoko" suspends again.


Not related but while we're there:
I also got a dbus error about an unknown user default, the following
seems to fix this:

diff --git a/dbus-1/system.d/phonefsod.conf b/dbus-1/system.d/phonefsod.conf
index f4fcfc5..486c183 100644
--- a/dbus-1/system.d/phonefsod.conf
+++ b/dbus-1/system.d/phonefsod.conf
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    <policy user="default">
+    <policy context="default">
         <allow own="org.shr.phonefso.Usage"/>
         <allow send_path="/org/shr/phonefso/Usage"/>
         <allow send_destination="org.shr.phonefso.Usage"/>


And what is writing
xset:  unable to open display "localhost:0"
into my ~/.xsession-errors
every minute?


The only thing that still surprises me is that the FR can get even
more borken after each upgrade.

gregor, deeply frustrated
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