Bug#672935: Installing lib32asound2-plugins solved it

Etienne Millon etienne.millon at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 12:05:41 UTC 2012

* Sven Joachim <svenjoac at gmx.de> [120624 12:21]:
> Regarding libao, there's #638741 requesting it to be converted to
> multiarch.  That seems to be the only real obstacle to installing
> zsnes:i386 on amd64, since the other dependencies are already
> multiarchified.
> >> After all, the lib32* packages are supposed to be completely removed
> >> in the long term (IIRC).
> Probably ia32-libs-dev is going away in wheezy already, making zsnes
> unbuildable on amd64.

If #638741 is solved, or ia32-libs-dev goes away for wheezy, I agree
that it's better to remove the amd64 version of zsnes.

> > That won't happen for wheezy, but (I believe) probably for wheezy+1.
> As maintainer of such a biarch beast (ncurses), I very much hope that
> this will happen.  Getting rid of zsnes:amd64 would be a small step in
> that direction.

Thanks for your advice, I was not sure about how to proceed. Bi-arch
packages are quite rare, there's not a lot of documentation about
these "beasts" :)

Etienne Millon

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