Bug#534943: reportbug: python / GTK error about being unable to open display when used from console

Jakub Wilk ubanus at users.sf.net
Mon Jun 29 21:54:21 UTC 2009

* Sandro Tosi <morph at debian.org>, 2009-06-29, 23:14:
>> Importing a module might be useful even if the module did not "work", as you
>> could still:
>> - Import it to ensure that it is *installed*. (And if it were not, instruct
>> the user to install python-something.)
>> - Import it to inspect the module contents (e.g. read docstrings).
>Ok, so don't issue a warning at import time (because it still could be
>interesting have a "limited functionalities" module loaded) but raise
>an exception the very moment you're calling a method needing DISPLAY.

That would be a perfectly acceptable solution to me.

Jakub Wilk

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