Bug#744249: libgtk-3-0: gtk 3.12 breaks usability by forcing client side decorations on X11

Matti Hamalainen ccr at tnsp.org
Tue May 27 06:49:08 UTC 2014

The above mentioned patch did not do it for me, sub-windows/dialogs
were still CSD'd on WindowMaker at least. However, after some work,
I came up with the attached patch.

It's not very clean, but provides an environment variable-togglable
setting to disable CSD and headerbars. There are also some things missed 
by it at the moment, some dialogs may still get a CSD "close" button.

It's also possible that this patch breaks something, due to my very 
limited testing (I basically only use Transmission-GTK, Gnumeric and 
Abiword with Gtk+3) ...

To enable, set environment variable GTK_DISABLE_CSD=1

I'll probably continue work on the remaining inconsistencies at
some point, but maybe this patch will help some other people in
the meanwhile.

] ccr/TNSP ^ pWp  ::  ccr tnsp org  ::  http://tnsp.org/~ccr/
] PGP key: 7BED 62DE 898D D1A4 FC4A  F392 B705 E735 307B AAE3
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