Bug#1062872: mgba: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition

Ryan Tandy ryan at nardis.ca
Sun Feb 4 00:34:14 GMT 2024

Hi Graham,

Would it be possible to configure the analysis tool to skip the 
headers under /usr/include/mgba-util/platform/*/?

The appropriate platform header is included automatically by 
<mgba-util/threading.h>, in our case that's 
<mgba-util/platform/posix/threading.h> and the other ones require 
various foreign SDK headers.

I'm testing a fix for libmgba-dev to not install the foreign headers, 
but in the mean time, I'm wondering if the analyzer could just skip 
those ones, since we know including them will fail.

Is a MR against https://salsa.debian.org/vorlon/armhf-time_t the right 
place to proceed?


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