Bug#605544: Cloning to mutter

brian m. carlson sandals at crustytoothpaste.net
Wed Dec 1 00:15:51 UTC 2010

clone 605544 -1
retitle -1 mutter: spews massive amounts of text to console
reassign -1 mutter

I've looked more at the output, and the problem is worse than I thought.
Any programs that are started from gnome-shell automatically write to
the terminal as well.  gnome-shell should definitely redirect its output
somewhere else, perhaps calling daemon(3).

This bug has been cloned to mutter for its part in prattling about

Transcript for mutter:

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'ShellGenericContainer' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StBin' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'ClutterGroup' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'ShellGenericContainer' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StBin' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'ClutterGroup' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

(mutter:9774): Clutter-WARNING **: The actor 'StDrawingArea' is currently inside an allocation cycle; calling clutter_actor_queue_relayout() is not recommended

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | http://www.crustytoothpaste.net/~bmc | My opinion only
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