Bug#284266: Me too

Andrew Pollock Andrew Pollock <apollock@debian.org>, 284266@bugs.debian.org
Sun Jul 10 09:07:46 UTC 2005

I'm also having a bad time using grub and udev. I think the problem is
actually stemming from the way that mkinitrd is creating the initrd.

I'm using a RAID1 array, and mkinitrd is creating the array thusly:

mdadm -A /dev/md0 -R -u 91c96da9:66b866dc:3bbb9d33:92ceedc9 /dev/.static/dev/sda1 /dev/.static/dev/sdb1

I think it's the /dev/.static/dev business that is confusing things. This
device directory structure exists on the normal running system as well.



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