Bug#1026076: gnome-software: Download size is unknown for apps from Debian archive

Matthias Klumpp mak at debian.org
Wed Dec 14 15:04:03 GMT 2022


Am Mi., 14. Dez. 2022 um 11:51 Uhr schrieb Danial Behzadi
<dani.behzi at ubuntu.com>:
> [...] It couldn't be so hard to fix this as we already
> have download size for packages in apt lists and it could be even port
> to upstream. [...]

It's actually not that easy, because a package has a bunch of
dependencies that would be needed to be included in the total download
size, so we would need to resolve the dependency graph for the
to-be-installed package first, and then calculate the total, which
isn't that fast.
That being said, it can be done (as a background task if it may take
longer), or we could display only the size of the currently referenced
package. At least the latter should already be the case, and
PackageKit has that information, so it's a bit odd that it isn't


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