[DebianGIS-dev] Maintainership of gdal in debian

Silke Reimer Silke.Reimer at intevation.de
Wed Oct 5 08:43:47 UTC 2005


First of all I am sorry that I havn't react to all gdal relevant
emails for a long time. I had contact off-list to a few of you about
2 weeks ago and wanted to send an email to this list with a
proposition how to proceed with the maintainership of gdal in
debian. Due to several constraints (preparing a fair, problems with
our mailserver, illness) I couldn't write this email in meantime.

As you surely have realized I have very limited time to maintain the
gdal package in a way that is sufficient for the demands -
especially since gdal is a very important package. Therefore I would
like to propose a maintainership for gdal as this has been done for
grass: officially debianGIS is the maintainer and there are several
co-maintainers who prepare the different packages.

In my opinion Claudio would be a good choice to co-maintain the
package - but it would be great if there are even more volunteers
and I am open for any other suggestions.

What do you think? And what would I have to do to change the
maintainer field if we decide to have gdal maintained by debianGIS?

Many greetings,


BTW: I am currently on a GIS fair where we have an own booth. I
still can read emails but it can take a few hours to read or to
write emails. It took me 1 hour to write this short email. 

Intevation GmbH

Georgstrasse 4                    49074 Osnabrück, Germany
http://intevation.de              http://intevation.de/~silke
FreeGIS.org                       http://freegis.org/
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