Bug#680723: #680723 gnome-bluetooth: filetransfer fails

Steve White stevan.white at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 30 15:28:21 UTC 2012

Hi, this may illuminate the problem.

I'm seeing a very similar problem between my Ubuntu system 12.04 and a
Samsung GT-I5500 running Android.
File transfer fails exactly as described.

However I have another phone, a Nokia C5 running Symbian;
file transfers to that phone from the Linux system go without problem.

So I transfered exactly the same file from the Symbian phone to the
Android, and...
the Android asks for *confirmation*!!!
When I confirm the file on the Android, the transfrer proceeds without problem.

The Android never asked for confirmation when I sent the file from Linux.
(Neither did the Nokia...)

This would seem to indicate something is amiss with negotiating the
file transfer protocol.
Evidently, the Android is saying "hold on while I get confirmation",
and gnome-bluetooth is
interpreting that as a failure.


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