Bug#1060803: gnome-software: Please don't depend on `software-properties-gtk`

Julian juliannfairfax at protonmail.com
Tue Jan 16 17:18:46 GMT 2024

> That is false, GNOME Software on Debian does depend on s-p-gtk. The
> reason this was implemented is that the PackageKit repository
> preferences dialog does not cover all the options needed on a Debian
> system, and especially not when used on an Ubuntu system.
> Instead of giving users an inferior and possibly broken way of
> adjusting package sources, we'd rather provide them with a proper
> selection dialog.

That is a notable endeavour, but I don't see why it has to be forced on GNOME Software users in this way. It would be entirely possible to install the app without overriding the way GNOME Software works, or simply to recommend it rather than requiring it.

> Certainly not, Debian's job is to integrate software to form a
> cohesive operating system, and adding/removing dependencies, changing
> compiler flags that affect dependency selection and applying
> integration patches is an integral part of that.

For mobile devices, this actually makes the experience of using Debian worse. s-p-gtk is not an adaptive app, and there is no way to prevent it from overriding GNOME Software's functionality, or to uninstall it without also being forced to uninstall GNOME Software along with it.
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