Bug#225763: gnome-jabber: segfaults in preference dialog.

Philipp Weis Philipp Weis <pweis@pweis.com>, 225763@bugs.debian.org
Sat, 3 Jul 2004 20:11:58 +0200

On 03 Jul 2004, Gustavo R. Montesino <grmontesino@ig.com.br> wrote:
> This bug seems to have been fixed in the last version (0.4-1) of
> gnome-jabber. It was closed and fixed by the upstream author.
> May you please confirm if you can't reproduce it anymore?

I have removed gnome-jabber a while ago from my system. I just
reinstalled it and was greeted with a dialog to set my account data.
After entering my data there and clicking ok, gnome-jabber segfaulted
again. I am unable to reproduce this segfault, though.

The preference dialog seems to be ok right now. No segfaults in there
any more.

Philipp Weis          pweis@pweis.com
Freiburg, Germany     http://pweis.com/