Bug#256683: gtk2-engines-industrial: unable to install, due to symlink problem

Margarita Manterola Margarita Manterola <marga@marga.com.ar>, 256683@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 00:24:42 -0300

Hola Josselin Mouette!

> > > Could you please send me the result of the following command?
> > > 	update-alternatives --list x-cursor-theme
> > ulises:/home/marga# update-alternatives --list x-cursor-themes
> > ulises:/home/marga#
> There's a typo in your command. It's "x-cursor-theme".

Oh.  So, sorry!
Here is the correct output:

ulises:/home/marga# update-alternatives --list x-cursor-theme

ulises:/home/marga# ls -l /usr/share/themes/Industrial/cursor.theme
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           33 2004-06-01 14:46

Besos,          ,''`.
       Marga   : :' :
               `. `' 