Bug#747210: gdm3: fails to restart X server after first logout, screen blank

Vincent Lefevre vincent at vinc17.net
Wed May 14 16:27:28 UTC 2014


On 2014-05-14 18:09:05 +0200, Laurent Bigonville wrote:
> Some questions:
> 1) Are you using systemd as PID1?

No, I still use sysvinit. However I have systemd-shim installed.

> 2) Could you check that pam_systemd.so is called
>    in /etc/pam.d/common-session

It seems so. /etc/pam.d/common-session contains:

# here are the per-package modules (the "Primary" block)
session [default=1]                     pam_permit.so
# here's the fallback if no module succeeds
session requisite                       pam_deny.so
# prime the stack with a positive return value if there isn't one already;
# this avoids us returning an error just because nothing sets a success code
# since the modules above will each just jump around
session required                        pam_permit.so
# and here are more per-package modules (the "Additional" block)
session required        pam_unix.so 
session optional        pam_systemd.so 
session optional                        pam_ck_connector.so nox11
# end of pam-auth-update config

(I haven't modified any of the /etc/pam.d files.)

> 3) Could you attach here the output of loginctl command.

Via ssh, with the old (working) gdm3 running:

ypig:~> loginctl
   SESSION        UID USER             SEAT            
         4       1000 vlefevre         seat0           
         6       1000 vlefevre                         
        13       1000 vlefevre         seat0           
        32        105 Debian-gdm       seat0           

4 sessions listed.

Do you need the output with the new gdm3 running too?

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent at vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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