Bug#490670: goplay: implement button "start this application"

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Wed Feb 8 02:27:45 UTC 2012

[Petter Reinholdtsen]
> To avoid changing the GUI, I propose to make clicking on the screen shot
> start the application.  With a tooltip when hovering over the screen
> shot telling the user that clicking on it will start the program (for
> installed packages) should tell users how to start the program.
> To figure out how to start the application, I suggest checking the
> installed package for any .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/.
> If such desktop file is found, use its content/rules to start the
> application.  If no such desktop file is found, goplay will not start
> anything (most packages have such desktop file already).  I'm not quite
> sure what to do if more than one .desktop file is found, but I suggest
> starting the one with the name as the package if such file exist.
> Is this an acceptable design for you?

I really hope for some feedback on this design draft.

I looked for existing C++ code to parse .desktop files, and found
libxdgutils/ in <URL: http://gitorious.org/xdg-autostart/ > which seem
to do most of what is needed.  The KDE libraries have lots of
dependencies that it is probably best to avoid.  Mentioning it here
for future reference.  The license seem to be BSD-like.
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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