Bug#518069: #518069 - D-Bus daemon is auto-spawned several times upon login

Tanguy Ortolo tanguy+debian at ortolo.eu
Fri May 16 09:22:47 UTC 2014

althaser, 2014-05-14 16:40+0100:
>this is an old bug.

A demon of the ancient world indeed. :-)

>Could you please still reproduce this issue with newer gnome-session
>version like or 3.8.4-4 ?

I have mostly stopped using GNOME for years, but I used it from time to 
time, and I do remember being able to launch it with xinit without any 
problem. As far as I remember, running `xinit /usr/bin/gnome-session` 
has been working fine for years.


: /` )   Tanguy Ortolo      <xmpp:tanguy at ortolo.eu>
| `-'    Debian Developer   <irc://irc.oftc.net/Tanguy>
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