sdlBasic - makefile needed

Miriam Ruiz little_miry at
Mon Feb 18 16:39:40 UTC 2008

--- Paulo Silva <nitrofurano at> escribió:

> hi!

Hi :)

> sdlBasic is needing a makefile, and getting their sources formated as
> compatible with Debian norms

Even though it's more elegant, I don't think there's any norm saying that the
building system should depend on makefiles. In fact there are a lot of
packages  that don't. Having said this, anyway, I guess that GNU Make is quite
a nice building system.

> Since this mailing list is plenty of game packagers, maybe mostly SDL
> experimented, do someone can help this?

It seems that sdlBasic goes towards some quick n dirty building system based
in shell scripts, which in turn end up calling some makefiles:

cd sdlBasic
cd ..
cd sdlBrt
make os=linux
cd ..
cd sdlBrt/SDLengine
make os=linux
cd ../..
cd sdlBrt/BASengine
make os=linux
cd ../..
cd sdlBrt/unzip
make os=linux
cd ../..

cd scintilla/gtk
cd ../../gtk
cd ../

I guess that a global makefile doing something like the follofing commands
would do:

$(MAKE) -C sdlBasic/scintilla/gtk
$(MAKE) -C sdlBasic/gtk
$(MAKE) -C sdlBrt os=linux
$(MAKE) -C sdlBrt/SDLengine os=linux
$(MAKE) -C sdlBrt/BASengine os=linux
$(MAKE) -C sdlBrt/unzip os=linux

Of course, the whole building system is kind of a mess, is upstreaming willing
to change it?

> Thanks a lot in advance! :-)


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Pkg-games-devel at :)

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