Bug#1045356: game-data-packager: Can't package GOG version of wolf3d.

Martin Dosch martin at mdosch.de
Wed Aug 16 08:42:53 BST 2023

Hi Alexandre,

On 13.08.2023 22:47, Alexandre Detiste wrote:
>The GOG file should be named setup_wolfenstein_3d_1.4_(28045).exe
>or something similar.

The GOG setup file didn't work, that's why I unpacked it and tried the 
wolf3d.exe instead.

>Alternatively you can point to a directory containing the *.WL6 files,
>maybe it's "/home/martin/GOG Games/Wolfenstein 3D/",
>I can't guess.

Ah, pointing to the directory indeed works. Thank you very much. :)

Best regards,
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