ITP: xsar -- xarray/dask distributed L1 sar file reader

Antonio Valentino antonio.valentino at
Wed Aug 9 07:23:44 BST 2023

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
X-Debbugs-Cc: debian-devel at, :debian-python at
Owner: Antonio Valentino <antonio.valentino at>

* Package name    : xsar
   Version         : 1.1.6
   Upstream Author : Olivier Archer, Alexandre Levieux, Antoine Grouazel <Olivier.Archer at, 
Alexandre.Levieux at, Antoine.Grouazel at>
* URL             :
* License         : MIT
   Programming Lang: Python
   Description     : Python xarray reader to use Level-1 GRD Synthetic Aperture Radar products

Binary package names: python3-xsar

  xsar is a distributed level 1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) file reader
  designed to write efficient distributed processing algorithms with xarray
  and dask.
  It currently handles Level-1 Sentinel-1 and Radarsat-2 data in SAFE format,
  as found on scihub or PEPS.
  xsar rely on xarray.open_rasterio, rasterio and GDAL to read digital_number
  from SAFE product to return an xarray.Dataset object with dask chunks.
  Luts are decoded from xml files and applied to digital_number, following
  official ESA thermal denoising document and ESA Sentinel-1 Product
  End user can directly use for example sigma0 variable, or the denoised
  sigma0 computed from digital_number and by applying relevant luts.
  Since xsar rely on dask, it have a small memory footprint: variables are
  read from file and computed only if needed.

The package will be maintained in debian-gis.

kind regards
Antonio Valentino

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