Bug#722231: gnome-common: Consider the new automake 1.14

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Mon Sep 9 21:37:44 UTC 2013

severity 722231 serious

Am 09.09.2013 11:28, schrieb Eugen Dedu:
> The problem is that automake 1.14 has just appeared and it is not taken
> into account by autogen.sh.  Adding 1.14 to the following lines of
> autogen.sh solves the issue:

Given that automake 1.14 is now the default in sid, I'm raising the
severity, since we need to fix this. We can cherry-pick upstream commit
cfaa608653c47b20ea92706da573d1b19df47227 or poke upstream to release a
new tarball.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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