PPA for lgogdownloader

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 11:26:07 UTC 2015


I've setup a PPA for a friend that's been using linux again after a +10 year hiatus.

He's using the Ubuntu derivative recommendend for his 1000€ soundcard,
and is happy "everything just works", can't nitpick on that ;-)


There are also snasphots of GDP.

I've used once with success the ubuntu .deb for game-data-packager on RaspBian
because it was FTFBS-ing there at the time (segfault in Inkscape).

#!/bin/sh -e
(cd game-data-packager; git checkout debian/changelog)
date=$(date +%Y%m%d)
version=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -l game-data-packager/debian/changelog -S Version)
echo DATE:$date
echo VERSION:$version
echo SNAPSHOT:$snapshot

# TODO: /usr/share/distro-info/ubuntu.csv

(cd game-data-packager; dch -D trusty -v 43~git$(date +%Y%m%d)LTS -b "Git snapshot")
(cd game-data-packager; debuild -S)
dput my-ppa game-data-packager_${snapshot}LTS_source.changes
(cd game-data-packager; git checkout debian/changelog)
rm -v game-data-packager_${snapshot}*

(cd game-data-packager; dch -D wily -v 43~git$(date +%Y%m%d) -b "Git snapshot")
(cd game-data-packager; debuild -S)
dput my-ppa game-data-packager_${snapshot}_source.changes
(cd game-data-packager; git checkout debian/changelog)
rm -v game-data-packager_${snapshot}*

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