[pkg-go] ITP: golang-gopkg-flosch-pongo2.v3 -- Django-syntax like template-engine for Go

Clément Hermann nodens at nodens.org
Tue Nov 21 11:48:45 UTC 2017

[wrong CC address... Sorry, need more sleep !]

On Sun, 19 Nov 2017 18:45:21 +0100 <clement.hermann at virtua.ch> wrote:
> Hi !
> On Tue, 4 Oct 2016 15:30:00 +0100 Jonathan Dowland <jmtd at debian.org>

> > This is a dependency for LXD and is being packaged via the pkg-go team.
> It's actually the last one beside golang-gopkg-lxc-go-lxc.v2-dev.
> Any ETA ? I saw the repository under pkg-go, is there any way I can help ?

When I wanted to build the package, I realized it's not using
git-buildpackage, as the other Go packages do.

Is it intentional, or do you plan to use graft or something like that to
rewrite history and have the proper branches ? I had a look at it, and
I'm not really comfortable enough with git
to do it without messing things up, so I wonder what the options are.



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