[owslib] 02/11: Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.1'

Johan Van de Wauw johanvdw-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 24 20:32:11 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

johanvdw-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository owslib.

commit 4223205154378418219320c403d192097bff1e6d
Merge: 15791b5 e26c983
Author: Johan Van de Wauw <johan at vandewauw.be>
Date:   Mon Sep 14 22:16:36 2015 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.1'
    Upstream version 0.9.1

 .travis.yml                                        |    25 +
 OWSLib.egg-info/PKG-INFO                           |   126 -
 OWSLib.egg-info/SOURCES.txt                        |    60 -
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 OWSLib.egg-info/top_level.txt                      |     1 -
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 docs/_static/nasa_modis_terra_truecolour.jpg       |   Bin 0 -> 15498 bytes
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 etc/debian/compat                                  |     1 +
 etc/debian/control                                 |    13 +
 etc/debian/copyright                               |    32 +
 etc/debian/format                                  |     1 +
 etc/debian/pycompat                                |     1 +
 etc/debian/rules                                   |     7 +
 examples/csw-client.py                             |   158 +
 examples/csw-harvest.py                            |    58 +
 examples/iso-getcodelist.py                        |    62 +
 examples/wcs-thredds-prism.py                      |    31 +
 examples/wfs-wei-script.py                         |    29 +
 examples/wps-birdhouse.py                          |    95 +
 examples/wps-ceda-script.py                        |    44 +
 examples/wps-client.py                             |   137 +
 examples/wps-pml-script-1.py                       |    49 +
 examples/wps-pml-script-2.py                       |    40 +
 examples/wps-usgs-script.py                        |   111 +
 owslib/__init__.py                                 |     2 +-
 owslib/crs.py                                      |     3 +
 owslib/etree.py                                    |     3 +-
 owslib/feature/wfs100.py                           |    32 +-
 owslib/feature/wfs200.py                           |     7 +-
 owslib/interfaces.py                               |    25 +-
 owslib/iso.py                                      |    19 +-
 owslib/util.py                                     |     9 +-
 owslib/wms.py                                      |     4 +-
 owslib/wps.py                                      |   126 +-
 requirements.txt                                   |     3 +-
 setup.cfg                                          |     5 -
 {owslib => tests}/__init__.py                      |     3 +-
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 tests/doctests/csw_geoserver.txt                   |    10 +
 tests/doctests/csw_linz.txt                        |    65 +
 tests/doctests/csw_ngdc.txt                        |    37 +
 tests/doctests/csw_nlr.txt                         |    73 +
 tests/doctests/csw_pycsw.txt                       |    25 +
 tests/doctests/csw_pycsw_skip_caps.txt             |    23 +
 tests/doctests/csw_skgeodsy.txt                    |    21 +
 tests/doctests/csw_uuid_constrain.txt              |   120 +
 tests/doctests/fes_ogc_filters.txt                 |   140 +
 tests/doctests/iso_codelist.txt                    |    17 +
 tests/doctests/iso_creation.txt                    |    43 +
 tests/doctests/iso_parse.txt                       |    29 +
 tests/doctests/namespaces.txt                      |    57 +
 tests/doctests/ows_interfaces.txt                  |   143 +
 tests/doctests/sml_52n_network.txt                 |    74 +
 tests/doctests/sml_ndbc_station.txt                |   113 +
 tests/doctests/sos_10_getcapabilities.txt          |   322 +
 tests/doctests/sos_10_ndbc_getobservation.txt      |    60 +
 tests/doctests/sos_ngmp.txt                        |   206 +
 tests/doctests/sos_ngwd.txt                        |   218 +
 tests/doctests/swe_common_20.txt                   |    89 +
 tests/doctests/tms.txt                             |   118 +
 tests/doctests/wcs_idee.txt                        |    38 +
 tests/doctests/wcs_thredds.txt                     |    96 +
 tests/doctests/wfs1_generic.txt                    |   116 +
 tests/doctests/wfs2_generic.txt                    |    52 +
 tests/doctests/wfs2_storedqueries.txt              |    15 +
 tests/doctests/wfs_MapServerWFSCapabilities.txt    |   106 +
 tests/doctests/wfs_MapServerWFSFeature.txt         |    21 +
 tests/doctests/wfs_USDASSURGO.txt                  |    10 +
 tests/doctests/wml10_cuahsi.txt                    |    43 +
 tests/doctests/wml11_cuahsi.txt                    |   156 +
 tests/doctests/wms_GeoServerCapabilities.txt       |    96 +
 tests/doctests/wms_JPLCapabilities.txt             |   116 +
 tests/doctests/wms_MesonetCapabilities.txt         |    92 +
