Bug#1010725: Since some weeks, gimp icons are displays as identical cross

Klaus Ethgen Klaus at ethgen.de
Sat May 21 09:02:40 BST 2022


I have some additional informations.

Now I found the setting for the icon theme. The error happens with the
"Color" theme (/usr/share/gimp/2.0/icons/Color) that is default. Also
all other except "Legacy" are broken. (Symbolic, Symbolic-High-Contrast,
Symbolic-Inverted, Symbolic-Inverted-High-Contrast)

So with "Legacy I can live now. (With that, I also find a setting to
switch back from the not so nice dark scheme, that is default for some
time, to default (system) scheme, that is bright and much more nice to
my eyes.)

Klaus Ethgen                                       http://www.ethgen.ch/
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16            Klaus Ethgen <Klaus at Ethgen.ch>
Fingerprint: 85D4 CA42 952C 949B 1753  62B3 79D0 B06F 4E20 AF1C
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