Bug#290916: important or grave?

Václav Šmilauer Václav Šmilauer , 290916@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 1 Mar 2005 18:23:46 +0100

> So we really need more information in order to decide whether or not
> this bug is RC.  I apologize for any trouble I may have caused by
> downgrading it.
If it is just here that it happens, I definitely consder it important,
not grave (RC). Not "normal" though, unless the cause is explained.

It has not happened for a few weeks now, so I suspect it was really the
effect of umounting remote media. I am still hoping someone
understanding how gdm works behind scenes (how are processes spawned and
interdependent wrt waiting for other process to finish), which signals
are caught etc.) will make some comment. If the observed behavior does
not happen at all any more (I do _not_ think so, anyways), I will
suggest flagging it unconfirmed.

Thanks, Vaclav Smilauer