 tests/doctests/wms_TelaCapabilities.txt            |    92 +
 tests/doctests/wms_geoserver_mass_gis.txt          |   112 +
 tests/doctests/wmts.txt                            |    43 +
 tests/doctests/wmts_EOSDISWMTSCapabilities.txt     |   203 +
 tests/doctests/wmts_SFSWorldWMTSCapabilities.txt   |   240 +
 tests/doctests/wmts_geoserver21.txt                |   152 +
 tests/doctests/wps_describeprocess_ceda.txt        |    51 +
 tests/doctests/wps_describeprocess_usgs.txt        |   121 +
 tests/doctests/wps_execute.txt                     |    45 +
 tests/doctests/wps_execute_invalid_request.txt     |    32 +
 tests/doctests/wps_getcapabilities_52n.txt         |    43 +
 tests/doctests/wps_getcapabilities_ceda.txt        |    71 +
 tests/doctests/wps_getcapabilities_usgs.txt        |    47 +
 tests/doctests/wps_request2.txt                    |    50 +
 tests/doctests/wps_request3.txt                    |    47 +
 tests/doctests/wps_request4.txt                    |    27 +
 tests/doctests/wps_request5.txt                    |    27 +
 tests/doctests/wps_request6.txt                    |    27 +
 tests/doctests/wps_request7.txt                    |    27 +
 tests/doctests/wps_request8.txt                    |    27 +
 tests/doctests/wps_request9.txt                    |    26 +
 tests/doctests/wps_response6.txt                   |    53 +
 .../9250AA67-F3AC-6C12-0CB9-0662231AA181_dc.xml    |    42 +
 .../9250AA67-F3AC-6C12-0CB9-0662231AA181_dif.xml   |   121 +
 .../9250AA67-F3AC-6C12-0CB9-0662231AA181_fgdc.xml  |   179 +
 .../9250AA67-F3AC-6C12-0CB9-0662231AA181_iso.xml   |   436 +
 ...9250AA67-F3AC-6C12-0CB9-0662231AA181_marc21.xml |    91 +
 tests/resources/cuahsi_example_all_sites.xml       |   257 +
 tests/resources/cuahsi_example_get_siteinfo_10.xml |     1 +
 tests/resources/cuahsi_example_get_values.xml      |  1545 +
 tests/resources/cuahsi_example_get_values_10.xml   |     2 +
 tests/resources/cuahsi_example_get_variables.xml   |  1072 +
 .../resources/cuahsi_example_siteinfo_multiple.xml |  1897 +
 tests/resources/eosdis-wmts-cap.xml                |  1334 +
 tests/resources/erdas-iws-wmts-cap.xml             |     2 +
 tests/resources/erdas-iws13-wmts-cap.xml           |     2 +
 tests/resources/geoserver21-wmts-cap.xml           | 24216 +++++++
 tests/resources/gmxCodelists.xml                   |  1879 +
 tests/resources/iso_xml_srv.xml                    |   639 +
 tests/resources/mapserver-wfs-cap.xml              |   491 +
 tests/resources/mapserver-wfs-schema.xml           |   126 +
 tests/resources/sfs-wmts-cap-world.xml             |   471 +
 tests/resources/sml_52N_network.xml                |  2923 +
 tests/resources/sml_ndbc_station.xml               |   158 +
 tests/resources/sos_52n_getcapabilities.xml        |  1754 +
 tests/resources/sos_ncSOS_getcapabilities.xml      |   146 +
 tests/resources/sos_ndbc_getcapabilities.xml       | 26286 +++++++
 tests/resources/sos_ngmp.xml                       |   898 +
 tests/resources/sos_ngwd.xml                       |   285 +
 .../resources/swe_ioos_multistation_timeseries.xml |   491 +
 tests/resources/wfs_CUZK_GetCapabilities_2_0_0.xml |   291 +
 tests/resources/wfs_HSRS_GetCapabilities_1_1_0.xml |   253 +
 tests/resources/wms_JPLCapabilities.xml            |   386 +
 tests/resources/wms_Telascience.xml                |   130 +
 tests/resources/wms_geoserver-cap.xml              |   174 +
 tests/resources/wms_mass_gis-caps.xml              | 67634 +++++++++++++++++++
 tests/resources/wms_mesonet-caps.xml               |   139 +
 tests/resources/wps_52nCapabilities.xml            |   102 +
 tests/resources/wps_CEDACapabilities.xml           |   254 +
 tests/resources/wps_CEDADescribeProcess.xml        |    36 +
 tests/resources/wps_EmuExecuteRequest7.xml         |     1 +
 tests/resources/wps_EmuExecuteRequest8.xml         |     1 +
 tests/resources/wps_EmuExecuteRequest9.xml         |     1 +
 tests/resources/wps_PMLExecuteRequest4.xml         |     1 +
 tests/resources/wps_PMLExecuteRequest5.xml         |     1 +
 tests/resources/wps_PMLExecuteRequest6.xml         |     1 +
 tests/resources/wps_PMLExecuteResponse5.xml        |    21 +
 tests/resources/wps_PMLExecuteResponse6.xml        |    43 +
 tests/resources/wps_USGSCapabilities.xml           |   126 +
 tests/resources/wps_USGSDescribeProcess.xml        |   225 +
 tests/resources/wps_USGSExecuteInvalidRequest.xml  |   131 +
 .../wps_USGSExecuteInvalidRequestResponse.xml      |     1 +
 tests/resources/wps_USGSExecuteRequest1.xml        |     1 +
 tests/resources/wps_USGSExecuteRequest2.xml        |     1 +
 tests/resources/wps_USGSExecuteRequest3.xml        |     1 +
 tests/resources/wps_USGSExecuteResponse1a.xml      |    15 +
 tests/resources/wps_USGSExecuteResponse1b.xml      |   109 +
 tests/scratch/.gitkeep                             |     1 +
 tests/utils.py                                     |    75 +
 tox.ini                                            |    54 +
 165 files changed, 144916 insertions(+), 389 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-grass/owslib.git

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