Bug#430617: Specifying Multiplayer server host has funky results if you type with the 10-key keypad.

Brandon winterknight at nerdshack.com
Tue Jun 26 00:57:21 UTC 2007

Package: openarena
Version: 0.6.0-2
Severity: Normal

Typing in an IP address for a multiplayer game in openarena has funky
results if you type with the 10-key keypad. If you type "1, 3, 9, or
6", it behaves as you expect. If you type 2, the selector moves down;
despite num-lock being on, it behaves as if you pressed down.
Additionally, it types a "2" in the port number. If you type "8", the
selector moves to "Fight". If you type "4", it will replace the current
digit with "4." If you type "7", it will replace the second digit with
"7". Other keys also behave funky. The problem is, basically, that if
numlock is on, it treats the 10-key keypad keys as both numbers and
navigation keys.

To reproduce:

1) Make sure numlock is on
2) Start open arena
3) Select multiplayer
4) Select "Local" game
5) Select specify (at bottom of screen)
6) Start typing something like "", using the 10-key keypad


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